I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Wang Jing and Daiyu stayed for dinner before heading back home. However, Daiyu refused to leave, saying she was going to watch over the baby. The old man relented and agreed to have her sleepover with the Lius.

After Wang Jing left, Butler Tang came over with a change of clothes for Daiyu along with her white bunny stuffed toy.


"Knock, knock!"

Shuren chuckled as he heard the familiar voice. He got up from bed and opened the door to find a freshly bathed Daiyu hugging her white bunny stuffed toy.

"Daddy, can – can Daiyu sleep with baby tonight?"

"Xiao Yu!" Nana called.


Nana giggled and signaled her to come over. She ran inside the room and hopped onto the bed. Shuren closed the door before joining them.

"Mommy, Daiyu will help baby sleep!"

"How will you help the baby?" Nana asked.

"Daiyu will sing!"

Daiyu then began singing lullabies while gently rubbing Nana's tummy. Soon, however, her own singing had lulled her to sleep.


Outside, Liu Jin had just arrived home. He had a two-week long training camp with Zhihao and it had just ended. He was extremely tired and his body was sore. Nevertheless, he dragged himself upstairs for a hot bath.

When he came out, he heard a knock on his bedroom door. Sauntering over to open it, he saw his father carrying a sleeping girl.

Upon seeing his son, Shuren silently handed Daiyu over to him before leaving.

Liu Jin stood there, watching as his father left. After a few moments of processing what had just happened, he finally realized that Daiyu was in his arms.

"X-Xiao Yu!"

Daiyu shifted upon hearing his voice but remained asleep.

Liu Jin smiled brightly. Daiyu was here! He returned to his room and gently laid her on the bed before going back to close the door.

"Hehe." He giggled. He hadn't seen Daiyu in two weeks and he missed her terribly.

"Xiao Yu… I missed you."

He bent down and planted a soft kiss on her forehead before laying down beside her. He listened to her soft and even breathing for a long time before hugging her to sleep.

Sometimes, he'd wake up to check if Daiyu was still in his arms. Upon assuring himself with Daiyu's presence, he'd return back to sleep.


When morning came, Daiyu woke up to find that Nana and Shuren weren't beside her. Panicking, she quickly got up to check her surroundings. Just then, she saw Liu Jin sleeping beside her.

She gasped and covered her mouth with her little hands.

"JIN-GEGE!!!" She tackled him with a tight hug.

Liu Jin woke up, surprised. Daiyu was on top of him, hugging him tightly while rubbing her face on his chest. He chuckled.

"Good morning, Xiao Yu!"

"Jin-gege! Jin-gege!" She continued rubbing her face on his chest.

He gently stroked her hair before raising her head to face him.

"Missed me?" He smiled coyly.

Daiyu blushed. A sense of nostalgia washed over her.

"Do! I do! Daiyu missed you lots lots lots lots lots –

He chuckled. She was so energetic in the morning!

"I do too!" A familiar annoying voice came and Liu Jin instantly frowned.

"We just saw each other yesterday! Why are you here?!"

"Why not?!" Zhihao jumped onto Liu Jin's bed and hugged Daiyu tightly.

"Xiao Yu! Zhihao-gege missed you too!"

Daiyu giggled and hugged Zhihao back.

"Zhihao-gege! Welcome back!"

"I'm back, I'm back!"

"Is twaining over?" She asked and both boys nodded. She smiled, her eyes widening in excitement.

"Then we can play?!"

Liu Jin chuckled and gently patted her head.

"Mmm! And we're going on a vacation!"

"Vacation?" She tilted her head to one side.

"That's right! We're going camping! We'll sleep inside a tent, roast food over a campfire, and tell scary stories at night!" Zhihao excitedly told her.

"D-Daiyu doesn't want scary stories!" She pouted and furrowed her brows.

"It's okay, Xiao Yu. We'll leave Zhihao in the woods."


"He can stay with the bear that eats humans."


Daiyu giggled. Upon hearing their plans, she wanted to go camping! Thinking about sleeping inside a tent and roasting food over a campfire with her Jin-gege, she began looking forward to the trip with excitement.

"Let's go! Let's go! Daiyu wants to go!"


They did not go.

Wang Jing wouldn't let them camp outside during winter, specially not when it was snowing like this. Because of that, Daiyu had been pouting the entire day. She was inside the living room as usual, but all afternoon she had only been drawing tents and campfires.

Sighing, Wang Jing knew he needed to do something to appease her.

"Xiao Yu, why don't we just set up a camp for you here?"

Daiyu's ears perked up upon hearing the word 'camp' but her tantrum weighed heavier in her heart so she decided to shake her head.

"We can set up a tent in the garden. We can make a campfire too. We'll have Ah Jin and the Zheng boy over, and grandpa can join you too."

"… Uncle Tang too?"

"Yes." He decided to agree on behalf of Butler Tang.

"… We can roast food?"

"Mmm. We'll have the chef prepare the best meat for you."

"Curry too?"

"Of course!"

Daiyu's eyes widened in excitement.

"T-then grandpaw will make s-s-sm… sm…


"Sm…" She pouted. "Daiyu doesn't know how to say it…"





Wang Jing chuckled.

"Mmm. Grandpa will make some for you."

"Really?!" Daiyu smiled brightly. She jumped onto his lap and hugged him tightly.

"Grandpaw is the best!"


After that, the Wang Mansion staff began setting up the makeshift camp for Daiyu. They had tents installed and a campfire set up. However, not far away, a grilling station was likewise prepared. Wang Jing didn't want any accidents to occur while the children played. As such, he instructed the chef to grill the meat from afar instead.

While the staff were busy, the three little ones were busy too. After all, they had the important task of shopping for their adventure.

"We need chips!"

"And soda!"

"And –

Liu Jin sighed. Was bringing Zhihao with them the right decision?

Meanwhile, Diayu held onto Liu Jin's hand obediently. While her eyes darted around the shopping center in excitement, she remained well behaved and stayed close to him. He glanced over to her and smiled.

"And we need –



"Go grab us some bacon and stuff for breakfast. Daiyu and I will look for ingredients to go with the curry."


After Zhihao darted off, Liu Jin let out a sigh of relief. Finally. Peace and quiet.

"Xiao Yu, let's go buy ingredients for your S'mores first okay?"


He smiled.

"Do you want anything else?"

"Ice cream sandwich!"

Liu Jin chuckled.

"Xiao Yu, its already very cold outside. I don't think you'd enjoy the ice cream."

"Then hot dessert?"

"Mmm." He nodded.

Daiyu stroked her chin, copying Wang Jing.


"Alright, we can have that for breakfast."

"Grandpaw makes delicious pancakes!"


Daiyu nodded.

"He made – he made bear pancakes for Daiyu!"


After shopping, the three children returned to the Wang Mansion. After packing their bags and making sure they had their snacks, the three children boarded a white van and soon, Wang Jing and Butler Tang joined them.

To make the experience more authentic for Daiyu, Wang Jing had asked the driver to drive them around the city for around forty-five minutes before returning back home. Throughout the ride, Daiyu had fun eating snacks and singing songs. Liu Jin and Zhihao indulged her by pretending that they were on a real trip and Daiyu enjoyed every minute of it.

Upon arriving back at the mansion, the driver dropped them off at the back entrance. To Daiyu's surprise, they had redecorated the gate with wood and leaves. Her eyes widened with excitement as she stared at her own home that felt like an unfamiliar place.

"Let's go."

Liu Jin held her hand and she excitedly entered the gates with him.

The pathway was covered with pebbles and there were wooden signs that read "Campfire," "Tents," and "Lake."

"Let's unload our stuff first before we go exploring, Xiao Yu." Zhihao gently patted her head.

"Exploring?!" She excitedly asked.

Wang Jing chuckled.

"Mmm. You might find something exciting along the way."

"D-Daiyu wants to go!"

"Alright. Let's leave our bags inside the tents first."

Daiyu nodded vigorously and all five of them proceeded to the tents. To Daiyu's delight, the tents were stuffed with fluffy comforters and warm soft blankets. She rolled around giggling while she hugged the freshly changed pillows.

"Xiao Yu, are you ready? It's time to explore!"


"Ah, don't forget your flashlight!"

"Jin-gege, Daiyu wants snacks." She opened her little bag, motioning for Liu Jin to fill it with food.

"No, Xiao Yu. We'll only be playing for a little while before we return for dinner."

Daiyu was stunned.

"O-only for a while?" Her adventure hasn't even started yet but she felt like it had already ended!

"Yup! It's only our first day after all. We'll have more time to explore tomorrow." Zhihao replied.

"Tomorrow?!" Daiyu's eyes widened in excitement.

Liu Jin chuckled.

"Didn't you know? We'll be spending two nights here!"

Daiyu squealed in delight. This was the best trip ever!

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