Circumventing Fate



Lei Xing skeptically looked at Tung Mei's smiling face.     

{...She's definitely a weird one...Oh well, not my problem...}     

"You were telling me about how we met."     

"Ah yes, so it was a beautiful day in a garden, on the road somewhere. We were both having a relaxing day, separately. When a rogue suddenly approached and started bullying me..." Then she frowned and said through gritted teeth, "...treating me like some stupid pet..."     

Then smiled, "And you, Xing jie protected me from the claws of that despicable rogue and since then you have been my Xing jie." Tung Mei finished flashing a bright smile at Lei Xing.     

Lei Xing knit her brows, "Is that all?"     

"Well~ After that we had lots of fun and many adventures, which I happily gloated about to that despicable rogue. It was a lot of fun~" Tung Mei finished, snickering.     

Lei Xing raised an eyebrow, "You know the rogue who assaulted you?"     

"Regrettably." Tung Mei responded with a pout and then fisted her hands and continued through gritted teeth, "He is a bully. He even kicked an adorable little baby like me into a forest simply because "I was in his way". Since then I have loathed him..."     

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and then perked up, "But that's how I met my Yong ge so I let that one slide. It was really romantic, as I soared through the air towards potential agony, I suddenly found myself in Yong ge's arms, he caught me~" She finished with a giggle.     

Lei Xing frowned, "I thought you met him a few weeks ago?"     

Tung Mei blinked, "Oh, that's right. He saved my purse on the street. That's how we met."     

Lei Xing looked at her skeptically, "So you just made all that up?"     

Tung Mei nervously laughed, "Hehe~ I recently got into an accident so my memory is a bit scattered these days."     

Lei Xing narrowed her eyes, "I just said that."     

Tung Mei scratched her head and mumbled under her breath, "Oh you did. It's a good one."     

Lei Xing raised her eyebrows, "What did you just say?"     

"I said maybe we can share~"     

Lei Xing's frowned, "Since you're in the mood to mess around then I'll leave you to yourself." Lei Xing went to get up.     

Tung Mei grabbed Lei Xing's arm from across the table, "Xing jie don't me angry. I was just joking about the Yong ge part. I got carried away, I'm sorry~" She apologized looking at Lei Xing with beseeching eyes.     

Lei Xing looked at her skeptically and then settled back down, "So I saved you from some rogue?"     

"Yes!" Tung Mei nodded.     

"So where was I going when I happened to have saved you?"     

{...Outlandish but least she's talking...}     

"Nowhere, you didn't have a destination. You were bored of the capital and so went out to have some fun, I also left home with a similar purpose and once we started talking, we decided to go have fun together!"     

"So where did we go?"     

"Nowhere in particular. We just roamed around aimlessly."     


"For the most part..."     

Lei Xing pursed her lips.     

{...Is that really all? I expected more from this...Unless she's lying, a stone-faced liar -_-)...}     

"So how is life in the palace? You seem stres-"     

{...*Xiao Ying!...]     

Tung Mei suddenly stopped and frowned. Then she bent over and looked under the table. Then she scanned the room and then crawled to the window and peeked her head out sneakily like a thief.     

Lei Xing observed her actions with knit eyebrows.     

{...What is she doing now? Is she on the run or something?... She's so sketchy. I really can't buy they weren't doing something criminal together given "my" track record and her current oddities -_-)...}     

"What is wrong?" Lei Xing asked.     

Tung Mei turned and smiled at her, "Nothing, just the wind." Then she settled back down, and shoved the bracelet to the floor with a chopstick, "So how i-"     

{...*You be-...thi-..I wil-...-nd..!...}     

Tung Mei stopped again then stood up, scanned the room again with a frown while scratching her head.     

Lei Xing became a bit concerned, "Are you okay?"     

{...*I me-...hur-...-me...will pay...-u!...}     

"Xing jie, we'll talk later!" Tung Mei suddenly shouted as she dashed out of the room.     

Lei Xing sat there looking at the door with a confused frown, then she sighed. As she got up to leave, she spotted Tung Mei's bracelet on the floor and so picked it up with the aim to return it.     

{...*I mean it! You better not get into any trouble or I'll, I'll...You'll see!!!...}     

"Ow!" Lei Xing exclaimed, rubbing her head.     

{...What the hell are you shouting for?!...}     

{...*Who is this?!...}     

{...The question should be who the hell are you to be invading my h- What the-? Hahaha it seems I am finally losing my mind...or is it a ghost, is that why she ran?...}     

Lei Xing glanced around the empty room and rubbed her head with a frown.     

{...*Hey! I asked you a question -_-)...}     

 Lei Xing blinked and then looked down at the bracelet.     

{...Are you the bracelet? A space! Are you a hidden space?!... You know like a hidden dimensional pocket, are you the spirit of the dimension?...}     

{...* -_-)...Where is Xiao Ying?...}     

{...Xiao Ying? Sounds somewhat familiar...}     

{...*The owner of this bracelet! Where is the owner of this bracelet?!...}     

{...Oh, you mean Tung Mei...}     

{...*Tung - What? Return it this instant!...}     

Lei Xing scrutinized the bracelet.     

{...So do you live in the bracelet? Or are you the bracelet?...}     

{...*I said to return it right now!...}     

{...So you're not the bracelet...}     


{...So are you like a soul trapped in the bracelet or what? It'd be great if you were a genie, I'd much rather prefer that to a talking purse -_-)...}     

{...*It's not yours so it's none of your business!...}     

Lei Xing snorted.     

{...I'd call it my business if you ever want it to be returned...The owner is gone and I could smash it to smithereens...Now tell me, would you die if I smash it to pieces?...}     

{...*Don't you dare! Do you know how long it took me to get this?!...}     

{...Hmm, must be hard to find such clear crystals, are these diamonds? They sell for quite a price, can't crush them but I can dismantle this and make a profit...Can you still exist in pieces?...}     

{...*Don't you dare! If you do, I will...will...will CURSE YOU!...}     

{...*snort* Took you a while to come up with that one...and please stop screaming...}     

The bracelet then started shaking in Lei Xing's hand and she raised an eyebrow.     

{...*Ennn, Ahh...Arggh! Why is this so hard?!...}     

{...Are you trying to escape?...}     

{...*Wouldn't you?!...}     

{...Not if I were this weak. I'd negotiate, I'm open to negotiation. I'll return it... After you answer some questions...Don't worry, I'm a pretty decent person so you can trust me~...}     

{...*Hmph! A decent person does not threaten others!...}     

Lei Xing smiled and put on the bracelet and admired her wrist.     

{...Not bad...}     

{...*This is stealing!...}     

{...It's not stealing if she abandoned you...and as I said, I will return it as long as you cooperate...Let's talk on the way, what exactly are you?...}     


Lei Xing bounded out of the room, ecstatic at her new find, met with Xiao Ruo and began her return to the palace.     

{...Hey, are you ignoring me?...}     


{...I knew that Tung Mei was off...She has plenty of explaining to do when next we meet...Actually, no, YOU have tons of explaining to do if you ever want to be one piece, at least...And it better be believable. No crap about gardens and rogues -_-)...}     

{...*There better not be a single scratch or I'll destroy you! I mean it!...}     

{...Let's be cordial about this, just answer my questions and you'll be scot-free. I'm not enjoying this either...not much anyway hahahahaha...Okay, let's be serious. Introduce yourself...}     

{...* -_-)...}     

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