Circumventing Fate

Waiting Game

Waiting Game

Prince Yi frowned at his friend but did not press any further. How Zhao Chang got here was not at all important, he could use this unexpected visit to discover how things were playing out on the outside. The guards here told him nothing and despite his calm demeanor, he had been itching to know what was happening.      

"What about Princess Nalan? Did anything happen with her…?" Prince Yi carefully inquired. He was certain that something should have happened by now.      

Before Prince Yi got on the carriage to leave for the palace earlier in the day, he had stopped and told Tian Ji to "look after Princess Nalan on his behalf". He was sure Tian Ji would have understood his message and would have acted accordingly. Therefore, something should have happened on her end.     

"Oh, that!" Zhao Chang said with a snort, "I heard she actually went mad in the inner palace, she went on a rampage looking for the prison, apparently to rescue you..."     

Prince Yi nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips as he listened. She behaved just as he had expected. Even though he had acted too late in executing his own plan to claim the throne, Jun Kai had also acted too late in getting rid of him, because now he was tied to a very headstrong and important Princess.      

While Zou on its own was not at all a threat to Long country, if their allies got involved it could pose a big enough problem. And while those allies did not act before when Prince Rui was taken, Princess Nalan was an entirely different matter altogether.     

No one of importance other than the Zou king cared for Prince Rui. There was even speculation that the allies did not get involved in the war back then because of Princess Nalan's grandfather's influence blocking the way. Apparently the old man was angry that the Zou king had chosen Prince Rui was over his older brothers, his own grandsons - because he was scared of the old man gaining too much power. Therefore, that whole situation was set up for Prince Rui to fail so the other princes could have their chance to shine.     

There was also the fact that two of those allies were married to Princess Nalan's very close sisters, while they might not have cared for Prince Rui's matter, the now Queens of their own country would definitely care for their "greatly" wronged sister. The fervor of the "unfair" treatment of this beloved Princess in Long country may even prove enough to rile their troops anger and nothing fueled strength and boosted morale quite like unified anger.     

Therefore, thanks to this new wonderful ally of his, Prince Yi's formerly inconsequent death now meant war with at least, three countries.     

And while Long country troops might still have the advantage of being battle-hardened and perhaps even in numbers, they would still have their hands full fighting off three countries. In such circumstances, if any little spark of civil war should happen within the country, then the empire would be finished. Being an empire of this size and having trampled through many nations and its people in recent years, it was no secret that there was a great amount of dissatisfaction in the nation, dissatisfaction that was searching for a point of weakness to erupt through.     

If the Emperor were really as smart as everyone believed him to be, then he would know this. Therefore, Jun Kai presently cannot afford his death. So Prince Yi concluded that all this was just another show of power that would go nowhere in the end, he simply had to be patient.     

Jun Kai would not kill him... He was almost certain of it.     

"...It took an entire squad of Imperial guards to subdue her. They said she even threatened to end her life if anything happened to you..." Zhao Chang continued and Prince Yi listened with casual interest anda slight smile, "...but then the Empress-"      

"The Empress? What about her?" Prince Yi interrupted, eyes widening in surprise.     

Zhao Chang dismissively waved a hand and said, "... Apparently she promised Princess Nalan that she would help you"     

"She did?" Prince Yi blinkingly asked, his face lighting up a bit with a smile as his heart lurched.     

"En..." Zhao Chang obliviously responded, stroking his chin with knit eyebrows in thought, "Although I can't say whether that helped or not. I don't think that Emperor would have liked that... Also, she wa sjust been saying it just to get Princess Nalan to calm down and end the show, we can't trust her words -"     

"She's not like that." Prince Yi indignantly said with a frown.     

"Who's not like what?" Zhao Chang asked, blinking in confusion.     

"She's not the sort to say things casually. If she says she'll do it, then she will." Prince Yi said with rising irritation, "Do not in-"     

Zhao Chang scoffed, "I didn't know you two were close -"     

"We're not!" Prince Yi barked, causing Zhao Chang to jump, "Mind your words." He warned through gritted teeth, glaring at Zhao Chang.     

"I know, I was just joking..." Zhao Chang awkwardly said, "Anyway, I get what you mean. The Lei family are always uptight about everything. My point is that even she meant those words, what can she do if that Emperor won't listen? I mean, it's not like she'll be threatening to end her life for your sake like - what?" Zhao Chang suddenly stopped and asked when he noticed Prince Yi glaring daggers at him.     

Prince Yi let out a deep breath and irritatedly said, "Why are you here?"     

Zhao Chang nodded and sheepishly scratched his head, he had almost forgotten he was not here for a casual chat. He glanced up and down the hallway to ensure the coast was still clear, Lei Yong's man was looking out for him but one never knows. He then lowered his voice and asked, "So...what is the plan?"     

"Plan?" Prince Yi asked with raised eyebrows.     

Zhao Chang nodded, "En, I'm here to help."     

Prince Yi looked at him for a bit and then slightly smiled and said, "Thank you... But there is no plan."     

Zhao Chang blinked and frowned in confusion, "So you're just going to wait to die?!"     

"I don't plan on dying, but there is nothing for you to do here. Don't do anything foolish and go home. I will be alright." Prince Yi said and then turned and walked back to resume his seat, even picking up his cup and sipping his tea, looking completely unbothered by his current circumstances.      

Zhao Chang looked at him in confusion, at a loss for words.      

{...Am I the only one missing something here? o_O)...}     


Later that night in the royal study...     

"That's all?" Eunuch Li asked with a frown.      

The same man who had led Zhao Chang to the prison bowed his head and said, "That's all..."     

"You can leave... Tell Yong there is nothing to worry about but he should still have someone watch Zhao Chang, just in case he chooses to anything stupid...It would be best to catch him in the act." The Emperor calmly said and the man bowed and left the room.      

Only an idiot like Zhao Chang would have actually believed that Lei Yong would risk his friendship with the Emperor to please someone who had antagonized both of them all these years. Lei Yong had naturally informed the Emperor of Zhao Chang's request and this visit only happened with the Emperor's consent.     

While the Emperor did not think Prince Yi would actually use Zhao Chang to plan anything since Prince Yi would know better than anyone Zhao Chang's capabilities. He still allowed it on the off chance that Prince Yi was desperate enough. Even though he doubted that Prime minister Zhao would get involved with his son's "mission" - nabbing his son was equivalent to nabbing him. Prime minister Zhao had been running his mouth and head a bit too much recently. So his son's recklessness should definitely be encouraged.     

But as expected, Prince Yi was no fool, neither was he the sort to panic and make mistakes. So even though Zhao Chang was stupid and brazen enough to wish to carry out a "rescue" plan, Prince Yi was not.     

But this conversation had confirmed one thing for the Emperor. Prince Yi was responsible for Princess Nalan's outburst earlier in the day. No doubt he had someone whispering in her ear this entire time, an oversight on their part. Naturally, just a few months was not enough time for the Emperor to have gotten rid of all the minions that Prince Yi had spent years installing in the palace. But that one would be taken care of soon enough.     

No doubt, Prince Yi was also aware that their conversation was being monitored, yet he still boldly declared that he did not plan to die. The Emperor was both amused and irritated, it was as if Prince Yi were actually daring him to kill him. Apparently, his brother had really overestimated his importance.     

Eunuch Li turned to the Emperor with knit eyebrows, "Your majesty, it is because you keep treating him with such care that he has the guts to be so brazen..."     

The Emperor shrugged and lightly responded, "He's not wrong though. The decision of his life and death does depend on Zou's response... As for his cell, it would be an inconvenience for him to become ill and die at the wrong time."      

Eunuch Li furrowed his brow and protested, "Even so... How can he be afforded a lavish life while in prison? You sh-"     

"It's hardly comfortable - Is this what you wanted to talk to me about?" The Emperor asked, sounding a bit irritated. If Eunuch Li so desperately wanted to offer advice on this issue, then he should have made himself available when the decision was being made.     

Eunuch Li had been missing all day - apparently seeing to the Empress dowager, a frequent occurrence these days. He had just come in to see the Emperor with a "request" when Lei Yong's man arrived with his report of Zhao Chang's visit. The Emperor had summarized the situation and then asked the man to give his report and now Eunuch Li wanted to start scolding.     

Eunuch Li scrutinized the Emperor for a bit and then let out a long sigh, he was worried, very worried. Finally, he said, "You are not a child anymore... so I trust you know what you are doing."     

"I am not... and I do." The Emperor calmly responded and then asked, "What is your request?" He was almost certain he knew what Eunuch Li wanted.      

Eunuch Li nodded and then knit his brows and said, "Your mother... She does not trust that monk and thinking about it, I don't either..." He paused and lowered his eyes with a furrowed brow, seemingly in thought.     

"I also don't trust him..." The Emperor calmly added, after a stretch of awkward silence. Eunuch Li nodded, feeling a bit foolish considering he was the one urging the Emperor to give the monk a chance earlier, But we need him. Your mother needs him." Eunuch Li added, looking up with a reproachful expression as if he thought the Emperor was about to toss Monk Du out of the palace again.      

"And I have acceded..." The Emperor reminded with a slight smile.     

"And I thank you for that." Eunuch Li said, bowing in gratitude.      

This made the Emperor feel a bit awkward, after all, it was his mother they were talking about. Being thanked for helping her like this made it seem as if he did not care for her welfare in the first place.     

"What is it you wish to ask?" The Emperor asked again as Eunuch Li straightened up. It was not like Eunuch Li to hesitate like this and the Emperor was not in a very patient mood today.     

Eunuch Li took a deep breath and nodded, then went down on his knees and kowtowed to the Emperor, before straightening up and cupping his hands and finally saying, "I wish to lead the Empress dowager's escort to TaoHua temple..."     

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