Circumventing Fate

Haunting Repercussions

Haunting Repercussions

Eunuch Li got on his knees, still holding the Emperor's gaze as he cupped his hands and sternly said, "You can do as you like on everything else but you cannot forsake your roots..."     

"I have not." The Emperor coldly responded, narrowing his eyes at Eunuch Li.     

Eunuch Li narrowed his eyes back at the Emperor, "Then why are you risking the health of your mother over a petty grudge?"     

The Emperor let out an irritated breath, but rather than argue with Eunuch Li, he simply said, "It's a bluff..."     

"You can't know that for sure. I have always supported you, but this I do not support. You cannot gamble with your mother's life." Eunuch Li said with a frown deepening.      

"He gave himself away when he said that his Master sent him here for the Empress dowager. He is simply trying to take advantage of the situation to meet his own end... " The Emperor calmly explained, "They are enemies of the state and cannot be let off, who knows what other trouble they will cause if pardoned today?"     

"I understand that..." Eunuch Li said and then pursed his lips, "But what if you're wrong?... If he does not bow and never returns, where do we begin? He said his Master would understand..." Eunuch Li reminded and then somewhat glared at the Emperor as he added, "If it was the Empress's health on the line, would you take the risk?"     

The Emperor frowned, annoyed that people kept bringing Lei Xing in everything these days. It was not as if he lost his senses when she was involved, he was always thinking rationally. Although he would admit that he was always a bit emotionally charged when it involves her, still he never forsook reason.      

"Your majesty, you have not come to see your mother recently so you do not understand the situation she is in. You have also been busy these last few days so I have not mentioned it... Your mother is not doing well. Since that time during your ceremony with your Empress, nightmares have returned, this time she claims that this time rather than being killed, she is killing the man in white who had always passively stood there watching her be attacked..."     

"... All this should be fine, but then she continues to still strangle herself and now even claws at her neck. If you go see your mother now, her neck tightly bandaged to both cover the wounds and to protect her from more injury... She needs this." Eunuch Li said looking up at the Emperor beseechingly.     

"...Do not forsake her in her time of need, as we have not forsaken you. Think of the repercussions and please reconsider this, Your majesty." Eunuch Li finished, kowtowing to the ground and hitting his head hard to show his deep resolve.      

The Emperor knit his brows tightly, understanding the true meaning in Eunuch Li's words. Recently, there has been some unrest brewing amongst those from the Xia troops, some people were getting upset that it was taking the Emperor so long to liberate their people. They were finding it hard to understand that enacting such drastic change in an empire such as this had to be handled delicately to avoid a societal collapse.      

Eunuch Li had been able to calm them down by reassuring them that the Emperor could not forsake his mother's people, the Empress dowager was still there and now free. Her freedom from confinement after fifteen long years was received as a sign of progress and hope for the Xia people. This was the main reason the Emperor was more tolerant of the Empress dowager as she represented the Xia people, not just herself.     

So even though the Emperor announced that the reason for the Empress dowager's confinement was for her health, there were still rumors saying that he did it because Lei Xing did not like the Empress dowager.     

So naturally, the sparks of unrest started to bubble up again with rising concern that the Emperor was getting distracted. And of course, Eunuch Li and both Commander An have been trying to stifle any unrest, even going as far as executing some who were especially fueling dissent. Of course, the Emperor was aware of all this but he had chosen not to bother Lei Xing with these concerns.      

Therefore, if news got out that the Emperor did this because of the same Lei Xing that it was rumored instigated him into confining the Empress dowager, it will cause an even bigger stir, one that may not be easily covered up.      

After a while of anxiously waiting for the result of his bid with ears perked, Monk Du finally saw Eunuch Li stepping out of the hall. Monk Du looked up at him with expectant eyes. Eunuch Li came up to him with his eyebrows still scrunched and simply said, "You will have your answer tomorrow... Stay the night, no harm will come to you. You have the Emperor's word."     

Monk Du slightly knit his brows and stared into the hall, up at the Emperor who still solemnly sat on his throne. He inwardly sighed and then his gaze fell back on Eunuch Li as he bowed his head and calmly said, "Thank you..."     

Eunuch Li nodded, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I really hope you can help her..."     

"I will do my utmost for her recovery..." Monk Du said with another bow.      

Eunuch Li nodded again and then said, "Follow me..." And with that, the two went down the steps of the main hall.      


Meanwhile, Lei Xing had finally put herself back in order and left the royal study to return to her palace in a pretty good mood. While the mention of the Chun siblings left a slightly bad taste in her mouth, she really did not care too much about all that anymore. After all, she had lost little in the encounter.     

The only thing that really irked her about the entire encounter was the fact that the Emperor was quite bothered about her kissing Prince Yi. It was really not pleasant having to explain away an accident that should not have happened.... over and over again.     

It seriously got on her nerves, but she was trying to be understanding. It was honestly draining but it paid off, the Emperor was happy and the subject was thrown back in the trash where it belonged. At least that was what Lei Xing thought until she rounded the corner of the pathway to her palace and stopped in her tracks with raised eyebrows.     

Princess Nalan sitting on the floor with her arms folded just in front of her palace doors, with her eyes closed and a stubborn expression on her face. While two eunuchs and a few maids stood around her looking at her with troubled expressions, obviously trying to talk her out of this scene.     

Lei Xing knit her brows and inwardly sighed and then proceeded to walk forward, her irritation instantly returning.      

When the eunuchs and maids saw Lei Xing approaching, they immediately bowed and one of the eunuchs stepped forward and began, "I apologize Your majesty. The Princess insisted on -"     

"Hey, where are you going?!" Princess Nalan suddenly exclaimed when she saw Lei Xing simply walk past them heading toward her palace doors without acknowledging her or the eunuch.     

Princess Nalan swiftly sprung to her feet and went to grab Lei Xing, but Bi Lo and Bi Lu quickly blocked her path, providing a barrier. Princess Nalan frowned at them and then fixated on Lei Xing's back as she shouted, "I have been waiting here all this time and you're just going to walk away! You owe me an explanation! You lied to me! Hey! Hey! If you don't stop I'll..." Princess Nalan continued mouthing off while trying to push her way through.     

Lei Xing stepped onto the landing and then let out an exasperated breath and wearily said, "Let her in..." And then she proceeded to walk in.     

Lei Xing sat down at the pavilion on the side, this was all really tiring. Princess Nalan naturally rushed in, stopped at the door for a bit, and glanced about for Lei Xing before making a beeline for the pavilion.     

Lei Xing inwardly sighed and waved away the servants as Princess Nalan stepped into the pavilion. The last thing she needed now was to become the talk of the palace... Well, at this point it was too late for that. But there was no need to give the gossips more ammo.      

Princess Nalan stopped in front of Lei Xing and promptly said, "You owe me a proper explanation...No lies this time, I want the truth." She added, narrowing her eyes down at Lei Xing, "staring her down".     

Lei Xing inwardly scoffed at this, but maintained her calm expression as she looked up at Princess Nalan and wearily asked, "What are you on about now?"     

"Stop trying to be smart!" Princess Nalan barked, "Do I seem like that much of an idiot to you?" She asked, glaring now.      

"Well..." Lei Xing refrained from saying the 'apparently' that was on the tip of her tongue and simply sighed and said, "Look...Nalan, it's been a very long day for all of us, so if you're not going to speak directly then just leave, I'm tired."      

Princess Nalan pursed her lips and glared at Lei Xing, who unflinchingly met her gaze with calm eyes.     

"Fine." Princess Nalan said and then went to sit down across from Lei Xing. She put her fisted hands on the table, hesitated for a moment, and her frown deepened before she finally spat out the question that's been haunting her since leaving the main hall, "What's between you two?... And don't pretend to be stupid or lie to me again. I won't have it." She warned, glaring daggers at Lei Xing again. She was serious this time.     

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