The CEO Who Hates Me

Missing Puzzles

Missing Puzzles

Elder Master Ken called for Arya and Rita for an afternoon tea break in the mansion's garden.     

The two arrived and he gestured them to sit in front of him and join him for a cup of tea.     

"Do you both know that this garden was the favorite hang-out place of your grandmother Livy. She was an awesome woman. The most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life. She loved this garden and the watched in equal amazement every time a new flower bloomed here. She loved her family also in same way. She loved each and every member of the family and was very happy and excited when her children did anything big or small," said Elder Ken as he looked at the beautiful flowers around them.     

Then he added, "Before she died, I promised her that I would take good care of the family… and I'm trying my very best to fulfill my promise that I had made to her. But I can't actually do it alone so I keep asking everyone to help me out. So this time, it's your turn… help me out by helping yourselves..."     

Arya and Rita looked at each other both confused, not understanding what was the meaning of his words.     

Elder Master Ken grinned looking at their confused expressions.     

Elder Master Ken first looked at Arya and said, "You are good with doing things as a housewife… But you are frail. You must know how to protect yourself and keep dangers away, for accomplishing this, you have to learn how to fight well. It's for your own good and safety. For this, I arranged a coach for you to give you personal training. Your lessons will start tomorrow. While Ryu is away, you focus with basic fighting skills so you will know how to defend yourself in case Ryu is not there to protect you."     

Arya bit her lower lip and just nodded but anyone could easily read her face with that says, 'Oh please no…please spare me the horror…'     

However, Elder Ken ignored it and instead shifted his gaze at Rita.     

"I know you don't need this kind of trainings since you already excel in this field. I'm sure Old Man Skull has trained you very well though it is not for yourself but for his own advantage. You excel in all skills of fighting but you lack one of the most important thing…" Elder Master Ken commented.     

Rita looked at Arya with questioning eyes while the latter could only shrug her shoulders in ignorance.     

"The most important thing is how you should take care of your family in the future as a woman. Taking care of your husband and future kids is really important and meticulous task. So while Dean is away, I'll have someone to personally teach you with cooking and other things in connection with being a housewife. And about how to keep all your family members in sync is something that you will learn with time, but right now some basic household work, cooking and a few skills must be learnt right now." Elder Master Ken said firmly.     

Rita's jaw dropped while Arya was trying her best to suppress her laughter because she knew how Rita hated to do things most housewives too.     

Whenever they got a chance to help each other in the kitchen, Rita would always complain because no matter what she did, it seemed that cooking or doing housewife things did not fit her.     

She wanted to tease Rita but grandfather was there. What she did was just looked at Rita and winked. Then she moved her lips to say the words, "Goodluck Sis."     

Rita's face can't be painted. She was born for business, a career woman and she felt that being a housewife was not her thing.     

She narrowed her eyes and grinned wickedly before commenting, "Grandpa… It's really a tough training in fighting… I can help with Arya's training grandpa once in awhile when I'm free, if you like. It's better if she'll learn to defend herself at all times. I will make sure she'll be trained well…"     

Rita knew Arya hated it.     

Arya told her that she tried to do some training after she was almost kidnaped at Barcelona but quit soon since she did not like all the exercising and hard work that it needed and she had a hard time during that training period because her body ached all over every day.     

Arya's mouth twisted as she scratched her head.     

Elder Master Ken just observed the two women in front of him as they teased each other with their eye contact and face expressions.     

Then he added, "Ryu and Dean will stay inside the house for a month so I hope for the both of you to fully cooperate in the office as well as at home while they are gone. Make sure you do well in each tasks you are assigned too."     

Arya and Rita both sighed and said, "Yes grandpa."     

The two of them differed in so many ways yet each of them complimented and blended well with the personalities and nature of his grandsons.     

He was proud of his grandsons for having a good eyesight when choosing their women.     

Though he was very much worried about Ryu when he refused to date so many women and never got involved with any woman earlier, but when he finally chose Arya, she came out to be an outstanding gem.     

Even Dean took his time in getting into a relationship, but it seemed no one would be better for him and his personality than Rita. He really needed someone who could keep him under check and actually dominate him also a little.     

The next one, he will soon meet… He wondered what strengths and weaknesses that Denise Ming possess.     

Whatever it was, he knew because Ryu and Arya approve of her, she must not be a simple girl.     

He decided to soon meet with her to find out more about her.     

She is after all his granddaughter-in-law and he would make sure that the girl will be trained well too…     

Especially, he is worried about Denise because right now she was Shawn's weakness and he was sure that sooner or later that Old Man Skull will start his nasty movements, he just prayed for Denise and Shawn to be fine till all the ordeal is over…     

He heard that Ryu already had a lead and will soon find out the whereabouts of that doctor who managed Cecile's delivery during that time in the hospital, Doctor Edward Kang. And it was also possible that all the recordings and documents related to Cecile's delivery, that were missing, were with him.     

He was the key in solving all the missing puzzles.     


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