The CEO Who Hates Me

Rita’s Style Of Dancing

Rita’s Style Of Dancing

"Why did you drink too much?" Dean complained as he tried to help Rita get inside their room.     

He cursed when Rita collapsed near the room and so he lifted and carried her inside the room instead.     

'When did she get so heavily drunk?' He wondered because he did not see her drinking any alcohol at the party.     

Then he remembered that he saw her cheeks blushing crimson red when he returned at their table after the dance and he thought that it was due to make-up and light only. She was silent all night at the party so he did not notice that she was drunk already at that time.     

It was only when they were inside the car that he smelled the alcohol on her. He could smell a mixture of cocktail drinks and when he tried to enquire about her the alcohol consumption she did not respond and seemed not in the mood to talk.     

"Weird," he murmured because last time when Rita got drunk in fron of him she was so loud and aggressive unlike now that she's quiet and not uttering a single word.     

'Is she sick or something, it's so not like her?'     

He began to panic at the thought that Rita might be sick so he quickly moved to run inside their room to put her on their bed and check if there's something wrong with her.     

However, as soon as they entered the room, Rita suddenly opened her eyes looked at his face and said with a creepy smile on her face, "Oh my womanizer husband is carrying me! How nice and sweet. You look very macho womanizer hubby!"     

Then her face changed into a sour looking and gloomy face. "Wait put me down now! How dare u carry me! I can walk by myself you womanizer!" she chided.     

Dean gulped as he heard Rita's sharp tone. 'Oh no, she's back… the tigress Rita is now in her active mode. I'll be dead soon… I need to escape now!'     

Her aura was same as it was when they had first met. He quickly put her down and tried to run towards the door however Rita was faster than him and she suddenly pulled him back abruptly and pinned him on the wall.     

"Where do you think you're going you womanizer?" she exclaimed with her narrowing eyes that glared straight at him.     

Dean felt like he was pierced hard by Rita's eyes alone. She looked really scary when she gazed at him with her burning eyes.     

"Uhm wifey… What are you talking about? You're the only woman in my life. Why are you callilng me a womanizer?" Dean murmured as Rita has been calling him that for several times now and he was confused.     

He felt like he has been wrongly accused especially when he's been loyal and patient to her all along…even practicing abstinence after the marriage also.     

Rita had a tendency to become violent when she was drunk. Maybe not too violent but aggressive should be best fit to describe it. Dean had no complaints with thi because he thought going by the rules Rita will soon loose control over herself and he for sure will experience another glorious night for the second time around. He just doesn't mind her using force on him once again.     

However, he would prefer it if Rita was not drunk and was willing for this… Giving herself wholly to him while she was sober –in her conscious right mind and not doing it because she was just drunk.     

And the worst part of it would be when she forgets the whole thing that would happen between them once she wakes up in the morning.     

Rita's face was so close to his that her lips almost touched his.     

"Oh boy – this is absolutely tempting and definitely torture for me," he muttered as he felt her hot breath and smelled the cocktail in her breath because of their closeness.     

He's beginning to feel aroused because of her closeness alone as he smelled the mixture of her sweet bodily perfume with alcohol.     

"Don't worry baby – I will not torture you tonight but rather… I will take you to the seventh heaven… Let me show you how good I am in other things since I'm bad at dancing! Oh wait, I will make you limp tonight so you can no longer dance with other women again! Right… I will not let you dance after today and this dance with me will be your last dance…" she said in a harsh tone while her fingers ran to touch Dean's lips seductively.     

Dean's face suddenly lit up. "You're jealous right? Are you jealous of me dancing with Denise and other girls when the changing of partners happened?"     

Rita did not answer but her face darkened as she held Dean's chin.     

"If you ever dance with any other woman again… I will cut-off both legs of yours into pi…!" she shouted but she was silenced by Dean's lips that landed flat on hers.     

It was just a smack as Dean pressed his on hers for long time with a smack sound after he released her lips.     

"Wow, I can't believe it… you're jealous? Oh wait I should have recorded it so you won't be able to deny this tomorr…" before he could even finish his sentence Rita pulled him by sliding her hand on his nape and kissed him aggressively.     

"Hmm… Wifey wait. I t-think yo-you need t-to sober up f-first…" he muttered in between her kisses while he tried to push her gently to loosen and cool himself up since the fire inside him was about to consume him completely. He was already burning deep inside with desire.     

Rita stopped and looked at him keenly.     

Dean sighed then he smiled sweetly, "I'm going to get you a drink and medicine to sober you up first wifey so in case we do something at least you're yourself and conscious about what is happening."     

Rita arched her brow and grinned mischievously.     

"Tsk… You're not only a womanizer hubby but you always talk too much…"     

Dean who was about to walk was startled when Rita unexpectedly pulled him and slammed him on the bed.     

'Oh no… she's at it again. It will be a long night if she caught me like this. Dean hurry up and run.' He mused but when he looked back at Rita his jaw dropped.     

He stared at Rita with his wide astonishing eyes. She was undressing herself before him as fast as she could like someone who will be late for a meeting but instead of dressing, she did the other way around, UNDRESSING.     

He heard her cursed, "Shit... what is this dress! Such a trouble to take it off…Too much lining,"     

She was complaining continuously because of the trouble in taking it off. And to his horror, he saw Rita ripped down the dress irritatingly by her strong hands as if it was just a measly paper that was torn easily.     

"Oh my God…" Dean whispered as he unblinkingly watched her. He was having a hard time to move. He wanted to stand up and stop his wife before he went totally crazy and attacked her in an instant.     

However, his body was contradicting his mind. It was like there's something evil whispering in his right ear, 'go get your wife and take her, she's yours legally so why wait? You can have her anytime and as much as you want. That's your right.'     

While on his left ear he heard an angel whispering, 'No Dean… control yourself. She will be angry and feel cheated tomorrow once she comes back to her senses and finds out you took advantage of her, of her situation and she wouldn't like it. She might think you are a pervert and hate you so escape now while you can.'     

But his breathing was becoming irregular just watching his wife while she finally took off the last piece of clothes that's covering her body.     

He tried to move once more but, "Oh crap, this is killing me," he groaned helplessly when Rita jumped on top of him.     

"Now it's your turn to get out from these stupid clothes!" she spoke grinning.     

Dean did not know how to react when Rita ripped his clothes apart.     

"Geez wifey let's go slow a little bit. No need to tear everything like this. I would gladly strip in front of you and you know that. Just ask me and I'll obey even trembling with excitement you know." Dean said half smiling but Rita just raised her eyebrow on him.     

"Where's the fun in that? Tonight, I have to show you how good I am in dancing… dancing in different way! Rita's style of dancing… I'll show you how it's done." Rita said in her drunk state chuckling as she continued to pull down Dean's pants.     

Dean gulped several times and wet his drying lips by biting it… There's no way he could escape this fate and he's not willing anymore to escape such good fate also…     

'Come on baby show me what you've got.' his evil head wanted to voice out…     

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