The CEO Who Hates Me

Chills Down The Spine

Chills Down The Spine

Old Master Ken called for a family meeting immediately and told them about his meeting with the producers of the show. Then he discussed everything he and the producers of the show had talked about and that he had given permission to air Cecile's story as part of the game...     

Cecile burst out in tears as soon as she heard that Shawn already heard the truth…     

This was the moment she's been waiting for...     

"Finally, our son heard our side of the story. Now he knows there can be another face of what has been told to him… he at least has heard the reality of the situations and about what had happened." Cecile murmured, she was stuttering because of continuous sobbing. Karl hugged her as he gently patted her back, tears rolling down his eyes as well, even he didn't know how to suppress his emotions.     

"I will have to remind you Cecile, all the stories of your past will circulate fast, they will soon dig out more details of your life and find out some more unpleasant and painful points from your past and make headlines with it. They will not spare you an ounce of mercy. People and media love gossips, some will take and judge you positively but there will always be a negative feedback where you will be judged unfairly. I have already explained it to you before but I will say it again. You are now part of our family. In fact you are the one who has to hold this family tight and keep yourself strong. Together we will all face the impacts or outcome of this matter. I hate sacrifices, especially doing things on your own without us knowing..." Old Master Ken paused, he looked closely at his daughter-in-law.     

The he added, "you must face everything bravely, standing tall with your head always held up high… whether you heard any negative feedbacks, don't let it dishearten you… It's not your fault, whatever happened that day was not your fault, it never was… it never will be, you were a victim of conspiracies that day and always remember that now you're a Ken and we, all the Ken family, will always be behind your back no matter what happens..."     

"Don't worry dad… I'm ready for it. I know I have to be strong and face the media and their questions with a very brave and strong heart. I might even face humiliation because of the media and even many of our acquaintances will start to dislike me as well, but today nothing else matters to me but having my son into my arms." Cecile smiled reassuringly. She had experience enough hardship to even care with what others will think or say about her.     

All of them couldn't wait to watch how Dean and Ryu revealed it, that part will be aired tonight so they all waited anxiously.     

So as soon as the show aired, everyone watched it in awe in their respective rooms...     

Meanwhile, the Ken wives were anxious but excited at the same time, they couldn't wait to know whether their husbands' team won the said challenge so they would get the day-off that Zeus had mentioned…     

Arya shook her head… 'How funny…' she thought because despite the looming danger, their longing for their men weigh more, like the danger did not matter at all as long as they would be together.     


Old Master Ken was sitting in his study along with a few people from the security team of the Kens. Inside the meeting room, Old Master Ken had instructed his men to implement a tighter security for the safety of the Ken family.     

More men from their security team were dispatched to each member of the family, all in disguise to guard the Kens heavily and discreetly. Even Denise was under their security without her knowing about it.     

After his men left, Old Master Ken looked at Omni and suddenly asked, "Do you think it suits my personality?"     

Butler Omni looked at him with confused eyes and said, "What do you mean Master? Can you elaborate further please?"     

Old Master Ken laughed but then his face became gloomy and his murderous bloodthirsty aura started reflecting around him sending the familiar chills down the spine of Butler Omni. He couldn't remember the last time when he saw this look, how much ever time had passed and the Old Master did not showed this side of his personality to anyone around, but today that his family will be targeted, he had the same aura and even the effect of it was the same as it was decades ago... a chill running down his spine…     

"Announcing the hideous plan of Old Man Skull at that show in public like what Ryu and Dean suggested is not my style at all. I prefer to do things discreetly. Should I just eliminate Old Skull in an instant?" Old Master Ken uttered with a heavy tone.     

"But Master… You promised to Madam Livy that you will no longer stain your hands with blood…" Butler Omni reminded him nervously. He did not want his Master to go back to his old self, it was the last thing he would want to see.     

He heard the deep sigh of his Master as the latter massaged his temple.     

Old Man Skull was a big name now… Eliminating him would not be too easy to partake but it's still possible. However, if something went wrong, their name would be in jeopardy and he was not willing to take that risk for his family's future and his late wife wouldn't want the same if she's alive.     


Chen almost did not sleep from a few days…     

He was so engrossed in tracking down that doctor. He received a call that someone had seen him living in a remote area, in the mountains.     

"Who would dare live in a creepy place like this," exclaimed one of his men while they followed the tracks to the mountain.     

"He dares to, our Chief Physician," the old woman who was guiding them answered with a grin.     

Then she added, "a woman has arrived and is staying with him recently. I think that's his granddaughter. They helped a lot of people who are sick here in our village for free."     

Chen nodded and said, "Oh what a nice folk… I heard he is really good. My Master is quite sick and we already tried everything… but hopefully we could seek help from ornamental medicine that he is doing."     

"Oh there's no doubt that our Chief Physician could heal him…" the Old lady proudly declared.     

Chen sighed… How he hoped that this time, it was the real doctor involved in the incident of Madam's delivery.     

He too was so anxious to find the evidences. It was very important to retrieve all the files missing including the video recording that they believed contain a strong evidence of who manipulated everything.     

He looked around… they've been walking and climbing high tracks for almost an hour now.     

'Who the hell would dare to live in this isolated place, unless you are are a saint or… you are running away from someone and are in hiding.' Chen thought silently. He could feel it… This time… he could feel great success after their long journey…     

EDITED BY: Yui     

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