Villain Lady

It’s a War

It’s a War

It was true that the area where Prince Ji Sheng was standing now used to be part of the tribes. However, it was thanks to the war that Han Shi Kingdom managed to push the tribes back or coerce them to be part of Han Shi Kingdom. This was what caused the border to be pushed to the front a bit.     

Prince Ji Sheng frowned. He knew that even if he said to them that he didn't have any intention to expand the territory to the north, they would not believe him. After all, there were already constant war in this area for so long.     


The shout from another leader started the battle. The soldiers from the tribes were rushing to the wall and tried to climb with the stairs they have brought along. On the other hand, the soldiers on the wall prevented them from reaching the wall by shooting arrows.     

"Continue shooting," Gao Ling ordered. She was the one who had to take care part of the archers.     


Gao Ling gritted her teeth as she watched the situation before her. These tribes were middle sized and normally would not come here to seek trouble. After all, they have their own way to live at the very north of this area. Yet they came here today and wage war with Han Shi Kingdom.     

"How's the situation?"     

"We're holding the line."     

The tribe soldiers who managed to climb the wall was facing the soldiers who were already arranged to stall and kill them. The archers continued to shoot for hours. Even if their hands were already numb, they didn't stop and continued to fight.     

The casualties from the two sides were growing.     

Han Shi Kingdom was having advantage, but Prince Ji Sheng knew that tomorrow it would be an even bigger battle. With the reinforcement from the second prince that the two strategists couldn't stop on their own, there would be a massive battle here.     

"General Sheng, it's nearing night time."     

"Continue shooting."     

"Yes, General!"     

Prince Ji Sheng looked at the north and frowned. Now that the city was under siege, how did the two strategists will return to the city. He couldn't possibly open the gate that they have blocked with large rock just to bring those two inside.     

'What should I…'     


At this time, one of the stairs was suddenly pushed back. It sent the soldiers who were trying to climb to their death due to the fall. At the same time, one of the soldiers who were wearing the tribe's clothing suddenly began to attack his friends.     


"What in the world…?"     


Prince Ji Sheng's soldiers were stunned by the sudden development, yet they didn't stop moving. When the other tribe soldiers were all killed, the man stopped moving and removed his cap. Even though the sky had dimmed, they could see the youthful face of the familiar strategist of theirs.     

"STRATEGIST YANG?" one of the soldiers shouted with a dumbfounded tone.     

"Yep," Yang Xian replied with a laugh. "Where's General Sheng? I need to have a talk with him."     

"This way, Strategist Yang."     

Wiping the blood from his face, Yang Xian sighed. This was actually a risky plan that he thought when he was approaching this place. Since the soldiers came from several tribes, there should be less security amongst themselves because of the difference between each tribe. It would make it easier for him to sneak in.     

The next problem was to climb the stair without getting wounded by his friends. He could only stick behind other soldier and tried to stay outside the arrow's range. At the same time, he purposely chose the area that was far from Gao Ling's location.     

She often changed her course to shoot those who were climbing, so he had to evade her at all cost.     

It didn't take a long time for Yang Xian to arrive by Prince Ji Sheng's place. The latter was looking at the battle before him before he turned around. "We'll be running out of arrows soon."     

"Who are you to kid? We've more than enough to launch full scale attack for an entire month without stopping," Yang Xian retorted. He had already send message to Prince Ji Sheng numerous times to continue replenish their arrows supplies. When it came to defending the city, arrows were very essential.     

Prince Ji Sheng nodded. By this time, there was already order to retreat from the enemy's side because it was night. He waved his hand to signal the gong to ring in order for the soldiers to return back and rest.     

"Where's Liu Ying?"     

"She's at the north, taking care of the mess," Yang Xian replied.     

Prince Ji Sheng furrowed his brows. "Elaborate."     

"Second prince's army will arrive here soon. Prince Lian is personally leading the army and he's not far behind me when I departed. However, due to the dispute in their main camp, Prince Lian can only use half of his soldiers and the rest are still there to safeguard their headquarters."     

Prince Ji Sheng was silent for a moment. "And Liu Ying is there to stop them?"     

"Yes. She'll make use of the soldier's loyalty to Prince Kou to make them help her. Whether she will succeed or not is still not known."     

Yang Xian's fingers were clenched into a fist. He didn't want to agree to this too, but he knew that Wei Liuying had no chance to slip like what he did. If a short and small soldier suddenly sneaked in, people would be suspicious. It was already the best option for her to stay behind and help in different way.     

"Can you prepare everything for tomorrow?" Prince Ji Sheng asked. His eyes were looking at Yang Xian's fist as he pondered internally.     

"Yes, I can. I'll make haste."     



"First, you need to eat and take a bath. Your smell will scare the soldiers away."     

Yang Xian: "…" I completely forgot about that point.     

Before Yang Xian could leave, Prince Ji Sheng turned around and looked into a distance. "This is war, Xian. Risk is inevitable."     

"I know, General Sheng," Yang Xian responded without turning around. "I'll take my leave."     

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