The CEO Who Hates Me

Mine Now

Mine Now

"I still want my t-shirt back…" Shawn murmured with a panting voice near her ear and looked at her with a meaningful smile...     

"You!!!" Denise flushed and punched on his chest with her fist.     

Shawn widened his smile and he buried his face in the crook of her neck as he caught his breath.     

He was still inside her while her arms were wrapped on his neck tightly.     

Shawn raised his head and looked at Denise intently then he said, "Denise, let's get married today itself and get it registered. I will talk to your father afterwards about the formal wedding ceremony. You get your things and shift with me here, stay here from now on..." Shawn said firmly.     

Denise slightly pushed him to look at him keenly. She was quite shocked to hear those words from Shawn.     

"Wait… Why are you in a hurry? We can take things slow… I mean… You don't need to rush things because you feel responsible for me. You don't need to worry about me as you have not forced yourself on me. We did it because we both wanted to do it yesterday. Moreover it's not a very big thing… now-a-days one night stands are also very common for women… and I don't want to get married just because we…," she paused when she noticed Shawn's dim face.     

It was so dark that Denise felt fear for the first time in her life…     

She cupped his face in her hands and asked, "What's wrong?" she murmured unconsciously.     

She panicked and recalled if she had said anything to ruin his mood or angered him… but she thought nothing wrong so she asked, "Shawn? What is it? Why do you look like that?"     

Shawn did not answer but bent his head captured her lips and kissed her harshly. He was almost biting her as if he wanted to punish her….. his kiss was so harsh that she felt he was enraged.     

She tried to push him but he did not budge…     

"Shawn… what are you doing?" she said when she managed to turn her head and escape his lips.     

"You are mine now..." he said in a low tone.     

Denise was shocked to see his face as he said the words. She saw fear in his eyes; his expression looked like he was afraid to be left alone.     

He feared losing her now…     

Denise could read pain in his eyes and she could not bear to see him in pain, her eyes started to become misty when she saw him like that.     

Her heart sunk and she held his head and put on her chest and hugged him quickly.     

"Hey! I'm sorry… please don't misunderstand me. I did not mean that I want to leave you or I don't want to be with you." she said to calm him as she stroked and caressed his hair gently.     

"It's just that, I think you are feeling that you must take responsibility for yesterday's actions. I feel that you must give it a proper thought and then take the next step in our relationship. I don't want you to marry me in a hurried manner and then regret it later. But if you can think about me as your wife and a life partner and that is the reason why you want to marry me, then alright… I am happy to get married with you and be your bride.okay? We will do it as you want. But please don't be upset and don't be sad." She explained as concern crossed her face.     

Shawn seemed to be sensitive about rejection…     

'But is this not what he wanted? Didn't he want me to stay away from him? Or does he think of me as someone important in his heart that's why he doesn't want to stay away from me now? Has he started loving me like I do? Or maybe the reason that he wants to marry me is that he is feeling guilty for taking my innocence?'     

As those questions suddenly rained Denise's thoughts but she realized something…     

'Whatever it is… I would stay with him as long as he wants. To make him feel loved and to take away his loneliness… I will always be there for him... because I LOVE HIM. YES. I love him… and I am sure someday the time will come when he will also love me back the way I love him.'     


Shawn was still silent as he rested his head on Denise's chest. It felt so good…     

For the first time in his life, he was getting swayed… he felt like changing for good for her sake.     

Denise's presence has made a big change in the way he looked at things and life, if Denise was around, every problem looked small and he wanted to live… live in the light and come out of the darkness where he was trapped in throughout his life.     

But he knew things were not as easy as that…     

He was not powerful enough to escape the Old Man. He needed more time to polish everything.     

Yes, he did not want to stay that long with him and he had been doing things not known to Old Man Skull.     

Since the time he had met Arya, his perceptions of life had already changed and he wanted to quit those dark alleys forever.     

He was preparing for a clean walked out from the darkness where the Old Man had lured him using his frustrations and sufferings.     

When he met Arya long time back, he had that urge of leaving the underworld and live a clean life… and now after Denise entered his life… she had completely changed the goals of his life.     

Now he just didn't want to be the villain that he was and wanted a peaceful and loving life with Denise beside him forever.     

And now, having Denise by his side, being a part of his breaths…. he had the urge to speed things up so that they can start their life as a couple as soon as possible without any danger hanging above their heads.     

Old Man Skull's power and connections were not that simple. If it was, he would have escaped from the clutches of the man as early as he could.     

He had a lot of strings pulled up under his sleeve….     

He let out a long sigh before he spoke, "Let's get married now, a simple registered marriage. But, it may be best to keep it a secret and we will keep discussing the wedding ceremony with both families like nothing had happened. Let's keep our engaged status going for now in their eyes."     

But Shawn had one dilemma with his idea… It was how he could keep Denise by his side…     

Then he thought it would not be good if they stayed at the same house because it will for sure reach Old Man Skull and that man will use it to speed up the marriage ceremony so he could use the Ming's power and wealth for his ulterior motives.     

He should complete his plans before the wedding ceremony with Denise.     

"Uhm Shawn…" Denise whispered.     

Shawn lifted his head and asked, "Huh?"     

Denise's look was filled with hesitation and then she murmured, "I need to pee and you're still on top of me and your… uhm your thing uhm it's still inside me."     

Denise blushed hard when she said this…     

Shawn laughed out hard… It's the first time he had burst into laughter like this and he saw Denise in awe as she stared at him with her flushed face.     

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry… Hmm let me take you to the restroom." He said with a wicked grin as he pulled her up on him and whispered in her ears, "I love this feeling of me being inside you like this…"     

He then pulled himself out of her and with Denise in his arms he stood up.     

He did not let her go and carried her like a bride in his arms towards his bedroom.     

"Urm, Shawn why are you spoiling me like this? This is so embarrassing. Put me down now and I'll walk." Denise said timidly while she hid her blushing face on his neck.     

"It's comfortable enough for me…" he whispered teasingly. He was hard again and wanted to be inside her again.     

It seemed that he couldn't get enough of her. He had never felt something like this before. He was totally captured by Denise's charm and there's no way he would deny that.     

He should think of a way how he could keep her with him while they pretend to be engaged still. Because right now, he felt that he couldn't bear being alone once more…     

Leaving all his thoughts out of his mind, he right now wanted to focus on how to keep Denise tied on the bed for the whole day pressed under him…     

'A part of his body was already getting harder with his wicked thoughts..'     

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