My Perfect Lady

I Will Have Your Heads Chopped Off!

I Will Have Your Heads Chopped Off!

Coughing, and with a triumphant look on his face, Jim knocked at the door. Victory was sure to be his now. There was no need to be worried anymore. He had just got hold of his trump card, after all.     

For a few minutes, there was no response from inside. Jim knocked at the door again.     

And within an instant, the door was banged open violently, and Mr. Jimmy Hunter's eardrums almost exploded from the woman's shriek.     

"The hell is wrong with you, you damned old geezer?!" Miya was howling, looking positively outraged as she stood at the entrance of her door, holding a sandal in one hand.     

Jim stared at her for a moment, shocked, while she stared back.     

Then slowly, they both regained sense.     

Miya realized this was someone else, whereas Jim was at a loss for words.     

He didn't know how though, he did manage a stammering, "H-Hello."     

The girl gave him an embarrassed smile, quickly replying with an, "Oh, hi!" as she dropped the sandal and pushed it aside with the back of her foot.     

An awkward silence prevailed.     

After a minute though, which seemed like an eternity, Miya looked the stranger up and down, then finally asked, "Who might you be, sir?"     

Jim immediately frowned.     

Had the woman really forgotten who he was? They had met barely an hour before. Not to mention, his was a face not to be easily overlooked!     

Somehow, he felt irritated. He kept his emotions aside though and forced a smile.     

"Before, miss, in the morning, we met," he told her, "The Wilsons' Family Meals?"     

The girl seemed to struggle for remembrance, and then, suddenly, her eyes brightened. She looked up at him in recognition, then pointed at his nose.     

"You are that pervert from before!" she shouted.     

Jim's jaw dropped at her words.     

What in the name of –     

But before he could react, or clear the confusion, or understand the situation himself, Miya called out, "Quick, Ben! Bring me the broom! We have to teach this man a lesson!" And before Jim could get along with the pace of events, his handsome face was hit with a broom. Baffled, he fell down. And because he showed an opening, there came successive blows from the broom by the girl.     

"Take that, you lowly pervert!" she bellowed, hitting him non-stop, her entire body quivering from the effort.     

Her little boy, who stood beside her and looked reverently at his mother, asked, "What's a pervert, mommy?"     

Miya didn't know what to say.     

"A, a-a-a kidnapper!" She finally blurted out, unable to think of any other word.     

"Meaning he came to take mommy away and ask for money?"     

"Yeah,.." she replied doubtfully.     

The child frowned, clearly very angry at the young man.     

Meanwhile, Jim had lost his soul. He couldn't avoid the broom, the woman was so energetic in her attacks. And he no more wanted to get up. First a pervert, then a kidnapper? What had he even done to deserve this?!     

And as if the broom wasn't enough, the kid suddenly jumped onto Jim's belly and punched him hard.     

Jim was taken aback.     

What the bloody hell?!     

He tried to push away the kid, which only made him punch Jim again.     

The f***.     

"What an iron fist," Jim thought, still struggling to remove the kid while being hit by the broom, "The brat has talent for boxing."     

Meanwhile, Miya wasn't pleased. This pervert was pushing her son, trying to hurt her baby. Scowling, she threw a bucket of dirty water on him, that she had used earlier to wash the mop.     

Jimmy almost choked.     

The kid immediately left his belly though, yelling, "Ew! Ew! Stinky old man!"     




Jim had reached his limit.     

His face contorted, as foul-smelling water dripped from his hair and body. Jim finally got up. He glared.     

This duo would now see who they had messed with.     

He would have them killed!     

"You filthy, savage, uncivilized, dirty brutes!" he thundered as he took a threatening step towards the mother and son, "I will have your heads chopped off for this!"     

The expression on Jim's face was so demonic, the child immediately began to cry. Miya flinched and then looked at the mop in her hand. She had taken it out before throwing the dirty water on Jim.     

Jim grabbed her by the hand. In the same moment, Miya threw the mop at his face.     


Losing balance, Jim fell down again, the mop still on his face. And suddenly, he had no more energy left. His anger faded away as that foul smell filled his nose, the dirty water dripping from his hair and face… He instantly gave up. There was nothing left to live for. It was all over.     

And then, Mr. Jimmy Hunter fainted.     

Minutes later, he was tied up, dragged into the room, and then dumped onto the trash can. The mother and son decided to interrogate him after he regained consciousness.     

A few hours later, when all was set and done, and Miya had cleaned up, the child asked innocently, "Mommy why does he want money from us? We don't have money, right?"     

"I don't' know," she replied honestly.     


The child went up to the tied-up kidnapper and sat before him. Jim was still unconscious.     

Ben stared at him unpleasantly. Why was the kidnapper so sleepy? Did he not sleep last night? Why was he not cold when he was all wet? And why was he so well dressed? He looked like a gentleman or actor on T.V., The T.V. … Ben looked at Jim closely. Then, suddenly, he remembered something.     

"Mommy!" he called out loud, "I've seen this kidnapper on T.V.!"     

Miya frowned.     

"Oh! No way Ben," she said assuredly.     

"I have, mommy."     

She stared at the kid. Was this man a murderer? Ben was a smart kid… But then, what would a murderer have to do with her? Frightened, she quickly went to the man and searched his coat's pocket. There, she found a wet and sloppy card that said –     

"Mr. Jimmy Hunter     

CEO, Hunter Corporation."     

Hunter Corporation…?     

Wait, THE Hunter Corporation?!     

Was it not the leading company in the entire country?     


Oh hell… wasn't some Jimmy Hunter also the heir to that company?     

All color drained from the girl's face and she hit her head with her fist.     

"What happened mommy?" Ben asked worriedly, holding her arm.     

"We are doomed, Ben," Miya almost choked, "We made a terrible mistake. This man… he really will have our heads chopped off!"     

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