Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

Married a clown

Married a clown

The car stops in front of the Villa. Rie steps out of the car and walks toward the door with Yuta right behind her. The corners of her lips are curled down. She mutters under her breath,     

"I married a clown."      

Yuta can't help but agree. "I can't believe that he sent us home. I wanted to hear more."     

"I don't understand why he's so stupid." Rie sits down on the couch. There's something strange. Why is this house so quiet? "Where are they?"     

"Sho is in the bedroom with his uncle." The maid places the glasses of water on the table in front of Rie and Yuta. "They became tired after playing since morning. They fell asleep in Yuta's room."     

"Why are they sleeping in my room?" Yuta knits his brows. "That little…! I have to clean his poop. I have to share my room with him. Because of that Aerie, I can't make him wear cute dresses."     

The maid smiles awkwardly. There are times when she can't decide if Yuta is a boy or a man.      

"Speaking of Aerie…" Rie glances at the maid. "Is she in her room?"     

"She is reading in the garden," The maid answers her.      

After hearing that, Yuta stands up and says to his mother, "I will check on her."     

"Bring her inside," Rie yells after him. She turns to the maid and grumbles to her, "Just who did she take after? I never liked studying in school."     

"It must be her father." The maid smiles at her.     

"You are right." She gives her a grave nod. "Kiyohira must have been a nerd when he was in school."     

In the garden, Yuta goes to the usual spot under the cherry tree where she usually sits for reading. The book is lying on the grass, but the reader is nowhere to be seen. He creases his forehead, worried and anxious. He murmurs to himself, "Where could she have gone?"     

Why does that girl never stays still? She could have read inside the house. Is it important to get a suntan? His father will give him a judgmental look if she even gets a scratch. He wanted a docile and cute sister. He only got a cute but fierce sister. Yuta sighs. A fierce sister with a soft heart isn't bad. But he's worried that she's too soft.      

Yuta halts in his track when he gets a glimpse of a figure behind the tree. His assassin instincts activate at that instant. Not making a single sound, he steps closer to the tree.     

Dressed in a yellow and white dress, Aerie is standing in front of the man. Yuta has an urge to run toward her. He becomes still when she smiles at the boy whom he could never forget. His face blanches when he sees the face of the boy. The growing dread in his chest weighs down in his stomach.      

"Uncle Bo, do I look pretty in this dress?" Aerie twirls her dress and beams at him. "My mother brings me beautiful dresses."     

Yuan Bo smiles at her. "Your father would have been happy to see you like that."     

Aerie bends down her head. The happiness diminishes from her eyes. She clutches the fabric of her dress. "I miss him."     

"Be good." Yuan Bo strokes her head gently. "When the time is right, I will come and tell you about your father's dream. Until then, you should study hard and become the best in everything that you do. Have you started learning how to play the piano?"     

"I haven't started yet." She fidgets with her fingers, looking sideways. "I don't know how to tell them that I want to learn to play the piano."      

"Don't hesitate." He pats her cheek. "I am sure that they will be happy if you show any interest in music."     

"You think so?" Aerie furrows her small brows. Her mother and Uncle Ren like to play games a lot. Elder brother Yuta is also the same. However, she doesn't share the same love for video games. Then again, her father is also the same. Whenever her mother and Yuta are competing in the games, she and her father start reading together.      

"I am sure," Yuan Bo smirks at her. He could sense where this is going. Who will become Valerie's sacrifice? He's sure that it won't be the same person from her past life. Even though this girl won, she was never able to sacrifice that person and sit on the throne because Mira was able to turn back time before that could happen. "They love you, right?"     

After a short pause, Aerie nods her head.      

"Then, you shouldn't hold back." Yuan Bo's eyes gleam brightly. "Your birth father loved that woman a lot. Think of her as your mother. Her family is your family. Love them a lot, okay?"     

"Uncle Bo." Aerie raises her head and looks at him. "Can't I tell them who I am?"     

Yuan Bo shakes his head. "It's not the right time."     

"I don't like lying." Aerie sighs. "They are good people."     

Will she think the same after he gives her memories to her? Yuan Bo gives her a hug. Though the girl seems softhearted right now, she was a cruel monster in her past life. What kind of show will she give him this time? "I need to go now. I will come back on your seventeenth birthday with a gift. Stay good and grow up well. Remember to learn all the things that I want you to learn. Your body and mind should be prepared to achieve your father's dream."     

"I will be prepared, Uncle Bo," She tells him with determination in her eyes. Uncle Bo hasn't told her what her father's dream was. "I won't disappoint you and my father."     

Aerie is Maddox Kang's daughter. Yuta's mind becomes numb after hearing those words. She's Valerie Kang. In his previous life, he had no idea that Maddox had a daughter. However, he had heard of the battle between two candidates for the throne of Consortium. In this lifetime, he found out that Mira was one of the candidates. The other one was Maddox's daughter.      

What should he do now?     

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