The CEO Who Hates Me

House of Zeus - Ryu

House of Zeus - Ryu

The audience screamed in anticipation as the silhouette figures of 12 men flashed at the big screen…     

Robin: "Calm down guys… There's no image yet and you are all going crazy like that…"     

Rea shook her head and commented...     

Rea: "Well Robin… Don't blame them because who wouldn't scream like that? Tonight, we will introduce the 12 men, who would fit as every woman's 'dream man'. They are not just regular men Robin. They are the CEO of well known conglomerates in our country and worldwide."     

Robin: "Well then… I guess our respected CEOs will be judged fairy inside the house and I'm sure Zeus will give them a lot of hard task to see who will survive inside his house until the end…"     

Rea: "Yes Robin and I can't wait to witness how our powerful businessmen will handle each tasks and challenges not so related to doing their usual business. Geez, those are powerful men in business Robin and I heard they are all young, rich and handsome… Oh guys, I'm so glad I'm still single and could scream with our audience in here once we introduce all of them."     

Robin: "Well, let's see if they are any match with me in handsomeness Rea so I think we shouldn't keep our audience and our viewers at home waiting and introduce now first of the twelve of our houseguest."     

The audience screamed loudly when a short video of Ryu's interview and his daily routine was played on the screen made especially for the show.     

He looked absolutely handsome and charming in his smooth and gentle ways in which he did his everything.     

The video showed how he spent his day in the office, then a small clip of him saying why he decided to join the show played.     

"I am a KEN -- and I don't have to hide anything. And I do hope to stay long inside the house. By the way, expect me to promote all our subsidiaries and business while I'm inside for one month. I'm a business man so I will still find opportunity to work while I'm inside the house -- work with plugging our group every now and then…"     

Rea: "Without further ado guys, let's all welcome… The CEO of RK Summit Holdings Inc. Group of Companies - Mr. RYU KEN!!!"     

The shrieks and screams of the audience suppressed almost all sounds around as the limousine car rode inside the gate and stopped at the red carpet.     

The chauffeur opened the door and Ryu Ken stepped out waved his hand at the audience and walked towards the stage.     

Robin: "Well Rea, I think Mr. Ryu Ken was already an expected housemate by the audience. He topped the poll results but that was a close fight with his so called business rival Mr. Shawn Lee. Guess with how many points he won?"     

Rea: "I don't have to guess Robin because I myself voted in that poll and I won't tell you who did I vote for. By the way guys, Mr. Ryu Ken won by 2 points to Shawn Lee who was placed at second position at the end of the poll. Really close fight guys, too close."     

Robin: "Alright Mr. Ryu Ken is now walking towards us guys and can you please settle down. Stop screaming girls or you won't be able to hear his mellow voice while we interview him live here."     

Robin said laughing because the audience never stopped screaming and shouting Ryu's name.     

Robin: "Mr. Ken, how come all the audiences here are crazy for you. Are they all your fans?"     

Asked Robin jokingly. Ryu smiled and answered, "Nah, they are not only my fans, they are here to cheer everyone who is joining the show. I'm sure they will scream and buck up all the CEO's you will introduce too later."     

Rea: "Oh Robin… Can I also scream right now just this once? Gosh I wish I was one of the audience who could scream out loud for her favourite contestant. But if I think of it, it's a great opportunity to be the main host for this show. I will get to see real class handsomeness up close like this."     

Ryu laughed and smiled sweetly at Rea. The audience gasped and screamed.     

"RYU I LOVE YOU!" screamed most of the audience.     

Robin laughed and shook his head.     

Robin: "Oh no before this audience in here goes crazy - let's ask Niro to guide Mr. Ryu Ken inside the house already before he is eaten alive. Niro come on here and guide Mr. Ryu Ken inside."     

Ryu bowed to bid goodbye to the hosts and the audience as he was guided by Niro, who also had his baggage, inside the house.     

"Enjoy your stay inside Mr. Ryu Ken." Niro said as he was taken inside the house and left there.     


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