The CEO Who Hates Me

Crazy Drunk Wives

Crazy Drunk Wives

Denise arrived at the restaurant early for her lunch appointment with Mr. Lee, but to her surprise Mr. Lee was already there waiting for her.     

She reached to the table greeted him, "hello Uncle," and gave him a cheek to cheek kiss as usual with a wide smile on her face.     

But after hearing his true colours from Rita yesterday, all she wanted to do was to puke on the evil Old Man and curse him. She never knew such an evil person would ever exist and she would even meet him in her life.     

'You tainted the hands of my man! You turned him from an innocent soul to a gangster. Such a despicable act Old Skull! Now I will bring him out of your clutches very soon.' She wanted to shout at him.     

How could someone teach a young boy of a tender age and naïve heart such cruelty?     

She curbed all her thoughts inside her heart without a trace of anger or loathing on her face, she smiled widely and asked, "How are you uncle? Why did you ask me out for lunch suddenly?"     

Mr. Lee laughed and looked at her intently in the eyes, "How are the Kens treating you? One month vacation at their house is such a long period of time so… I just thought to have some of your time for myself also, you know I felt a little jealous…"     

He winked and then asked, "I was just wondering how's Rita, you know that daughter of mine is just too stubborn."     

Denise winked back at him and said, "Well, I'm with Arya most of the time. I rarely get time to interact or talk with someone else. And Rita is doing well I think. I haven't really had time with her as she is very reserve and doesn't even sit with the family most of the time. Infact, she seems a little upset with them. They are nice with her though but I think she herself is a little aloof and the quiet type. I mean she rarely talks at all. Is she that quiet for real? Had she been like this always?"     

Mr. Lee arched an eyebrow for a second but then smiled, "I guess she's still angry with me… though she's only my adopted daughter, still, I care for her and I'm strongly against her relationship with that Dean Ken."     

Mr. Lee sighed and added, "but her happiness is more important for me. While you're there please take good care of her and please relay my message. Tell her to contact me and meet me also."     

Denise's forehead creased. "Huh? I'm sorry but can't you call her or something. It's just that Rita seems to be an aloof person and hard to approach Uncle, she just ignores me whenever I am around. I  kind of feel bad..." Denise responded nonchalantly.     

"Oh ever since she entered Kens household, I lost contact with her and since then I got no opportunity to get in touch with her at all." Mr. Lee muttered.     

"Alright Uncle, I will try but will not promise." Denise said smiling.     

Mr. Lee ordered the foods and they talked about her engagement with Shawn. Denise replied very enthusiastically and showed that she is anticipating the ceremony. Denise kept her act well up to the end.     

After they finished with the lunch, they ordered the desserts and Denise said, "Uncle, please tell me a little about the likes and dislikes of Shawn, what he likes to eat and what not! Also I must know about your favourite foods, you see a daughter-in-law must know the likes and dislikes of her family." She softly smiled as she said this.     

'This acting is really a difficult task. Sis Arya, hats off to you for choosing this as your profession.' she mused.     

Denise spent a few more minutes of talking with Mr. Lee.     

"Uncle Lee, I will go first because I need to meet Arya at her work. Lets plan to meet again Uncle and continue to discuss more about you and Shawn's likes. Take care." Denise said as she took her leave.     

Mr. Lee stared at her back as she walked away…     


At Kens Mansion     

As soon as the dinner was finished the three girls cleaned themselves up and immediately met at Denise's room.     

"Tada!" Arya said cheerfully as she raised the two bottles of wine in her hands.     

"Granpa chose this from the wine cellar and said these are really good. Hurry Denise and open the television." Arya added as they positioned themselves on the soft couch.     

"What the heck!!!" Denise blurted out in shock as soon as the men in trunks appeared before her eyes.     

"Holy cow! Who gave them the permission to broadcast my hubby's sexy abs! How dare that show let my man wear nothing but trunks? That sight is supposed to be only mine to see!" Arya hissed.     

Rita laughed at the reactions of the two girls.     

On the contrary, she did not mind seeing Dean like that because she missed him so much.     

Their relationship was already a little different from what Arya and Denise had with their husbands, it was not many days ago that they had started advancing towards a normal loving marriage and Dean left for the show.     

Her heart knew how much she wanted to cry, but she restrained in front of him and only cried hidden in the bathroom. Seeing him right now was a gift for her heart.     

"Well the viewers can only see them from a distance and they can't even touch that. It's just you girls who could actually touch those abs in reality. So let the viewers watch them and simply feast on them and drool. Besides, don't you two miss your man's body? There is your answered prayer. Be tortured with more lonely nights." Rita commented that made Arya and Denise laugh hard and Rita joined them.     

Then they drank as they watched their men complete the task…     


Zeus: "Housemates, this is the Treadmills Challenge. Each member of the house has to participate in this and it is compulsory for them to run on the treadmill. Each one of you have to run for twenty minutes on the machine and the distance will be noted for each run. The total distance of all the team-mates will be added, and the team that cover the maximum distance will be declared the winner. The winning team will be rewarded and they will get a chance to add more supplies for their food this week."     

Each housemates positioned to their respective treadmills and started the challenge as soon as Zeus' signal began.     


Back in the Denise's bedroom in Ken's mansion, all three of the crazy drunk Ken wives were screaming whenever the camera would be focused on their man.     

"Wow they are all fit and lean. Even that flower boy too. That's you Boss right?" Denise muttered and Arya nodded.     

She again took a look at Bernard and felt as if he was a little familiar and she had met him somewhere before also. From the very start when she saw him for her film, Bernard looked really familiar.     

"He's a nice guy too." Arya commented.     

Before a commercial break the show aired the conversation of Dean, Ryu, Bernard and Shawn with a title of 'PILLOW TALK between Untouchables'.     

Arya and Denise looked at Rita teasingly…     

Arya: "Wow, what a happy pillow!"     

Denise: "I wonder how scary that pillow can be though."     

Arya: "I didn't know this fighter was already subdued as a pillow by certain someone…"     

Denise: "By the way sis Rita, we can try to make you a pillow tonight… though we wont squeeze you like bro Dean…"     

Arya and Denise laughed out loud when Denise said that.     

Rita: "You two shut up or I'll knock you both to sleep and you will miss viewing the sexy bodies and abs of your husbands on that screen!"     

Both Arya and Denise stared at each other with wide eyes as they zipped their mouths.     

Rita was suppressing her laughter because of the worried expressions of Arya and Denise.     

They wouldn't dare miss even a second on that show… the hot and warm body of their husbands that was responsible for their sleepless nights.     

"Okay let's stop teasing our dear sis Rita and just hug our own pillows to sleep Denise. At least our pillow is not as scary as her, it won't even threaten us." Arya murmured as she giggled.     

"But, that pillow talk of Dean… is really sweet. I'm sure his pillow won't decline any offer of Dean from now on." Denise added and giggled.     

"You two…" Rita gasped.     

But then they all stopped the bantering as soon as the commercial break finished and the show resumed.     

Once again, the girls screamed and squealed at the sight of their men in trunks, running on the treadmill. Sweat dropping down their bodies that made them look even hotter.     

The sight of their handsome men, their perfect bodies, sculpted muscles and sweaty smooth and fair beautiful skin… made the three drool while watching.     


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