I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

"What was the commotion about?" Butler Shao asked the maid who scampered out of the living room.

"The madam suddenly threw a fit. She asked me to prepare the car just now." The maid replied.

"The car?" Butler Shao raised a brow. "What happened?"

"I'm not sure. She asked about the young master and then she suddenly got angry."

The maid then recounted the earlier incident to him. Butler Shao had a solemn look on his face as he instructed the maid.

"Call Fang Bao. Tell him that the madam plans to leave the estate."

The maid nodded and hurried off to fulfill his instructions. Meanwhile, Butler Shao rushed to his master's office to give Shuren a phone call. Right now, the estate had ears that reported their every move to that vile woman. But his master's office was soundproof and had tight security. If there was one place Lanfen could not enter, it was this place.

"Weisheng." Shuren's voice came through the phone as he picked up the call.

"Master Liu, the madam is on the move." He then told Shuren what the maid had told him just now.

"I am not sure what her intentions are. But I believe we should warn Master Wang to take extra measures to ensure the young master's safety."

Shuren didn't really care much about Liu Jin. He was just grateful that the brat never caused him problems. But he knew how much Nana loved the child and how heartbroken she'd be if as much as a single hair on him were to be harmed.

"I'll give Uncle Wang a call. Is the old man back?" Shuren asked.

"Yes, the old master has returned. But he left just now to pay Master Wang a visit."

"Alright. I'll call him instead then. Continue to keep an eye on Lanfen. If she uses force, call Fang Bao. He'll know what to do."

"Yes, Master Liu." With that, the phone call ended.


Liu Jin sighed as he looked out the window of the Wang family car. School was boring every day because he already knew what the teacher would teach them. Right now, he couldn't wait to go home to his little Daiyu.

He smiled at the thought of her face. They had been feeding her well so she had been gaining weight. She was a little chubby now but that only made her even cuter. He sighed. He missed her so much.

Meanwhile, Daiyu sat on the steps outside the large oak doors of the Wang Mansion. Beside her was a little white rabbit stuffed toy that Liu Jin had bought for her. Her Jin-gege had told her that they couldn't go to see the women in bunny suits that her Zhihao-gege had talked about. Not wanting to disappoint her all the same, he bought her this little bunny instead.

She sighed. She had been studying all afternoon and she was tired. She wanted her Jin-gege to comfort her like he always did.

She knew that when the hands of the clock pointed to the number five, her Jin-gege would be returning home soon. That's why every time she saw a car pass by the large black grilled gates of the mansion, she would stand up and ask.


"No, young mistress. Not yet." Xiao Nuan, who stood beside her, patiently answered her each time.

Daiyu sat back down and hugged her little bunny. Soon, however, the car she had been waiting for arrived.

The moment Liu Jin got off the car, he was greeted by his little angel.

"Jin-gege!" Daiyu ran towards him with her arms wide open. Liu Jin smiled and caught her as she buried her head onto his chest in a tight embrace.

"Jin-gege is home!" She beamed happily.

Liu Jin chuckled and hugged her back.

"I'm home, Xiao Yu. Were you a good girl today?"

Daiyu nodded vigorously.

"Daiyu has been good! Very good!"

Liu Jin gently patted her head with a smile.

"Alright. Let's go. We can talk more once we're inside."

"Owkay!" Daiyu held his hand and hugged her little bunny with the other.

They entered the residence, washed their hands and gargled before going to the eastern gardens to have a snack. Daiyu crawled onto his lap and excitedly told him about her day.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the mansion, Liu Honghui descended from a familiar black car.

"Good afternoon, Old Master Liu. It's nice of you to visit." Butler Tang bowed.

Liu Honghui nodded.

"Is the old man here?"

"Yes. Let me lead you to the living room while we call for the master." Butler Tang then led him inside before leaving to look for Wang Jing.

Liu Honghui sat on the couch drinking a cup of tea. Glancing over to the large ceiling to floor windows, he observed the gardens outside and saw two children sitting by an outdoor table set. The little girl's laughter echoed across the gardens, filling them with life.

He smiled knowingly. It seems like he didn't have to work that hard after all.

"What? You're still alive?" Wang Jing's familiar voice bellowed across the room.

Liu Honghui smirked. He turned around and saw the old man entering the room.

"I heard you found your granddaughter?" He brought a teacup to his lips and took a sip.

Wang Jing sat down across him and Butler Tang served him tea.

"I did. After three years she's finally back home."

Liu Honghui nodded. It seems that fate was finally kind to the old man and had returned his granddaughter to him.

"Did you… clean up your mess properly?" He asked, his eyes shifting towards Wang Jing.

"Of course."

"Hmp. Good riddance." He answered.

"Well, anyway." Putting his teacup down, he turned his head towards Wang Jing before grinning.

"Enough about the past. Why don't we talk about the future instead?"

Wang Jing rolled his eyes. He already knew what this old man wanted to say without even hearing a single word from him.

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