Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 565: I Appreciate Your Bravery

Chapter 565: I Appreciate Your Bravery

Avery went somewhere just now and then said with a critical smile, "Do you think I can believe you?"     

Diana had already expected what Avery would say. She sat on the bed comfortably and then answered peacefully, "If Evan didn't agree, do you think I can put glass in Mr. Howel's house? Besides, I guess you had already noticed the place where I put on is the place you usually pass by.     

"I knew you added toxins to the paintings. Don't blame Evan. I know what you want."     

"You can ask him in person. He hated you at that time. For killing you, he deliberately chose this kind of glass. I had reminded him that the painting is harmful, but he insisted on adding more paintings."     

"Really? How skillful you are! I know you can do anything for being with Evan."     

"I had kept the invoice. I can send it to you by the fox. Oh, I see. The purchase invoice had three copies and one for keeping. I guess Evan gets the real one," Diana was saying while she was smiling happily. And then she added in a low voice, "Oh, yes. I guess it is the painting that ruined the little princess's face.     

You always get along well with Doctor Meyer. I think he must already know about it. Believe it or not, I appreciate your bravery. You even dare to be with a murder who wants to kill you. Ahhhh."     

Diana laughed loudly and then hung up.     

The loud laugh was still in Avery's mind. She was astonished and lost for a while.     

"Avery?" Meyer called her a few times, but she heard nothing until he reminded her with a wave of the hand.     


"Are you Ok?"     

"Diana told me that Evan asked her to put stained glass in the house."     

Meyer had heard what Diana said. When he heard about that, he couldn't help but be joyful. Meyer had suspected Evan, but he had never expected it could be true. He tried to calm down and pretended to protect Evan, asking, "Have she gotten shreds of evidence?"     

"Yes, she has. She told me Evan had added more toxins. That is why the little princess got the toxin.     

"I see. Probably, Diana didn't know it was a new toxin? She only knows that it is harmful."     

Avery nodded. She thought that probably Evan didn't know it was poisonous too. Otherwise, her toxin should be found when there was a new toxin in her body.     

"Or he knew it but pretended that he didn't know?" Avery said to herself.     

Avery shook her head. It was scary for her. She thought, "Evan loved me so much, but how could he do this to him? I shouldn't doubt him. But if it is true, how terrible it is."     

Avery recalled what Diana said lastly, "I appreciate your bravery. You even dare to be with a murder who wants to kill you."     

"Evan is the murder?" Avery asked herself. All of a sudden, Avery felt cold all over. She couldn't even stand stable, so she had to stand against the operation bed.     

"Could you please show me the testing report?" Avery's face turned pale. She looked at Meyer and asked as if she lost her mind.     

Avery always hated Evan at the very beginning, so when there was something wrong with Evan, she could accept it still. Diana still remembered that Evan asked someone to take a knife to her for killing herself. He was going to jump down and kill herself. Looking at these messages, Avery felt disgusting. Nothing more.     

Now Avery felt choked on her.     

Probably, it was love. Love comes with pain.     

Avery took the testing report, which was filled with numbers and an upward arrow. It was a sign of breaking the standard.     

"It can be predicted that many paintings lead to a new toxin. The murder wants to kill you. Otherwise, the murder won't add so many paintings…." Meyer said carefully. He put one of his hands on her doctor suit and wiped away the sweat from the palm of the hands.     

Hearing what Peter said, Avery couldn't help but shake. "Did he want to kill me?" Avery asked herself.     

She couldn't stop asking herself.     

Meyer found Avery was not well, so he held her, "No one can prove that Evan is the murder. We only got evidence from Diana. Can we trust her? I suggest that you can collect more evidence from others."     

Avery nodded, thinking of the purchase invoice that Diana told her Evan had it.     

Avery hurriedly supported the laboratory table and went out. Suddenly, she slipped and almost fell.     

Meyer supported her by instinct. It was the first time he touched her hands and found Avery was thin.     

Meyer was almost lost.     

He imagined something. He put his hands on Avery's waist and held it tight for a while and then said, "I can send you back. You are not well now.     

Avery didn't refuse. She knew she was not well now. She seemed to have no extra energy to walk far.     

Meyer held her and walked out of the hospital. The sensor light in the hospital corridor lighted up. Many nurses who were pushing the medical equipment stopped and saw what happened.     

Avery didn't care about it. She was in a mess now. She couldn't even remember what Meyer said.     

McLaren stopped at the door of Mr. Howel's house. Meyer turned around and found Avery was lost, so he leaned over to help Avery unfasten her seat belt. They face to face now. Avery was a little bit of a surprise. She wanted to lean back, but there was a co-pilot's seat, so she had to turn to the right slights. Otherwise, they must be too close.     

"We are here," Peter reminded her.     

"Ah? Alright—" Avery opened the car door hurriedly and said, "I got to go now."     

"Call me if I can help you. You know my phone is always online for you."     

Avery nodded slowly. The wind was a bit strong at night. Avery, in the yellow coat, walked toward Mr. Howel's house.     

Meyer looked at her until she lost.     

Then, Meyer picked up the phone and said politely, "Miss. Summer, let's make cooperation."     

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