Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 572: I Will Miss You

Chapter 572: I Will Miss You

Gabrielle swallowed the shrimp. What's the matter?     

In what identity did Jackson order her? There was his fiancee who sat beside him.     

Billy saw that her son could peel shrimp, and she said to Richard, "Mom wants to eat the shrimp that you're peeling,"     

"Mommy, I'm chasing Gabrielle now. I'm going to peel shrimps for her first. Wait a minute."     

Billy looked at the son with tears.     

Richard saw Gabrielle putting the shrimp into her mouth one by one, immediately went to take a shrimp, and prepared to peel it for her.     

Looking at the plate, the two hands hold the same head of the shrimp. Richard found that Jackson was holding the shrimp too.     

Richard frowned at Jackson, who deliberately turned a blind eye to Richard. The two men were deadlocked. Gabrielle sat among them and watched the shrimp move over on the plate.     

What's the situation? Were they fighting for a shrimp? Didn't Jackson feel shameful when he fought for shrimp with a child?     

The point was that two people squeezed her in the middle.     

"Jackson, my woman likes shrimp. Let go of it."     

"My woman likes shrimp, too!"     

Richard looked at the shrimp picked out by Holly, "She doesn't eat shrimp."     

"I won't let it go!"     

Under the deadlock, Gabrielle had to use her leg to hit Jackson's. Jackson opened his eyes wide, and he was surprised that Gabrielle would help that kid.     

Richard took the opportunity to take the shrimp into the plate and then continued to peel the shrimp for Gabrielle. At the same time, Jackson also held a few shrimps on the plate.     

Jackson peeled the shrimps and put them on his plate. He didn't give them to anyone. Glancing at the shrimp in Jackson's hands, Richard sped peeling the shrimp in his hands.     

Jackson glanced at Richard, and his fingers began to accelerate.     

They had just fought for a shrimp, and now they were having a competition for peeling shrimps. They have peeled the shrimps in the tray.     

As soon as Jackson put down the knife, he picked up the glass from the side to drink. Gabrielle leaned slightly and whispered, "This is mine."     

Jackson put down the glass in his hand and saw a red lipstick mark on the glass.     

To avoid being discovered that he had taken the wrong glass, he wiped the lipstick with his lips.     

Gabrielle quietly brought her class to the left and found that Richard was looking at her glass.     

Gabrielle's cheeks continued to flush with embarrassment until the end of the party.     

When she came out of the door, she found the car was gone. A bodyguard in a black suit came over, "Miss Peters, I'm going to drive you home."     

Gabrielle waved her hand to refuse him. Hill walked over, "Gabrielle, please come with me."     

Did Jackson and Richard both want to take her back?     

She was afraid, looked at Jackson's car, and said to Hill, "Why should I follow you into the car? I don't know your car and the person in the car."     

Gabrielle's mobile phone received a text message from Jackson: You want to take a rocking car?     

Feeling the car was shaking in front of her, Gabrielle realized what he meant. She wanted to break the tire, but she kept a smile on her face, then took out two coins and said to Hill, "Give these two coins to your boss and tell him that it's for him to take the rocking vehicle in the amusement park."     

If Jackson wanted to take a rocking car, he could go to an amusement park.     

Gabrielle could still afford two dollars.     

With that, she reached out, stopped a taxi, and went into it.     

Hill stared at the two coins in the palm of his hand. What did the two coins mean?     

Were they secret signals to Mr. Oliver?     

When did they play such a brain-burning game?     

Hill opened the car door doubtfully and handed over the two coins to Jackson. Jackson held the two coins and put on an evil smile.     


After Gabrielle left, Evan ate fruits in the apartment and stayed for nearly two hours. The baby had already fallen asleep. Avery urged Evan several times before he left.     

Avery watched Evan, Robert, and several bodyguards get in the car.     

At the moment of the start of the car, Evan seemed to have sensed her gaze and looked up through the car window.     

They stared at each other's eyes. Avery made her decision and closed the window quickly.     

On the coffee table, the phone suddenly vibrated. It was Gabrielle's call.     

"Avery, I'll have the decoration team start digging the hole tomorrow."     

"Is that the position I'm talking about?"     

"Yes, there will be no mistake."     

"Wait, I'll go to move the cabinet first." Gabrielle paused and said, "Remember to turn on your stereo to the maximum."     

Bodyguards outside the door would not take it seriously when they heard the sound of an electric drill, and they would only think Gabrielle's apartment was in decoration.       

Early the next morning, the wall was broken through in less than half an hour.     

Gabrielle waved away the smoke and dust, and came from the opposite side, "Wow, with such a loud noise, the baby is still sleeping. I envy her so much."     

Gabrielle was harassed all night by Richard and didn't sleep well. Fortunately, she didn't have to act today. Otherwise, she had to wear heavy makeup to cover dark eye circles.     

Gabrielle looked at the little baby on her little bed while Avery looked at the hole thoughtfully.     

Although they were able to cover the hole with the cabinet, Evan would make a thorough search of the house if they three left. If the hole was found, Gabrielle would soon be found too.     

In the light of Evan's character, he would use Gabrielle to threaten her.     

"I don't want to get you into trouble." Avery said in a direct manner, "I don't want the thing to be troublesome."     

"Avery, it's okay. I'm not afraid."     

"After I leave, let someone fill this hole."     

"Well, what should we do now?"     

"Where is the big box I asked you to prepare?"     

"It's ready. What if the little baby cries while you're hiding in there? In fact, you can discuss it with Evan if you want to go to Country B. Maybe he will let you go."     

Avery shook her head, "I don't want him to follow us."     

If Evan knew it, he would follow them. Avery left because she could not get rid of her memories and shadows. With Evan around, it was purgatory torture for Avery, and she didn't want to stay with him for a minute.     

"You're going to abandon me?" Gabrielle was upset and said, "Avery, it wasn't long before you returned home. You are leaving now. I will miss you."     

"Aren't you going to act? When you stop filming, I'll send someone to pick you up."     

When the doorbell rang, Gabrielle's assistant pushed the tool cart in.     

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