The CEO Who Hates Me

Biological Parents

Biological Parents

"I want one of their terminals to explode! Make sure it will look like as an accident due to negligence." Old Man Skull instructed to his best men.     

He couldn't wait to see how his old friend would react if he messed with him like old times. Lately, he entrusted the works on Shawn and Rita but he was disappointed, totally dissatisfied how things were slowly progressing.     

Those two were too soft! He wouldn't buy Shawn's alibis. He kept on convincing him that it was not yet time to make a drastic movement. It was not bad at first, but it's dragging already so he must do something to irritate the Demon Don.     

Image was not his priority right now but to make sure that the Demon Don suffer a great fall on his business then he would target his whole family next.     

He only had Demon Don since young. They grew up like real brothers who were there for each other at all times but that brotherhood crumbled because of a woman!     

The woman whom he loved but chose the Demon Don instead of him… the woman also who took his brother away from him…     

He smirked at the thought of the past. He had suffered so much because of that bitch and Elder Master Ken or known as Demon Don those days.     

Yes he was alive after that fall from the cliff but he was bed ridden for a year that he hoped he died instead.     

That moment, he promised that he would do anything, even sold himself to the devil just to make sure to get even with the Demon Don. And he was lucky enough to get back in shape except for his legs that he couldn't use forever.     

He was mad and he promised that until he was a live, he will do everything to make Demon Don suffer.     

Shawn, that man was his ace. But he was moving slow and was trying to fight the Kens fairly. And he hated it. He did not raise him to fight like a sissy! And he was extremely frustrated seeing how he was wrangling.     

Shawn entered the room.     

"You called for me?" he asked casually and sat.     

Old Man Skull looked upset and asked him of his plans.     

"Why are you in a hurry? I told you already, let me handle this. We are not in the underworld to act harshly in business. We are doing well right now… Everything is in good place and in close distance with the Kens. Nothing can be compared to RK Summit Holdings but only our SL Group…"     

Old Man Skull frowned and said with a mocking tone, "It's a dog-eat-dog world out there! You need to move fast and bring their group down. I want a report hearing their business was crushing!"     

Shawn did not react nor respond and just let the Old Man talked all he wanted…     

Yes, the Old Man was right. He was changing his tactics. For the first time, he wanted to fight fairly - no dirty tricks or violence.     

Shawn let out a deep sigh after he was dismissed by Old Man Skull. The Old Man made his point, he had blood in his hands since he was a child and nothing could change that fact.     

He gritted his teeth and closed his fist. If he wasn't abandoned before he wouldn't experience his nightmares.     

What kind of a mother will leave a baby to the doorstep of an orphanage? His face was full of disgust. In exchange of wealth and a good life he was thrown like garbage.     

His heart ached so much especially that night when he saw that woman smiling happily and lovingly to Ryu while he suffered since childhood. He was abused and always hurt in the orphanage that he chose to run away and roamed the streets with other children like Rita.     

Surviving was hard where you were often hungry and without a home, a shelter, a family. He had killed at the age of seven trying to save Rita.     

He was jailed and was beaten hard at a young age. Then Old Man Skull arrived, he thought he was saved. Maybe yes in the process he was, but only to find out that the Old Man needed him for his revenge.     

He did not care because hate already took over on him, his hate for his mother who abandoned him and the family she chose over him. So in the process they were both using each other for their revenge.     

Ryu Ken was his target, his half brother. Because he knew that if Ryu Ken was hurt, Cecile Ken would also get hurt. That's why he even came up with a childish plan trying to break down Ryu Ken emotionally.     

He was full of jealousy and envy that it was eating him wholly… Why Ryu Ken had it all while he was struggling everyday just to survive…     


Dean held the envelope as he entered his Big Bro Ryu's office.     

"Big Bro, we have the results. Do you want me to look at it first or you look first?" he said. He was dying of curiosity to know the result of the DNA Test they requested.     

There were two results, Shawn's compatibility to Untie Cecile and Shawn's compatibility to Uncle Karl.     

Ryu signaled Dean to give him the results. He opened the envelope and read it intently.     

Dean waited and stared at his Big Bro's reaction. His Big Bro was creasing his forehead.     

So he couldn't help and asked, "Big Bro what does it says? Is it a match? Pure or half or no match?"     

Ryu did not respond but dropped the papers on his table and he stared in a corner blankly. He was speechless and he did not know how to react.     

Dean who was dying of curiosity quickly got the papers on the table and read the results.     

"Holy cow!" he exclaimed when he read the conclusion both results had:     

[Conclusion: Based on our analysis, that the Sample C submitted both matched sample A and B. Hence, it is practically proven that Samples A and B are the biological parents of Sample C.]     

For confidentiality, they intentionally did not have the samples with real names. The results both showed 99.9999%.     

Denise was right on her hunch. His big bro Ryu Ken and Shawn were real brothers. Shawn Lee was the son of his Uncle Karl and NOT of the criminals who molested his Untie Cecile.     

Ryu frowned… Then he and Dean both stared at each other. The problem right now was how Ryu shall open the matters to his parents because they hid it from him until now.     

"Big Bro just tell it right away to uncle and untie," Dean spoke.     

Ryu sighed and answered, "That's what I plan to do because I need to know the whole story from mom…"     

He was lost because according to the data they had – Shawn was abandoned… and he couldn't believe it. His mom will definitely NOT do something like that.     

Abandoning a new born and weak child like that… There was something weird with the whole plot.     

But one thing was confirmed, Shawn Lee was his older brother.     

He must moved quick and find out everything that happened when Shawn was born and how come he ended up with Old Man Skull who was an enemy of his grandfather.     

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