Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Second World: A Force Not To Be Reckoned With

Second World: A Force Not To Be Reckoned With

In a fit of anger, Qie Ranzhe had descended upon his mother's beauty spa where the entire Qie family was being held hostage. The Marshal's way of dealing with matters was crude and ruthless. Unlike those hostage negotiations, Qie Ranzhe just walked straight into the fire his demeanor horrifyingly scary to the point of making one of Prince Yao's men almost pee his pants in fright.     

Qie Ranzhe was a typical example of a shoot now ask questions later type of person bashing the man's head so hard aganist the wall as blood came gushing out. If he weren't dead then he would most definitely be a vegetable for the rest of his life.     

The rest of the men witnessed such a bloody scene and looked at each other as though contemplating on how to proceed. It was obvious they couldn't beat this beast in a one on one match and could only rely in their numbers. But among them one man was gifted with the ability to forsee danger which could easily be mistaken for being a coward. He knew even if they were a dozen of them fighting aganist Qie Ranzhe they wouldn't be able to subdue let alone defeat him.     

He silently weighed his options. Was his salary worth having his legs broken? No, he still treasured his life. "Fuck this shit isn't worth it," he said before walking out of the beauty spa under the scornful gazes of his counterparts. Despite dubbing him a coward, they soon envied him and wished they had taken the opportunity to run away.     

The brave men lunged forward launching an attack towards the Marshal but they didn't even manage to touch a single strand of his hair with deadly bullets flying across the room. In the blink of an eye the room was suddenly filled with grey blinding smoke making it hard for one to see their fingers even if they brought them close to their faces. The playing field had been leveled and the men's faces turned grave as their so called advantage had been taken away just like that. Beads of cold sweat began to run down their foreheads and backs unable to determine where the Marshal would strike first.     

An eerie silence filled the room as the rain of bullets came to a halt. Under this circumstance they knew not to make a sound as this would only sell out their position so with heavy hearts they could only wait in silence like vigilant prey waiting for the predator to make its first move. The hunter had become the hunted.     

Without any warning a shrewd cry pierced the fog eerily similar to that of a dying animal during slaughter. This was followed by gunfire directed in the direction at which the screams came from but it didn't help as another sinister cry came from another direction. What these men didn't know was that the Marshal had only killed two of them but the rest killed each other by randomly firing their guns in a frenzy.     

In less than six minutes the smell of blood permeated the room with the Marshal walking out his clothes the same as he entered, spotless with no single stain of blood. In steady unnerving footsteps Qie Ranzhe head towards his mother's office in which his entire family was being held captive.     

Meanwhile, Lin Yao naturally heard everything happening in the reception area but instead of fear or panic, the man was calming seated on the swivel leather chair casually spinning a pen in between his fingers with his feet crossed at the ankles up on the desk. This was exactly the scene Qie Ranzhe walked into.     

Lin Yao slowly stood up and casually said, "You are truly a force that can't be reckoned with. You can take them away, I naturally can't win aganist you."     

Faced with such a response Qie Ranzhe wasn't sure how to react. He expected Lin Yao to put up a fight but it turned out the man easily surrendered so what was the whole point of bringing an army? Why make such a fuss basically declaring war only to concede the very next minute. Qie Ranzhe hated this wishy washy attitude the most. Prince Yao's men had lost their lives and for what? This crime naturally deserved punishment and Qie Ranzhe bestowed upon himself the title of judge, jury and executioner handing down the punishment immediately.     

Without any hesitation his fist dealt a heavy blow on Lin Yao's face causing the man to stagger grimacing in pain. Unable to keep himself steady, the prince began to see stars as the room began to spin uncontrollably causing him to tumble to the floor with a loud thud.     

Qie Ranzhe immediately attended to his family. They were hurt but the injuries weren't grave so he called Machu who came over immediately and took the Qie Family away.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't go with them but stayed behind as he wasn't done dealing with Lin Yao. He had recounted each and every injury on his parents' bodies and as we all know the Marshal was a petty man. He intended to give back to Lin Yao two fold and make him suffer the same grievances.     

Before the round of beatings began, Lin Yao sat upright with his body leaning against the wall. His left eye was swollen with a red spot but in such a pitiful sorry state he began to laugh completely out of character. After half a minute of laughing he finally said, "Please Marshal let's not strike my face anymore. Remember I have a new wed waiting for me at home. Hit anywhere you like but not my face."     

Qie Ranzhe wasn't courteous beating up Lin Yao venting out all his anger and when he was done he dragged him all the way to the palace before tossing him at the feet of Emperor Lin. "You have five minutes to take this piece of shit with you and put a leash on him otherwise I will annihilate your entire empire," said Qie Ranzhe in an imperative tone.     

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