Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 560: Don’t Let Them Come In

Chapter 560: Don’t Let Them Come In

Taylor said mysteriously, "I heard Diana hired someone who knew witchcraft so Evan would change his mind."     

Monica sounded surprised, "Does it ever work?"     

"My sister says it does. That's how she fell in love with her husband. They are still tight after three years of marriage. I heard Diana has left for the country where Evan is, if it doesn't work, why is she so desperate?"     

"Then why does Evan throw me out of the store because of Avery? Maybe Diana just has to leave the store for her own reasons."     

"He's just making up the appearances with Avery. Going out on business is an excuse, so he and Diana could meet."     

"You want me to try the same with dr Charles?"     

"There are many ways to do what you want. You have to because Charles is not just anybody."     

Avery didn't pay attention to what they said after. She kept thinking Diana went to the country where Evan was at.     

She heard if the witchcraft worked, the subject would start missing you and probably had dreams about you and ended up contacting you.     

Was it really so magical?     

As she was thinking, her phone tune rang. She hurried to vibrate it and stored the recordings of the conversation.     

Avery heard carefully, and there were no movements outside. And there were no sounds either. Maybe they realized someone was in the bathroom and ran away.     

Avery didn't overthink. She opened the door to phone Charles back. So he could keep an eye out for the woman he was dating. But after she left, her phone was snatched away. Before she had time to react, Taylor pushed her back in the booth.     

They blocked her in it.     

"it's you. I've been putting up with you in the lingerie boutique, and you stay in this place and eavesdrop."     

"Your nasty plans? Yeah, if you can say them out loud, I can hear them."     

Avery peered the phone in Taylor's hands. She wanted to get it back. She had the recordings and was gonna send it to Charles.     

Taylor was swift and hid it behind her back. Avery didn't get it.     

"Give me back my phone."     

Avery reached behind her back, but Taylor threw it in the toilet...     

And she gloated about it, "I did give you back, you missed it."     

Avery squinted. Taylor never said much in the lingerie store. But she was the one who came up with sorts of ideas.     

Now she threw her phone back in the toilet. They weren't strong. But if they got into a fight, she wouldn't have the upper hand considering the narrow space.     

She was about to call for security. But they anticipated it and ran at her to cover her mouth.     

"You keep covering her mouth, and I'll find something to tie her."     

Then Monica left.     

Taylor was not tall but strong. Avery pushed her as hard as she could. But she couldn't move her a bit.     

"Don't waste your time. I learned boxing."     

No wonder Avery couldn't push her no matter how hard she tried.     

"Really?" Avery suddenly smiled and started tickling her in her waist.     

Taylor was afraid of getting tickled. She released Avery, squatted on the ground and protected her body, "Hahaha, stop."     

Avery pushed the door open and ran out. She ran into Monica, who had a couple of towels. She screamed when she saw Avery. She shoved her when she was screaming, and she fell on the ground.     

The bodyguards heard the movements and rushed in, "Mrs. Howel, are you okay?"     

"Tie them and shut them inside. Don't let them come out."     

Several bodyguards did, as Avery told them. Soon they heard them cursing, "What are you doing? I'll sue you for rape if you come near me! Do you know who I am? I am CEO of Webster Group! If you dare touch me, I'll call my guys over and send you to jail!"     

Avery ignored their noises. She hurried to walk over to the restaurant Charles was at.     

According to them, they let the waiter put something in Charles's glass. She needed to stop him before he drank it.     

She didn't understand why his father set him up with these kinds of women. Her mother came from an eminent family. She resorted to the despicable means to get Charles to forget her.     


Avery ran and took a look at the table, panting, especially the glass. It was empty.     

"Have you been drinking?"     

"What are you doing here?"     

Charles looked up with dizzy eyes. His face got red.     

Charles was allergic to alcohol. He never touched it. But he must have some because the girls talked him into it.     

"I'll ask them to take you home..."     

Charles shook his head and unbuttoned his shirt, "So hot."     

Avery waved at the bodyguards, but Charles took her hand, "They have a hotel upstairs. I want to lie down a bit."     

"Are you..." Avery wanted to know whether he was drunk or ate something he shouldn't, but Charles cut her off, "Let the waiter give me a glass of ice water, or it is too late."     

Avery understood it instantly. She asked the bodyguard to hold him upstairs and followed them.     


It was in the middle of the night when Evan got off his private plane. The wind was blowing, and the edges of his overcoat moved.     

The one Evan was to meet was sent over the car. After they met up, they left the airport.     

He was a funny guy. On their way to the hotel, they got familiar, and Evan was asked to go relaxing.     

Evan grabbed the phone with his big and pretty hands. He wasn't interested in any of the clubs.     

Evan frowned and wondered what Avery was doing. Her phone was switched off.     

Tinder knew Evan wasn't interested in any of this, so he said, "Mr. Wade Johnson, you might not know, but Mrs. Howel asked me to keep an eye on Evan."     

Evan looked at Tinder.     

Tinder looked down at his phone. He felt sacred. Did anything happen to Avery?     

Then he picked up the phone like Evan implied and called the bodyguard.     

Wade Johnson was also a family man. He nodded, "Yeah, I have a wife and two kids. Family always comes. First, I understand."     

Wade continued, "It looks like Mr. and Mrs. Howel is quite close."     

Tinder nodded politely. The phone was answered, and the bodyguard started to report. The more Tinder heard, the more struggling he looked.     

After he heard everything, he didn't know what to tell Evan.     

After a while, Tinder came to report to Evan, "Sir, Mrs. Howel is..."     

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