Circumventing Fate

Simple Request

Simple Request

"I still don't think this is the right way. It's just a bit - Can't you just talk to your brother normally?" Princess Nalan asked knitting her brows. She was currently in a carriage outside the palace discussing some very haphazard plan with Prince Yi.     

"As I have already said, it's not such a simple matter...He won't just simply allow it." Prince Yi said with a frown, annoyed she was still not understanding the situation. He had honestly never encountered anyone less self-aware before. But then again, it was because she was the way she was that he was able get to her.     

Therefore, he could not complain.      

"Okay, but won't this be complicating things even more?" Princess Nalan asked, confused, "Causing a scene is unnecessary... We've already written to my grandfather and father so-"     

"Do you really think they will easily accept it?" Prince Yi asked with a raised eyebrow, "It will be great if it were that simple..." Prince Yi said with a hint of sarcasm.     

"Well, it is that simple...You think too much~" Princess Nalan said with a smile, giving him a kiss, "My father will accept you and so will the rest of my family. They may not like it but they will accept it. It is my decision and I have made my choice. Regardless, there's nothing they can do about it anyway...given our condition." She finished glancing down at her stomach, she still could not believe that she was pregnant but whatever it was, it set the ball rolling...and now she was getting married.     


Prince Yi knit his brows and then sighed, he was not going to argue with her or even bother to try to explain the complex politics of the issue - which she clearly did not care for. She made it sound all too simple...which it was not. What happened to the worry she felt when she found out about the baby? At least then she was thinking.     

But Prince Yi could not be like her, after all, he was the one who was going to be taking on all the risk in this endeavor. The Emperor could kill him and her family could also want his head so of course, he had to be very careful.      

Considering how pampered she was, her family would not kill her or even punish her in any way, and as for his brother...Well, even if he decided he no longer wanted to bother with this so-called peace game of his, Princess Nalan was the friend of his "precious" Empress and therefore, he would not want to upset her...probably.     

Prince Yi sighed and put on a smile, "Okay, how about this? We do it your way when it comes to your family and we do it my way for mine..."     

Princess Nalan frowned, "But -"     

"No buts! This is what we need to do...for us." Prince Yi sternly said, fed up with arguing.      

Princess Nalan's frown deepened, she could understand his point but at the same time, she could not see how this was supposed to make things better. Prince Yi looked at her sideways for a bit before letting out a breath and opening the carriage door and hopping down.     

He turned back and held out his hand for her and flatly asked, "Are you coming?"     

Princess Nalan inwardly groaned, "Fine...Just this once then." She said taking his hand and hopping down, "I still think it's a bad idea though but let's go..." She said with a shrug and a smile.     

Prince Yi smiled, "Trust me, I know what I'm doing."     

"Hopefully..." Princess Nalan said, strolling forward. Prince Yi's lips twitched but he maintained his smile and fell into stride with her and together, they strode into the palace towards the venue of celebration...their waiting stage.     


Meanwhile, the mood in the main hall was festive with music in the air, dancers swaying along to the tune, food, and wine aplenty. Most people were in a cherry mood, well, at least Lei Xing and the Emperor were. It was honestly a party celebrating the solidity in their relationship rather than a farewell party for anyone. They had even forgotten about Princess Nalan's unpleasant matter and were happily sending off their palace-mates.      

At least they were happily doing so until Prince Yi and Princess Nalan made their entrance..side by side with determined steps.     

Of course, Lei Xing and the Emperor were not the only ones who noticed this anomaly, considering the pair chose to walk straight down the middle of the aisle, through the array of dancers - inconsiderately ruining their formation.      

Everyone watched them with confused and curious eyebrows, wondering what statement they were trying to make with this scene.     

The music stopped as the pair stopped at the foot of the steps to the throne. Prince Yi looked at the throne where Lei Xing and the Emperor were sat, his eyes seemed to linger on Lei Xing, who noticed his gaze and lightly flinched, knitting her brows.      

{...What the hell are you looking at? Actually more to the point what game are playing now, ass***e?! -_-)...}     

Of course, trouble could not wait for them to locate it, it just had to be proactive. Lei Xing inwardly sighed and glanced at the Emperor only to find him looking at her with an odd expression she did not quite understand.     

But before she could make sense of it, he turned his gaze back down to Prince Yi and coldly but calmly asked, "What is the meaning of this?"     

Prince Yi silently locked gazes with the Emperor, almost in the form of a challenge drawing out his response - the silence as if in a bid to irritate the Emperor.     

"Hey, you're not here to fight!" Princess Nalan whispered, nudging Prince Yi. Prince Yi glanced at her with a frown and she motioned for him to begin. They were not here for a staring contest with the Emperor. Prince Yi glanced at Lei Xing and the Emperor on the throne and then let out a breath, flapped his sleeves and went down on his knees, cupping his hands in front of him and he began, "You -" But then he stopped when he realized Princess Nalan was still standing.     

Prince Yi frowned up at her and Princess Nalan cluelessly raised her eyebrows and blinked at him and the two proceeded to exchange a brief tense silent interaction with their eyes.     

Prince Yi: What are you doing?     

Princess Nalan: What?     

Prince Yi: Kneel!     

Princess Nalan frowned: What? Why?... Is kneeling really necessary?     

Prince Yi: Yes! it's MY way remember, Get down!     

Princess Nalan: Fine!     

Princess Nalan begrudgingly got down on her knees and cupped her hands as well, frowning up at the Emperor and Lei Xing, who were both looking down at them with raised eyebrows. Lei Xing's with a hint of amusement at the lack of coordination of the pair, while the Emperor looked on coldly and completely unamused.      

Princess Nalan lowered her disgruntled gaze to the steps, obviously glaring at the "benefactors" was not a good look. But she was not pleased with this at all, she had never even knelt before her own father, but now thanks to a paranoid and complicated Prince Yi, here she was on her knees today before some foreign stranger.     

She was going to go along with it, but she was definitely not happy doing so. Life here was really not her style, it was way too rigid. She made another mental note to discuss with Prince Yi about moving to Zou after their wedding. He did not seem to like it here much either so the move would be great for both of them, a liberation even.      

She could endure for now.     

With his partner in his crime in her place, Prince Yi turned back to the throne, bowed his head, and loudly made his bid to the throne, "Your majesty... I have found a suitable woman and we have come to receive your blessings on this auspicious day..."     

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