Circumventing Fate

Forbidden Inclinations

Forbidden Inclinations

Doctor Lou promptly stopped and then squinted up at the Emperor again and then turned to Lei Xing and Prince Yi, who were both curiously looking at him. He blinked at them for a moment and then narrowed his eyes, "Frolicking is not allowed in my cave..."     

Prince Yi immediately lowered his head, while Lei Xing snorted and said, "Frolicking? It seems your old age is finally getting to you -"     

"Scavenging is also not allowed... I'm onto you." The old man cut her off, squinting even harder at her. Lei Xing quietly scoffed and rolled her eyes as she mumbled, "Like I'd want anything here..."     

Doctor Lou smiled and then walked over to her and nudged her arm a bit, "Although, if you were MY~ student, I would naturally be willing to gift you a few~ but unfortunately... Still, I am magnanimous so if you ask nicely enough, this great one might just conside-"     

"I'm leaving." Lei Xing cut in and swiftly turned around and walked off as the old man called out, "Hey! I am trying to help you here!... Tch, stubborn brat." He mumbled and then turned his attention to Prince Yi, "And you?"     

Prince Yi immediately cupped his hands and bowed his head with knit eyebrows, "I apologize, I did not know that cave belonged to you. I just..."     

Doctor Lou studied Prince Yi for a moment before sighing and saying, "You know, you remind me of myself when I was younger...much, much, much younger....."      

"Oh?" Prince Yi went, his face lighting up with welcome surprise.     

"...I didn't like myself much then either..." Doctor Lou added, promptly bursting the bubble that was Prince Yi's face as the old man stroked his long beard frowning at the ground.     

"Pardon?" Prince Yi went, knitting his brows.      

Doctor Lou turned to him again and chuckled, "Don't worry, you'll grow out of it too~" He said patting Prince Yi's back, "But I will say this...You should let go while it's still early, some things just are not meant to be. Life gets much easier if you learn how to let go early... Trust me, it's a vital skill for survival. Look at me, I have less white hairs now~" He finished with a smug smile.     

"What won't work?" Prince Yi asked with a frown, obviously not amused.     

Doctor Lou blinked at him for a few seconds and then shrugged, "If you don't know then I don't know~...But you know I could help you, if you were my student. There are a great many things that I know, that not even the suns and stars know and of course, I am a great sharer too~"     

The Emperor who was finally recovering from being the shock of being air heard himself scoff at the old man's statement. That scoff again was not his but it brought his mind back to the scene ahead and he realized that Lei Xing was gone and Prince Yi suddenly looked troubled under the old man's squinting, smiling gaze.     

Prince Yi averted his eyes and cleared his throat before cupping his hands and bowing, "I-"     

"Nevermind, I am also very busy... Too much to do already!" Doctor Lou interjected, pulling at his beard, "Buuut...since I like you, I'll be magnanimous and I'll offer some wisdom~"      

Prince Yi's ears perked up and he looked at the old man with an expression that seemed eager to receive said wisdom. But rather than looking at him, Doctor Lou narrowed his eyes at where the Emperor stood and said, "Can a stalking hunter who cannot even see his own shadow outwit a meandering prey?"      

Prince Yi knit his brows in thought and then seriously responded, "I don't know... Can he?" Even the Emperor looked at the old man with a curiously raised eyebrow, also wanting an explanation.     

"How should I know?" Doctor Lou exclaimed, turning to Prince Yi with an incredulous expression.      

Prince Yi frowned, "But you're th -"     

"Students these days are so lazy..." Doctor Lou said with a weary sigh, stroking his beard, "My job is to make up stuff and yours is to make sense of it! You can leave." He said waving Prince Yi away and retuning his squinting gaze to where the Emperor stood.     

Rather than leaving, Prince Yi turned his gaze to where the Emperor stood and curiously asked, "Is there something there? You keep looking that way, not to mention yo -"     

"Didn't I say I busy?" Doctor Lou cut in with a pout, before kicking at Prince Yi's legs, "Hurry up and leave! How many times do I have to say it? Go ponder out my wisdom words or go pacify Xing Xing, I'm sure she's pouting somewhere or thinking of how to steal from me, she better not take anything or I'll blame you. Anyway, shoo! Shoo! Goodbye!" Doctor Lou finished, finally kicking the dodging Prince Yi into the passageway, "Hurry away before I stop being polite!"     

"O-okay, I'll leave..." Prince Yi said, composing himself and giving a quick bow, sparing one last curious look at where the Emperor stood before turning and rushing down the hallway.      

Doctor Lou raised his hand to frame his ear as he crooned his neck down the halfway, seemingly listening to ensure that Prince Yi had left. Once he was satisfied, he turned around and with a smile, narrowing his eyes at where the Emperor stood, "Does Xing Xing know you're stalking her?"     

The Emperor felt himself frown, but he gave no response.     

"Are you ignoring me? I know you're there... and don't even try to run away..." Doctor Lou said, narrowing his eyes at the Emperor.      

The Emperor wanted to respond, but as it had been since this whole "dream" episode began, he had no control of his body and could only watch as his body remained stoic, with hands behind his back, apparently frowning at the old man.     

The old man pouted and then turned as if to leave, "If you don't respond, then I'll go tell Xing Xing that you were spying on her in the bath the other da-"     

"That was an accident!" The Emperor suddenly heard himself exclaim to his surprise - Apparently, he could speak.     

But the Emperor was positive that those were not his. Moreover, why would he need to spy on Lei Xing in the bath, he could easily just go join her with no question from her or anyone else... But then again, he reminded himself that this was a dream and evidently, he was a passenger in some other person's body.      

Even though this should be a dream, the Emperor was still not pleased with some random man watching Lei Xing bathe.     

As if to respond to the Emperor's accusing thoughts, his host explained in a now measured tone, "I left before I could see anything... so there is nothing for you to report. I am no pervert." He added for good measure.     

Doctor Lou turned back to him with a sly smile, "Neither am I."     

The Emperor was not convinced by either of their words and would say something if he could. Then his host body asked a question that he had apparently completely overlooked, "And what were you doing near her bath?" His host asked, causing the Emperor to mentally nod and also internally frown at the memory of Doctor Lou walking in on him and Lei Xing in the hot springs. Back then he had not said anything to the old man because they were on his premises but it was definitely not something that was allowed.     

"Do I look like you?" Doctor Lou asked with an incredulous, "insulted" expression.     

The Emperor narrowed his eyes along with his host, both having the same thought as he said, "Don't play dumb. How did you know about t-.." He paused, pursed his lips, and awkwardly finished, "...the the bath?"     

"Ahhh, that~... I guessed, but now I know for sure hehe~ Looks like you've truly learned an interesting thing or two hehehe~" Doctor Lou said covering his mouth as he snickered and then he caught himself and added, "Ah, but I definitely didn't teach you that, better not tell anyone I did."     

The Emperor could feel his host's exasperation at being played by the old man, "How can you see me?"     

"Can't" Doctor Lou responded, "It was just the obscene level of jealous rage radiating from your little corner that gave it away~." When he felt the other person's glaring holes into him, he cleared his throat and honestly responded, "I'm serious, probably has to do with this place, these crystals are quite unique structures, they illuminate a lot of things for those who tune~ A little more and even the entertainment would have noticed. You should be more careful w-"     

"Xing er' is not for your entertainment..." The Emperor's host reproachfully said, narrowing his eyes at the old man.     

"Tch, you're all no fun..." Doctor Lou, plopping down on the grass again. He then sighed and laid down on the grass, "I never understood why young ones these days are in such a hurry to grow up, trust me when I say you'll miss your younger days if gone too soon.."     

The Emperor's host pursed his lips and glanced to the side to where Lei Xing and Prince Yi had just been. Rather than responding to the old man's words, he asked a question of his own, "Do you know of this debt matter between them?"      

"Of course I do~..." Doctor Lou said, plugging at a blade of grass and twirling it in his fingers with a playful smile.      

The Emperor's host waited for a bit, but when it seemed like Doctor Lou was not going to simply volunteer the information, the Emperor's host finally irritatedly said, "So, tell me..."      

"Why should I? If you want to know, then go ask one of the two...After all, it is none of my business, remember." Doctor Lou said, squinting at the Emperor and then smiling smugly and resuming his scrutiny of the grass blade.      

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