Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

It has to be her douche father

It has to be her douche father

"Elder brother, what did you do this time?" Takeshi follows his brother. "Where is my sister?"     

"I am looking for her." Kiyohira snaps at his brother. "I don't know where she is."     

"Is there any news?" Takeshi doesn't mind being snapped at. His grandmother has locked herself the room. Something bad must have happened when he was in school.     

"Her phone isn't reachable."     

"She threw it in the river." Kiyohira stops in front of his car. "Say, did your mother ever speak about Takeuchi to you?"     

"No." Takeshi found out about his sister through his father. If his father hadn't asked about his sister's well being accidentally in front of him when he was nine, he would have never found out.     

"Actually, she lied to me that my sister is living abroad with her father. So, I never asked to see her again. I found out after the funeral that she had always been living in the same country."     

Alone in that house.     

"How could she go that far?" Takeshi hears his brother murmur to himself. "She was still her daughter."     

Takeshi has the same questions. Unfortunately, his mother is dead. He doesn't know who can answer his questions. Why did she never let him know about his sister? She didn't even show a picture. The same mother, who loved him so much, abandoned her other child like that. His sister must have hated him.     

Kiyohira gets into his car and locks the door before Takeshi could get in. "Where are you going? Tell me where she is."     

"Mizutani is still looking for the train that she took. Until she finds out, we can't do much." Kiyohira tells him quietly, "Wait here. If she contacts you, call me."     

Takeshi watches his brother's car until it disappears on the road. He has an uneasy feeling in his heart. Why did his mother abandon his sister? His father wanted her to come into this family, but his mother lied repetitively. Did she hate his sister that much?     


"We can't reveal the patient's personal information to you." The old doctor refuses Kiyohira's request. "Unless it's a family member, we can't disclose anything."     

"I am her family member," Kiyohira speaks with a low voice. "Her mother died recently in an accident. Since then, she has been living with us."     

"Why is she staying with the Kamiyama family?" The old doctor clicks his tongue. "I can't reveal it to you. It has to be her douche father."     

"Doctor, she ran away from home. We don't know where she is." Kiyohira is losing his patience. "She had two attacks in the past few days. The first one happened when I tried to feed her. The second one happened this morning. I don't know what triggered it. I can't think of the place where she could have gone to."     

The old doctor stares at him for a long time before he spoke. "It was her grandfather forced her to see me because she would throw up or pass out whenever she had to eat or drink at the public place. There were times when she couldn't even eat in front of her grandparents. Her condition became worse when they forced her to eat with them. She often got stomach infections. It's not hard to figure out why. She was being bullied at school."     

This is the complete opposite of what was written in the report. The school completely changed the information about her. "Did she say the names of the people who were bullying it to her?"     

"Never." The old doctor sighs, "During our sessions, she never spoke once."     

Kiyohira frowns. "Why didn't they change school?"     

"It was because of her useless father." The old doctor curses Takeuchi Seiji. "Her father was still her guardian. He didn't permit it. He threatened to cut off her from the family register and send her to orphanage if her grandfather changed the school or stopped her education. That's why she was forced to go to school."     

"Orphanage?" Kiyohira finds it odd that both Kamiyama Hitomi and Takeuchi Seiji abandoned their daughter. Her father even wanted to send her to the orphanage. Was she even his daughter?     

"Ah, I am getting old. My tongue slips easily these days." The old doctor leans back on the chair. "She is adopted. Her grandfather and I were friends before I started treating her. That's one of the reasons why he trusted her with me. We used to go for drinks on some nights. One day, when he was too drunk, he revealed that she was adopted when she was only a few days old. Later, he asked me to keep it a secret from his granddaughter. He didn't want her to think that she wasn't related to him."     

He exhales loudly. Because she is adopted, Kamiyama Hitomi and Takeuchi Seiji easily discarded her and moved on with their lives. No, Takeuchi Seiji wanted her to suffer at school. Despite knowing that she was being bullied, he forced her to go to school and get bullied every day.     

Kamiyama Hitomi and Takeuchi Seiji are disgusting.     

"The child never opens her heart to anyone." The old doctor has a distant look in his eyes. "She would rather suffocate alone than ask for help. She hates showing weaknesses. She is still alone and suffocating inside the walls that she created."     


KA City.     

I check into the hotel first and order meals. I watch a drama on TV while eating. I need to buy a new phone. I left my laptop at Kamiyama Mansion. I don't think that I can get it back. It doesn't matter anymore. I don't think that I can stay here for a long time either.     

Chisa. Kamiyama. I could never imagine that they were together. Was even Takeshi in this? I don't think so. Kamiyama hates me. So, it's natural that he would love to bring my old enemy in front of my eyes again. Does Chisa already know about my problems? She must have been happy.     

I can't eat anymore. This hotel sucks. I don't want to stay in the same place. I leave the hotel immediately. I buy a cheap phone first. Then, I check my bank balance. I have enough to settle in a new city. Where should I go?     

Where can I start a new life somewhere far away from the people from my past?     

Anywhere is better than seeing their faces again. I don't have the energy to hate. I already wanted to disappear. Now is the right time.     

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