Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Love Rivals

Third World: Love Rivals

Feng Zi was short in comparison with his right arm covered with a magnificent sleeve tattoo of a phoenix. This was the beast he normally would transform into but because someone burnt off part of his feathers with dragon flames, Feng Zi could barely maintain his transformed state let alone fly. That person could only be Qie Ranzhe who literally burnt him out of the sky while pursuing him in the past.     

His tattoo wasn't the only outstanding thing about Feng Zi but his maroon undercut man bun that could turn head every where he went. Though he was an infamous underground Boss, he had numerous fans sharing his pictures on Weibo. The only downside was that he was short for a man standing at 1.68m, even Airen was taller than him at a height of 1.85m. Well, she was an exception because the woman was born a giant and Wen Qinxi could clearly see the difference as soon as he stepped out of the room.     

To speak to Airen, he had to lift his head which was demoralising but sadly he couldn't do anything about it. Speaking of Airen, she was Feng Zi's loyal henchwoman after she was saved from a fatal disease by Feng Yu when she was in the army. She then pledged her loyalty to Feng Yu and his son but ever since Feng Yu went missing she has stayed by Feng Zi's side. All Feng Zi had to tell her was point and shoot, the woman wouldn't even ask question just shooting to Feng Zi's satisfaction. Her history as an assassin made her the most feared person right after Feng Zi in the underground world.     

"Take me to her," said Wen Qinxi rubbing his sore knuckle from punching the wall earlier.     

"You want me to take care of it?" she asked as they made their way down the corridor towards the last door at the end of the hall.     

"Later just arrange a meeting with Qie Ranzhe so he can pick her up," he said as they reached the door.     

"Don't you want me to go in with you?" asked Airen with genuine concern in her eyes. She couldn't understand what had gotten into Feng Zi's mind. The man had been head of heels fawning over Zhao Huangzhi for as long as she can remember. Even to acquire Zhao Huangzhi this time, Feng Zi had almost lost his life only to hand her over just like that. Not that she was complaining, Zhao Huangzhi was a green tea bitch who led her Boss astray and Airen could only be pleased to see Feng Zi finally let go of his obsession with her. The only thing that worried her was how sudden it was.     

"I am fine just get Qie Ranzhe to meet me," he said before entering the bedroom were Zhao Huangzhi was being kept. For a captive, she seemed to have the best view in the entire mansion in a lavish grand first class bedroom.     

To be frank, Feng Zi treated her like a spoilt princess and from the game files it seemed for the past two weeks he was running around slaving for Zhao Huangzhi granting her every request pampering her without asking anything in return except she couldn't leave.     

Granted Feng Zi was wrong for kidnapping her but the kidnapee indulged him treating this as a vacation. Wen Qinxi had to offload this hot potato as soon as possible. "You can leave. Within four hours I will take you back to the General," he said casually pulling up a chair to seat opposite her.     

Zhao Huangzhi's scarlet lips quirked up into a smile and said, "Giving up already?" while lazily folding her arms across her chest, "I told you already you aren't as good as the General. I am glad you finally know your place."     

Wen Qinxi let out a light chuckle and counterattacked, "You are right but I am also wondering what the fuck I was thinking falling for a woman like you. To be honest, you really don't deserve to be with Ran-ge. To put it bluntly, you aren't qualified," These words left a bitter taste in his mouth with a sour feeling stuck in his throat which wasn't an issue as he could manage it but an uncontrollable crazed feeling was wailing up within him. It was as though if he doesn't act on it, it would tear him apart.     

As Wen Qinxi struggled with his own sanity Zhao Huangzhi was adding fuel to the fire. "Who gave you the fuckin right to call him that. Feng Zi you better watch your fuckin mouth. I know it hurts losing to such a powerful man but I have to make it clear to you today otherwise you will keep building castles in the air. I love Qie Ranzhe and Qie Ranzhe love me so back the fuck off!"     

'Oh now she has done it.....boss calm down, don't, don't,' said the system trying to cool off Wen Qinxi's jets but it was futile as Wen Qinxi stood up and pulled out a gold plated glock 19x with a skull on its handle pointing it at Zhao Huangzhi with his finger on the trigger.     

This took Zhao Huangzhi by surprise with her face turning ashen pale. She didn't expect the obedient man who was running around like a loyal puppy to suddenly grow a spine and even dared to threat her. From this angle she could tell Feng Zi wasn't joking with every hair in her body raised on end. She couldn't help but wonder if Feng Zi was pulling the 'if l can't have you then no one else can' stunt.     

"Do you believe I will kill you right now?" asked Wen Qinxi with bloodshot eyes and a sinister smile on his face.     

Zhao Huangzhi was terrified but she was an army commander after all. She wiped the fear off her face and said, "Of course, you won't. You are a fuckin coward."     

Wen Qinxi withdrew his weapon as he chuckled in an eerie manner, the kind of chuckle associated with creepy clowns in a fun house. In an instant his chuckle died down and with a stiff smile he said, "Not a coward. Just remember the only reason I kept you alive is because of Ran-ge. If it wasn't for him I would have fed your lifeless corpse to my dogs." Wen Qinxi wasn't lying, Feng Zi actually had vicious dogs guarding the property. The type of dogs that wouldn't mind eating human flesh.     

After saying this he left the room mainly because he was mortified by this character that literally had psychopath as a skill set. He could no longer guarantee Zhao Huangzhi's safety as it took massive will power not to pull the trigger at that moment. He had to figure out a way to keep himself in check otherwise things won't end well.     

While Wen Qinxi was mulling over how to keep the beast within in check, Zhao Huangzhi was plotting against him. The man dared to point his gun at her, naturally his deeds couldn't go unpunished so she decided on a devious plan. She began to hit her body against the furniture to create fresh bruises all over her body. Her intention was to frame Feng Zi of assaulting and almost raping her.     

These bruises would serve as evidence. Why she chose this method it was because it would touch Qie Ranzhe's soft spot as he lost his mother through such a violent attack. This would trigger Qie Ranzhe into dealing a harsh punishment towards Feng Zi. To her, having Feng Zi's feather burnt off wasn't enough, the man should have been left bald and unable to transform back into his human form. That would teach him not to fuck with her.     

Satisfied by her piece of art, she lay down in bed eating exotic fruits waiting for the second act of her plan.     

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