Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 583: Not For Her

Chapter 583: Not For Her

Looking up, Avery saw James' expressionless face. It was as if he shot the horse to death to save her, by the way.     

Erin was more surprised than Avery that James would actually shoot to save Avery.     

According to the plan, if Avery was killed or trampled to death by the horse, it would obviously be more beneficial to James. Why would he shoot?     

Erin depressed the mood of displeasure, and walked to the front of Avery, "Avery, are you all right?"     

Avery paid no attention to her, patted the dust on her body, and went to the horse. A few bodyguards had taken the car and prepared to move the horse to the car.     

"Wait a minute." Avery stopped them. She found something weird, squatting down by the side of the horse and reaching to the horse's abdomen.     

There was a deep scratch on the horse's abdomen, which happened to be the part she straddled while she was riding the horse.     

Avery looked down at her own boots and touched the boots. No wonder the horse was so ferocious when she straddled the horse hard. There was a nail-pierced outward in her boots.     

The longer Avery rode the horse, the deeper the nail-pierced the horse's abdomen.     

The horse should feel pain when the nail-pierced the horse's abdomen.     

Avery glanced at Erin, who looked back at her quietly and was calm.     

At this moment, a maid in a black maid's dress came and said, "The president wants to see you."     

James walked first with the maid. Avery stood up and followed James.     

The door was opened. In the study, Logan was standing in front of the landing window and turned around when he heard the movement.     

There was no intention of letting them sit down, and their expressions were particularly serious.     

"Who told you to ride that horse?"     

"You didn't say I'm allowed to ride it." Avery was not afraid of Logan, who had asked someone to teach her equestrian, but Logan had not said which horse would not be allowed to ride.     

"Nonsense! Don't you know that horse is a war-horse? An untrained horse would let you fall off in a minute."     

Avery didn't say anything. If it hadn't been for the nail in her boots, the horse might not have hurt her.     

The silence was useful. Logan thought Avery knew she was sorry, but he was still slightly angry. This was his favorite horse, and he had bought it at a high price.     

Looking at James, who stood there with pride and splendor, Logan seemed to find an outlet for venting his anger, picked up a whip on his desk, and whipped James.     

"Who told you to shoot the horse in the head?"     

Logan whipped James heavily, and Avery could feel the wind brought by every whipping.     

James kept a straight face. Being beaten was commonplace for him.     

After a while, Logan's anger was over, and he began to get down to business, "The global economic summit will be held in Country B a few days later. When leaders from all over the world gather here, don't make jokes. You represent the image of our country."     

Neither of them spoke. Logan put away the whip and poked James with the handle of the whip, "You go out first."     

Soon, there was only Avery, and Logan left in the study.     

Logan put the whip back in the drawer, closed it, and then said, "A lot of young people will participate in the summit. I will choose one of them to be your husband."     

"What if I refuse?"     

"As a princess, you have no right to choose your marriage, especially when you have a little baby. I want you to marry someone with dignity."     

"I have to choose my husband myself."     

"But, you have to get my consent."     

With that, Logan waved her out without giving her a chance to communicate.     

Avery came out of the study with a dark face. If she had known that Logan wanted her to marry someone, she would not have returned to Country B.     

When the door of the study closed, Avery saw a tall figure leaning against the railing of the stairs.     

A cigarette was sandwiched between his two fingers, but it was not lit. This was a no-smoking area.     

"Why did you save me?" Avery walked over to James, knowing that he was waiting for her.     

James did not answer her immediately but looked up and asked coldly, "Who is Jessica?"     

Avery was stunned at first, and his words gave her the feeling of asking a name he had overheard.     

"Someone who has nothing to do with you."     

It's an expected answer. James stood straight, "I hope you didn't lie to me."     

With that, he walked downstairs.      


In the study of the mansion, Evan was holding a mask, which was like a piece of meat in front of his eyes.     

In the sun, the mask was transparent and elastic.     

"You want me to wear this?"     

"The entry and exit of Country B require fingerprint and pupil check. Although there is a new identity for you, you will be recognized from appearance. The mask in your hand is the closest prop to the skin at present. As long as you wear it, you will not be recognized."     

The way to see Mrs. Howel was blocked, so Robert figured out a new way with all his wits.     

The fingerprint and pupil were easy to fake, but Mr. Howel would still be recognized from appearance and couldn't enter the country at all.     

In order to further persuade Mr. Howel, Robert said, "If you don't like it, you can take it off when you have a successful entry."     

Evan angrily threw the prop on the table and glanced at his new identity card.     

"George Lautner?"     

Robert bowed his head and said, "Yes, Mr. Lautner."     

"A prince of Country H?" Evan glanced at Robert, "You think I'm not the one for her right now? Why do you want me to pretend as a prince?"     

Robert coughed, "Ordinary people are not allowed to enter the presidential palace. Moreover, Country H has a business partnership with us. The president of Country H is happy to have you be his adopted son."     

At least this identity was certified. Otherwise, Logan would be suspicious when he saw a strange face.     

Fortunately, the president of Country H personally helped Mr. Howel make files in his country when he heard the touching reason why Mr. Howel was going to see his beloved wife.     

Even if Mr. Howel confronted Logan, the president of Country H would certainly admit that George Lautner was his adopted son.     

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