Circumventing Fate

Ant Skit Episode 4: Lovestruck Ant

Ant Skit Episode 4: Lovestruck Ant

Author: Hey :ant:, you have mail *Hands over letter to the depressed :ant:*

:ant:::flushed_face:It-It's first fan mail :smiling_face_with_heart-eyes:

Author: Yep, you're on your way now :eyes:

:ant:: :smiling_face_with_hearts::smiling_face_with_hearts:...I love you all too!! :star-struck: 

Lei Xing: *Just re-entered office* It's just one person.

*Comment Ignored*

:ant:: :star-struck: I should go write back...Can I write back? *looks at Author with:pleading_face:*

Author: Sure, why not...I'll mail it out for you.

:ant:: What do I write? :sad_but_relieved_face:

Author: Whatever you want, kid. It's your fan...

:ant::...Dear fan, you are really awesome, a person with great vision...the rest of them here are really blind, they do not see greatness when it's right in front of them...I admire your high perceptive sense of reality! I:red_heart: U!! Your Ant, Borentious:face_blowing_a_kiss:

  **Hands letter to Author* Author reads, looks at :ant:** 

Author: You seem to enjoy berati- *looks at :ant:'s innocent expression :pleading_face: and sighs*...Nevermind, I'll have it sent out now :unamused_face:

FarahW: Opps..wrong spelling name there..dear Borentious..The Ant..THANK i dreaming right now. I received ur mail with all the love u gave me. I will cherished this moment long as you live..teehehe..well i have a longer life span than you..soo :grinning_face_with_sweat::grinning_face_with_sweat::grinning_face_with_sweat:..nevermind..know that you always have lifelong fans here:winking_face::winking_face::winking_face:

Lei Xing: :face_with_tears_of_joy: I like this person *holding reply*

:ant:: *snatches reply* Stay away! This is mine!:angry_face:...:smiling_face_with_heart-eyes::smiling_face_with_heart-eyes:

Lei Xing: *scoffs* Sure, knock yourself out.

:ant:: :smiling_face_with_heart-eyes::smiling_face_with_hearts::smiling_face_with_hearts::smiling_face_with_heart-eyes:...Love FarahW! :smiling_face_with_heart-eyes:

Lei Xing: Someone's easy to please :smirking_face:

 **:ant: deaf to the world**

Author: Lei Xing, don't you have anywhere else to hide? my office is not a lounge :expressionless_face: 

Lei Xing: I'm not hiding from anyone. I'm here keeping your lonely self company, be grateful!:face_with_steam_from_nose:

Author: Really?:thinking_face: I seem to have noticed that whenever a certain someone or other comes this way, right before they come around, you look at your phone and always speed out of here:woman_running_light_skin_tone:...and then come back shortly after they're gone.

Lei Xing: Coincidence, you are reading too much into the situation.

Author: Am I? In that case... *picks up phone*

Lei Xing: I just remembered that I forgot-...I'm busy :woman_running_light_skin_tone::woman_running_light_skin_tone::woman_running_light_skin_tone::woman_running_light_skin_tone:

Author: *snorts*:smirking_face:


Author: *:eyes: at :ant:* Aren't you leaving? 

:ant:: Oh, yeah, I have to go show everyone :smiling_face_with_hearts::drooling_face::smiling_face_with_hearts:...*floats out the door holding the letters close*

Author: ...

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