The CEO Who Hates Me

A Very Simple Game

A Very Simple Game

"Oh you're here... Hmm. I'm impressed…" Denise said smiling as she looked at her wrist watch. Shawn arrived five minutes early.     

However, his face was dim that an ordinary person will certainly get frightened by it but not Denise of course.     

"Hmm, is there a disaster on your way here? Why do you look like a catastrophe yourself?" Denise blurted out nonchalantly while she prepared a drink for Shawn.     

They were inside her private room where she usually did the bartending for close friends.     

She was good in bartending and she enjoyed doing these kinds of things that inspired her to enter the bar business. Right now, she owned the major bar in the country with branches to almost all cities in their country.     

"I'm good in mixing classic cocktails. What would you prefer?" she asked but Shawn did not respond and instead looked around inside the room. More like an inspection to Denise and that made her laughed.     

He saw her mixed the drinks and poured one for him. He noticed she had a lot of glasses but did not put too much attention to it.     

Denise handed him the drink and said, "This one is Cosmopolitan."     

But Shawn refused. Denise pouted her lips while she drank the glass she poured for him instead.     

Then she murmured, "What a stingy guy…"     

"Excuse me?" Shawn asked irritably. Denise answered him with a wink instead as she prepared another mixture.     

She heard Shawn let out a long deep sigh before he says, "Miss Ming, I'm sure you know how tight my schedule is and I really have no time to play these kinds of games with you. I have many important things to do right now than waste time in here."     

But Denise seemed not to be affected with his annoyed voice.     

"Can you please drop that formality? How many times do I have to remind you to call me Denise not Miss Ming? I feel like a teacher addressing by a student. Urghh creepy," she said in a jest as she handed him another drink.     

"If you won't drink this then I will drink again," she said like a child in tantrums.     

"Did you call me here just for this? Are you this immature often?" Shawn jeered as he accepted the glass handed by her.     

"Oh, that one is Manhattan," she said smiling seductively without her knowing as she referred to the mixture she handed to Shawn.     

Shawn quickly drank it…     

Denise's face then became serious and said, "Well, I actually want to talk to you because I'm curious... To confirm certain things…" She sat on the couch and gestured Shawn to sit beside her.     

The latter followed but his face was still dark, he was annoyed because Denise was testing his patience. She simply won't budge even he treated her rudely.     

"The truth is I know the story already… About Uncle Lee's grudge to the Kens, well to Elder Master Ken in particular. Big Bro Ryu told me the story…" Denise whispered.     

Shawn's eyebrow arched, he's not surprised at all because Denise was a close friend of Ryu and Arya.     

Ryu was probably giving her a warning about him and Old Man Skull. But it seemed to be all in futile because the woman in front of him was the most stubborn one he had met in his whole life.     

On the contrary, he wanted to know the other side of the story coming from the Ken's perspective because he only knew the story from Old Man Skull's side.     

"Enlighten me then…" Shawn murmured and drank another glass Denise handed to him.     

"Well he told me the summary only that the two were like real brothers who grew up together. Both were doing underworld things like evil things at their younger days. Then to cut everything short, they kidnapped the daughter of one of the wealthiest man that time. Livy Kim but then you know both fell in love with one woman thing." Then Denise paused for a while because the story was playing in her head.     

Then she continued, "There goes the conflict between brothers. Livy chose Elder Master Ken and helped him to change, become a good person. Your father was sulky being alone, the woman he liked did not reciprocate and he felt suddenly alone because he was about to lose also Elder Master Ken who was changing that time to be a better person."     

"Your father was bitter you know. The only brother he had, chose the right path so he was left alone. Your father planned a hideous thing to harm Livy but then he was accidentally killed by Elder Master Ken trying to save Livy from him. It was practically a self defense thing..."     

"Then your father didn't really die but faked his death instead. He wanted revenge since he was on a wheel chair now because of Elder Master Ken. So like in drama's he promised to return and bring down his gangster brother down who managed to become the most wealthiest and powerful man in here."     

"But then, Uncle Lee's mind and thinking was really twisted. Why harbor such grudge when it's his fault in the first place that he died. I mean he did not die but he did wrong so…" Denise paused while she looked intently to Shawn. She wanted to see his reaction but his face was pure blank, expressionless.     

"Well, do we have the same story? I mean how does Uncle Lee deliver his side of the story to you?" Denise asked out of curiosity.     

Shawn laughed, it was a dry gesture.     

"You know what? I really hate you. I hate your kind. You are one stubborn heiress who wants to meddle to others affair. Could you spare me and don't get yourself involve? It's not that I care but you are a hindrance in my way." He said coldly.     

Denise sighed and answered with an arched eyebrow, "But I want to get involve and help you. I mean I feel that everything is just a misunderstanding. Why don't you try to convince your father instead to stop already because revenge always ends up in tragedy."     

"Stop it already… Before things get perverse, don't get involved because you don't know what you're doing and the danger you're getting yourself into. You know my father will just use your family right? So why are you insisting this engagement thing?" Shawn said.     

Denise smiled and stared at him intently as she said in a teasing tone, "Why do you sound like you're concern for me? I mean you don't want anything bad to happen to me right that's why you're like that, pretending like cold blooded guy? I knew you like me."     

Shawn's face crumpled that he wanted to bang his head on the wall at that moment. The woman was really a pain in the ass with her tenacity.     

He looked straight to her eyes and without blinking he said, "I hate you and I will never like a stubborn woman like you! So please stay away and break this damn engagement thing!"     

However, Denise did not budge and met his eyes…     

"Okay let's do this game," Denise offered.     

"What game?" Shawn asked plainly.     

Denise smile mischievously and said, "Nah it's a very simple game…"     

"If you win, I will let you off and we'll just meet occasionally or if there's a need to meet and I will end the engagement in one month time. And I will not pester you during those times. Well, let's give it at least a span of one month to prevent an unattractive scandal since we just got engaged and breaking it off suddenly was really awkward." said Denise.     

Shawn was silent and did not respond but listened to Denise as she continued.     

Denise paused for a while and arched an eyebrow as she said, "But if I won, the engagement will continue as long as I want. I will be the one to decide when I will end it so you need to attend to me as your fiancée whenever I wanted. I mean you have to do everything I tell you to. Don't worry; I will not meddle to other things except those involving the engagement matters only."     

Then she called the intercom and two men entered with barrels of beers…     

"Whoever finishes more glass in one hour is the winner." She said smiling and blinked an eye to Shawn.     

"Deal," Shawn growled.     

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