Villain Lady



"Your disciple is crazy," Shi Mo said after he settled Princess Ji Xiaoli to be buried temporarily inside his house. He couldn't find any other place more suitable than this because no one would come here.      

Yang Xian laughed faintly. "Don't you always say that to me?"     

"You agree with her plan?"     

"I don't think there's any other option for us," Yang Xian replied. He walked to the bird that Shi Mo kept. It would be used for emergency message. With a swift movement, Yang Xian wrote several letter on a piece of cloth then tied it to the bird's feet. "Return to General Sheng."     


The bird flew out of the window and disappeared into a distance. Yang Xian looked at Shi Mo. "I'll not forgive you if you die."     

Shi Mo's hand paused for a moment. He looked at Yang Xian and nodded. "I'll do my best."     

They came out and noticed the horse that Wei Liuying rode as she walked to them. She was wearing a veil, yet the layer of makeup on her upper face was already more than enough to startle them. It looked as if she was the princess and not Wei Liuying.     

"Are you finished?"     

"Yes. We'll depart soon."     

"I'll be counting on you."     


Shi Mo hopped to the horse and took the hold of the rein. He was sitting on the back with Wei Liuying in the front. With their difference in height, it was not that hard for him to see the front.     

After this, they wouldn't be in the same situation as before anymore. Once they set up, they would never be able to turn back anymore and had to finish the mission no matter what it took.     

"Are you ready?"     


The horse began to gallop to the north.     

Yang Xian watched the two of them leaving and sighed. He led his own horse, that he had already paced for the entire night with a biter smile. "It'll be night soon, so we'll rest first. Tomorrow, we have to pace again."     


The horse seemed to understand as it lowered its head and began to munch on the grass that began to appear. Its action only stunned Yang Xian who couldn't help but laugh.     

'You better not die, Liuying.'     


"It'll be night soon. If we're outside at this temperature and wind, we'll die," Shi Mo reminded.     

"Their previous camp is not that far," Wei Liuying replied and pointed to a distance. "There's still some mark of their horse passing through this area. We should be able to rest there for the night."     


"It's already the best option for us."     


It didn't take long for them to reach the place Wei Liuying pointed at. The sky was darkening and there were scraps everywhere. At the same time, there were several abandoned tent that was not used anymore.     

"How do you know that there would be tents here?" Shi Mo asked in surprise.     

Wei Liuying jumped off the horse. "The soldiers are only tasked to attack the prince before regrouping with the main group. It means that there would be a lot of tents they left behind in their previous headquarter as they tried to meet back with the main soldiers."     

"If we stay here, won't we…"     

"No. These people are all from different tribe. The second prince is too smart to make mistake. I'm sure he'll pretend that he didn't know about the attack at all and refused to acknowledge the tribe. In addition, this headquarter is not placed in the most strategic location and only good to stay for a short period of time," Wei Liuying analyzed calmly.     

Shi Mo was completely stumped. When he first met with Wei Liuying, she was still a very immature young girl who only knew a bit about war. It only took several months for her to transform completely to a young teenager who knew many things about war.     

"Princess Ji Xiaoli will never talk like that."     

Wei Liuying paused and closed her eyes. When she opened it again, the atmosphere around her changed almost immediately. She turned around and looked at Shi Mo. "Rest for tonight. It's not good to stay outside for long."     

The tone was less forceful, but it carried the same authority and commandment as before. Once again, Shi Mo was speechless. He felt that there was clearly nothing that Wei Liuying couldn't do.     

Unfortunately, he didn't know that if Wei Liuying was asked to embroider something… the result would be a total disaster.     

The night passed quietly.     

The two of them continued their journey to the north using the way that Wei Liuying had arranged. They have to bypass several small rocky mountains in order to escape from the second prince's sight. Since the second prince brought along a lot of soldiers, there was a limit to the path they could pick.     

Wei Liuying evaded those path almost immediately and picked the least conspicuous one.     

"We'll arrive soon. Are you ready, Princess?"     

"Yes," Wei Liuying replied.     

Shi Mo had met with several of people who were tasked to take care of Princess Ji Xiaoli. Even though it was not complete, the information would be enough for Wei Liuying to pass as the princess for a short period of time. They only needed to make sure that Wei Liuying could command the soldiers there and make use of the people who were loyal to Prince Kou.     

Since the first prince had abandoned them, there was no one who knew the truth of the story.     

"Stop!" Xiong Tribe soldiers stopped them when they were about to go through the gate.     

Wei Liuying furrowed her brows and looked at the people. She was sitting sideways on top of the horse, a position she just changed to because Princess Ji Xiaoli couldn't ride horse properly.     

Taking a deep breath, Wei Liuying's aura changed completely to that of a ruler. She shouted, "Who are you to stop me from coming in?"     

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