Circumventing Fate



The Emperor held on to her tightly and lifted her feet off the ground and began making his way to the bed when Lei Xing suddenly pushed at his shoulders and broke the kiss. The Emperor instinctively went to kiss her again but she pushed him back again, flustered and asked, "C-can we stop?"     

When she saw the Emperor's dissatisfied and confused expression, she quickly lowered her eyes and said, "It's you, not me - I'm sorry, I mean it's me, not you...Please put me down."     

The Emperor knit his brows and put her down, still holding her, he quietly asked, "Why?"     

Lei Xing knit her brows then explained, "I'm really not feeling well." She was telling the truth, but looking at his face made her feel guilty for some reason, so she quickly looked down. She had been feeling uncomfortable since returning, and the kissing made her feel even more so. Her head was now hurting more and her stomach was hurting too.     

The Emperor then sighed and brought a hand up and caressed her face, which startled her, and he softly asked, "What's wrong?"     

Lei Xing's frowned, "I'm not exactly sure, I just do-" She suddenly felt a strong urge to throw up, and used all her strength to toss the unprepared Emperor to the side, shocking him as she raced to the wash basin and started retching but nothing came up.      

The Emperor quickly recovered and went to pat her back, Lei Xing frowned at him for a moment then continued dry retching. The Emperor then ordered the servants to send for an imperial doctor. After a while, Lei Xing finally managed to calm down, breathing heavily, lightheaded and in pain. She went to sit down and drank the cup of water Xiao Ruo offered, and then just sat there with her eyes closed frowning, feeling completely worn out.     

The Emperor sat beside her, deeply scrutinizing her.     

{...Is it possible that she's -...No, she wouldn't be...And who could possibly be the-...No, she's not...But that would be a great explanation for why she wanted to leave so save herself?...}     

The Emperor frowned and stared at Lei Xing's stomach as his mind ran through Lei Xing's recent change in behavior. Before she seemed even opposed to the idea of sharing the same bed with him, and then suddenly a few days ago she arrived in his place dressed in a seductive manner, although seeming reluctant, and then today she even accepted him.      

The Emperor's frown deepened, as the realization left him feeling a lot more upset and angry than expected. His anger level kept rising as he stared at her and thought of her being with someone else.     

"All of you leave." The Emperor coldly said through gritted teeth, and the servants quickly vanished from the room.     

Lei Xing opened her eyes to see him coldly glaring at her and flinched.     

{...You can't be serious -_-)...Can't I be unwell?! It's not like I invited you here. Go somewhere else, there are tons of welcoming eagers waiting for you! Hmph!...}     

Lei Xing frowned and looked away, enraged at the thought of him getting angry with her because of her illness disrupting his "activity". Then she blinked as a thought crossed her mind and she immediately became wary and glared back at him, ready to fight.     

{...You entitled idiot! You better not try to touch me or I will kill you!...}     

The two sat there glaring at each other for a while, then the Emperor looked away and sighed. He was angry but was not sure what to do with her. If it were exposed her life will be in danger as there will demand for her death as a punishment but he could not even fathom doing that. He also did not want to consider letting her go as she wanted as an option either. He was at a complete loss on what to do with the situation.      

The Emperor sighed again and Lei Xing was confused as she watched him go from enranged to dejected.     

{...Is this guy on drugs or something? His mood swings are quite...confusing o_O)...}     

The Emperor then turned to her, "Xing er', I am not asking this for the sake of punishment, but rather it is so we can work on a solution together. So do not worry and be honest." He paused and took a deep breath as if bracing himself, and Lei Xing looked on completely lost.     

"Are you..." He frowned and stopped, "Is there any chance that you could be - " He paused again and then rephrased, "Is there any possibility... at all, that would make it so that you coul..." He paused again and his frown deepened and he sighed in irritation.     

Lei Xing in her irritable mood, barked out, "Be what?!"     

The Emperor looked at her and then frowned down at her stomach, Lei Xing followed his gaze and looked at her stomach too and then back at him and in complete disbelief said, "Pregnant?"     

The Emperor's frown deepened and he glared up at her and chillingly asked, "Are you?"     

"Of course not!" She said lost and appalled that he would even consider that.     

{...What the hell dude?! Someone skipped biology lessons...What exactly is going on in his head? And here I thought he was smart o_O)...}     

The Emperor's face relaxed, then he frowned again, "Would you actually tell me if you were?"     

Lei Xing looked at him, unamused and irritated, and flatly said, "It depends." Seeing his deepening frown, she sighed and said, "I am definitely not's IMPOSSIBLE." She emphasized.     

The Emperor then smiled and smugly said, "I thought so."     

Lei Xing rolled her eyes.     

{...He's definitely an idiot -_-)...}     

The Imperial doctor eventually came and checked on her condition. As he checked her pulse, she saw the Emperor staring at her wrist suspiciously, probably still thinking on the pregnancy idea so she directly asked the Imperial doctor, "Is there anything abnormal about my pulse?" As soon as she said this, the Emperor looked off to the side, pretending not to be paying attention and Lei Xing snorted and shook her head.     

{...So stupid...}     

The Imperial doctor informed that her pulse was normal and but a bit labored due to her retching episode and explained that her symptoms were temporary and nothing serious. Most likely a result of something she ate not agreeing with her body. He recommended plenty rest and assured she will be fine soon then prescribed some medication to alleviate the feeling of nausea and left.      

Lei Xing frowned and cursed Princess Nalan in her head for her unwanted teachings. Then also cursed this body for being so weak to shut down over simple words. Then she also cursed her overactive imagination for painting very detailed pictures for her torture.     

Lei Xing then turned to the Emperor, who was still staring off to the side and asked, "Aren't you leaving?"     

The Emperor turned to her with a raised eyebrow, and Lei Xing advised, "Since I am unwell, you should go somewhere else."     

"I am fine where I am." The Emperor said smiling at her, then he frowned and suddenly got up and announced, "I am going to take a cold bath. You can go to sleep first." Then he left in quick strides.     

Lei Xing frowned in confusion at his odd behavior but was really too tired to be bothered. She told Xiao Ruo to put another blanket on the bed, then she rolled herself in her own blanket.     

The Emperor later returned to find a Lei Xing roll at one end of the bed. He snorted and then got in the bed, ignoring the second blanket and went to join her in her corner and hugged the blanket roll. Lei Xing frowned when she felt his arm on her, she was already feeling constricted in the roll and this was making it worse.     

"Oh, you're still awake." The Emperor said when he sensed her movement and leaned on a hand so he could see her face on the other side. She still had her eyes closed but her eyebrows were twitching. He smirked as he thought she was really bad at acting. Then he asked, "Isn't it hot in there? I was just thinking about removing it so you wouldn't feel suffocated."     

"I'm fine. This is how I normally sleep." Lei Xing flatly responded, burying her face in the blanket.     

"I see...It must be more comfortable than it looks." He smiled at her buried head and thought she was really cute when nervous. He then moved the blanket covering the side of her and kissed her cheek, "Goodnight."  Then he hugged the Lei Xing roll tightly and settled in to sleep behind her.     

Lei Xing frowned in irritation, it turns this was not a bright idea at all. After a while of suffering in the stuffiness, Lei Xing finally could not take it. She groaned loudly and wiggled until he released his grip and she finally broke free of her outer shell casing.     

The Emperor smiled and commented, "It turns out it really wasn't that comfortable after all." Then he pulled her into his arms and covered them with the second blanket and softly said, "Relax, I'm not going to attack you. I have great self-control so sleep easy." He reassured, then kissed her cheek and hugged her close his chest.     

Lei Xing frowned and laid still in his cool arms, feeling awkward and at a loss, eventually drifting off to sleep after a while of blankly staring at his chest through the wide-opened slit of his loose robes.      

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