I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

The next day, Daiyu ran around the Wang Mansion showing everyone her ring.

"Young mistress, that's a very pretty ring!" Xiao Nuan complimented her.

"Jin-gege gave it to Daiyu!" She beamed happily.

"Wow, really?"

Daiyu nodded.

"Daiyu is going to be Jin-gege's wife!"

"… You like shiny things, young mistress?" Qian Ru asked.

"Huh?" Daiyu tilted her head to one side in question.

"You like rings?"

"I do!" She energetically answered.

"… Hmp." Qian Ru gave her the side eye.

The joyous atmosphere suddenly became tense and everyone's eyes started shifting around, unable to focus on Daiyu.

Daiyu pouted when she sensed that something was amiss.

"What's wrong?" She asked Xiao Nuan.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong young mistress. You should go play with your Jin-gege. He must be lonely right now."

"Owkay." Daiyu nodded and trotted off.

When the child had left the room, Xiao Nuan turned her head sharply and glared at Qian Ru.

"Didn't the master say not to mention anything about the incident? What are you trying to do?!" She scolded Qian Ru.

"I didn't mention anything, did I?" She replied, rolling her eyes before leaving the room.

Xiao Nuan continued glaring at Qian Ru's retreating back before shaking her head and sighing.


That night, Liu Jin heard voices by the hall outside his room.

"You do it!"

"No, I already did it yesterday. It's your turn!"

"Ugh! But I don't want to –

Liu Jin opened the door.

"What's going on?"

"Y-young master Liu, good evening."

Liu Jin nodded.

"What's the commotion about?"

"That's –

"You see, young master, the young mistress will soon turn six but she still refuses to take a bath by herself."

"That's right. She has to learn to do things on her own soon, right?" The maid looked at the other maid, asking for affirmation.

"B-but Daiyu doesn't know how…" Daiyu answered shyly.

"That's why you have to learn." The maid replied sternly.

Liu Jin frowned. Why were they refusing their jobs?

Daiyu hung her head low in embarrassment.

"It's alright. You may leave." Liu Jin dismissed the maids.

"Thank you, young master Liu!" The maids quickly scampered away.

"Daiyu, do you want Jin-gege to teach you?"

Daiyu looked up, facing Liu Jin with big wide eyes as if she was looking at her savior.

"Yes, pwease!"

"Then let's go. Tonight, your Jin-gege will bathe with you."


Liu Jin bathed Daiyu solemnly.

'Is this the feeling of gaining a daughter?' He sighed. He thought he could have a good time teasing her, but his little Daiyu right now was cute rather than sexy.

While he bathed her, Daiyu sang songs and played with her rubber toys in the tub.

After their bath, Liu Jin sat on the bed while Daiyu sat on the floor. He started drying her hair, combing it gently with one hand while the other held onto the hair dryer.

Daiyu rubbed her eyes.


Daiyu nodded. It was warm and her Jin-gege's hands were very gentle. She leaned on one of his legs and began dozing off.

After drying her hair, Liu Jin gently carried the sleeping Daiyu and tucked her in bed.

"Goodnight, my little princess." He looked at her warmly as he stroked her hair.

Before leaving, he looked around the room and saw that it was practically bare. Daiyu's room was a guest room which was recently emptied out for her to use. The walls and furniture were plain and aside from her dresses and a box of crayons on the desk, there were no other signs that a child was using the room.

'Well, she's only been here for three weeks after all.' He thought.

He took one last glance at the child sleeping comfortably in her bed before exiting the room and gently closing the door.


The next morning, Liu Jin asked permission from Wang Jing to take Daiyu out to shop. Wang Jing agreed and Daiyu returned to her room to get dressed.

Liu Jin was waiting inside the living room when heard voices coming from the door and he decided to listen in.

"Butler Tang, is it a good idea to bring her out?"

"Right! What if she causes trouble?"

"The master has decided. I believe there will be no problems." Butler Tang replied.

"But what if –

"What if she steals again?" Qian Ru continued for the maid.

Butler Tang looked at Qian Ru sharply and she bowed her head in shock.

'Steals? Again?' Liu Jin furrowed his brows.

"I'm ready!" Daiyu greeted from the stairs.

The maids looked at her with disdain. This did not escape Liu Jin's sharp eyes.

"Daiyu, let's go." He smiled at her before she could notice the stares and whispers.


Liu Jin brought her to one of the city's luxury malls.

He bought her several designer clothes for children along with bags and shoes. He also chose notable accessories for her to wear such as hairclips, brooches, and jewelry.

Aside from that, he also bought her a lot of story books, buying them in hardbound sets that came with a decorative chest.

In her past life, he remembered that Daiyu loved fairytales. She loved pretending to be a princess, running around with a paper tiara on her head. Sadly, her life ended like one too – poisoned by the evil witch, Xia Xiulan.

'Not this time…'  He thought as a glint flashed across his eyes.

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