Circumventing Fate

Mea Culpa

Mea Culpa

Lei Xing rested her head on her hand and knit her brows.     

{...I get that part, I'm not an idiot -_-)...And why do you care?...}     

{...*I'm bored and you're annoying...}     


{...*He must be an idiot too to have fallen for someone horrible like you...You must have tricked him into it, right? And now that you have him, you don't care anymore. Horrible!...}     

Lei Xing frowned in annoyance.     

{...To think I was actually feeling a bit bad about being mean to you. What do you know? He trapped me here! And "fallen for me"? Bullshit! He must be the kind that enjoys the chase process and so only focuses on one person at a time. Once he's done with me, he'll move on to the next person. That's the way of life in the palace. So why the hell do I have to indulge him?!...}     


No response. Lei Xing was actually glad for its silence this time and she went on to play her turn.     

{...*You live in the palace?...}     


{...*One of that bra- Emperor's wives?...}     

{...Technically, yes...}     

Another stretch of silence.     

{...*Then how come you are so horrible?... Well, I guess he's never really had good taste...}     


{...*But when did Xiao Ying become friends wi - Wait, which palace are you in?...}     

{...We're not exactly friends -_-)...}     

{...*I asked where your palace is?!...}     

{...In the capital...}     

{...*Capital?...Long country?!..}     


{...*THAT - !!...}     

Lei Xing frowned.     

{...Honestly! Why do you like screaming so much?! It's annoying!...}     


The amplified scream shocked Lei Xing and she clutched her forehead and closed her eyes in pain. The Emperor looked up and asked, "Is something wrong?"     

"My head's just hurting a bit." Lei Xing absentmindedly responded.     

{...Is this thing is trying to give me brain damage?...}     

The Emperor ordered the servants to send for an Imperial doctor. He looked at Lei Xing who was still clutching her head and frowning, then poured a cup of tea, put it in front of her, "Here."     

Lei Xing glanced at him and picked up the cup and took a sip.     

"Does this happen often since your accident?" The Emperor asked.     

"En, now and then." Lei Xing responded closing her eyes again.     

{...One lie really leads to a thousand -_-)'...Well, it's all fine as long I remember the lies...}     

The two sat down in silence and the Imperial doctor quickly arrived. After Lei Xing drank the medication, the Emperor then got up and pat her head. Lei Xing knit her brows and glanced up at him, then he quickly withdrew his hand and said, "Sleep well", then turned and left.     

Lei Xing watched him leave and sighed then frowned down at the bracelet. She was about to remove it but changed her mind, then got up and went to lie down.     

{...If I remove it and something happens to it, then it'll blame me...What's worse is that it may even try to strangle me in my sleep before escaping, stupid bracelet -_-)...}     

Lei Xing sighed again, at this point she did not want the bracelet anymore. It had given her nothing but insults and criticisms and now pain.     

There was going to be a banquet the day after tomorrow to welcome the Zou representatives and Tung Mei will probably be there. So, Lei Xing resolved to keep it on for security reasons until she could make it happy and deliver it to its owner's hands.     

In the afternoon the next day, Lei Xing went to the royal study on the Emperor's summon. While she did not necessarily mind being around him as he was neither interrogating her nor did he seem interested in making any moves on her.     

But she did mind the problems that all this attention could bring to her. Although nothing has happened yet, she was sure that there was probably something brewing.     

When she arrived, the Emperor smiled at her and told her to come up to sit on the chair set on the side of his desk. Lei Xing looked at him skeptically but complied.     

He then handed her a book and said, "I have been thinking and resolved that meditation will be a good option for you. It will be good for setting your mind at ease and would help with your recovery and potentially aid memory recovery as well."     

Lei Xing blinked several times and took the book and frowned down at it, feeling uncomfortable and a bit guilty.     

The Emperor continued, "Just go through the book for now and I will show you how to put it into practice later on. If there is anything you do not understand, let me know and I will explain." Lei Xing looked up at his smiling face and then quickly looked back down, feeling even more guilty.     

{...*You should feel guilty. He's a great guy...He's smart, caring, handsome and I can tell he will be loyal. Definitely a good catch. No, a great one! You should cling onto him...}     

Lei Xing covertly rolled her eyes.     

{...You mind your business -_-)...Your Xiao Ying will be here tomorrow, so you will be going home then...}     

{...*Hahaha Ah there's no need. I like it here...}     

{...No, you don't -_-)...I also don't like you here either so we're good...}     

{...*Hahaha I realize that we may have gotten off on the wrong foot...due to that misunderstanding...But that's all in the past now...You are a wonderful person, a great one too. I have come to enjoy your company greatly!...}     

{...You called me nothing but horrible the last few days...You don't need to pretend, I will really let you go, truly, with no strings attached...I'm tired of you too -_-)...}     

{...*It's not like that at all. I misunderstood your intent, a horrible person would not have picked up the bracelet with the true intention to return it and taken such great care of it too...I have reflected on my mistake and I apologize. You have forgiven me, right?...}     

{...I'm not sure, you almost blew off my head yesterday -_-)...}     

{...*Hahaha Another mistake, please don't hold it against me. I will be sad wuwuwu~ I have repented, I'm even shedding tears ...}     

{...Like I care -_-)...}     

{...*Wuwuhuhuhu, have a heart wuhuhuhuwuuu...}     

{...Be quiet! I'm trying to study...}     

The bracelet then stopped and Lei Xing sighed, before she could open the book, Eunuch Li came in and informed, "Your majesty, Prince Rui has arrived and is here with General An and Prince Yi."     

"Oh, they are here early." The Emperor said and then turned to Lei Xing who had not even opened the book yet. Lei Xing quickly got up, "I'll go now. I'll be sure to read it and note down any questions I have for later." She finished with a smile.     

The Emperor nodded, she bowed and quickly made her way out.     

On seeing Lei Xing come out from the study, the three guests all blinked and then knit their brows. Lei Xing glanced their way and lightly bowed her head in acknowledgment as she passed, and they mimicked her action.     

Eunuch Li came out right behind Lei Xing and informed them that they could go in. Prince Yi and Prince Rui quickly made their way in, while General An was still looking back at the corner Lei Xing had disappeared down.     

Eunuch Li furrowed his brow and went up to him, "General An, General An...An Hao!"     

An Hao immediately turned back to look at Eunuch Li, "Huh? Ah...Who was that?" He asked pointing in the direction Lei Xing just departed.     

"Noble consort L-"     

"She's His majesty's wife?" An Hao whispered.     

Eunuch Li frowned and looked at him suspiciously, "Yes...why?"     

An Hao knit his brows and then smiled, "Hehe~ nothing, she's very pretty."     

Eunuch Li's expression fell and he hit him on the head and said through gritted teeth, "Focus!" The other servants around all had their heads bowed in line with the matra: See nothing, hear nothing.     

An Hao frowned and rubbed his head while mumbling, "I am focusing..."     

"Hurry in!" Eunuch Li barked. An Hao quickly straightened up and rushed in, casting one last glance at the corner as he did.     

{...Never thought I'd see someone who looks so similar...}     

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