The CEO Who Hates Me

Disturb My Sleep

Disturb My Sleep

It took Denise several minutes to calm down her emotions. She then washed her face and changed in night wear and headed to her bed.     

She closed her eyes and tried to drift to sleep but the flashes of tonight's party kept coming in her eyes.     

Denise moved on her bed to shun away the flashes and tried to sleep. But all the scenes kept dancing in front of her eyes and she couldn't sleep at all.     

She closed her eyes again forcefully and then she saw that handsome face smiling at her exuding his charm and bending down to lock her lips with his…     


She suddenly opened her eyes and was shocked at what she was seeing…     

'How can he come and disturb my sleep? He is handsome, he has lovely lips and he was strong when he held me, very good kisser no doubt... but why disturb my sleep?'     

Flashes of the kiss kept on repeating in her head.     

"Tsk… What rubbish am I thinking? Have I really lost my mind? This is not good." She mutthered.     

The truth was she was bothered, not because it was her first kiss but because of the weird tingling feeling she was having during the kiss and even now that she was thinking about it.     

The feel of his soft lips and his warm breaths on her skin… his touch when he kissed her in front of the reporters that bite… that hurt but sent shivers down the spine… all kept her awake not allowing her to rest     

She felt her cheeks get hot. "What the heck is wrong with me?" she mused as she closed her eyes and tried to sleep. She tried counting too to remove the kiss from her head but she failed.His alluring eyes and warm breaths took her back in the memories of the kiss they shared in the party.     

She unconsciously touched her lips and whispered, "My first kiss wasn't that bad I think…"     

Then she smiled and after a long struggle with her memories… some to much time later she didn't realize when she dozed off.     


"Master, it's quite late now and both the boys are in their rooms to rest. I think it would be better if we discuss and tell them everything tomorrow morning after breakfast." Butler Omni said.     

Karl sighed, "Yes father, Butler Omni is right. Besides, everyone is tired already."     

"Tsk those boys are bulls in the skin of humans. I'm quite sure they are still full of energy and having fun with their wives. You're the only one who's a snail, no infact, a turtle in here Karl. See, after Ryu no other child followed – I told you to at least give me 2-3 grandchildren. What a waste of such good genes." Elder Master Ken cited teasingly.     

"Urgh, why am I on top in your hitlist nowadays? Can't you bully Butler Omni more instead of me so often? Geez I gave birth to a heir for your throne. Infact I gave you an outstanding son and see how the man has grown to be such a handsome and intelligent man who took your business to another level? If it's not for my genes Ryu wouldn't be as good as he is now." Karl complained as his face crumpled.     

"Tsk, what? I'm just telling the truth. You've been married for how many years now and you still act like a kid having a hidden crush on your wife. She's already your wife for goodness sake, man up and at least tell her how you feel for her. Show her your love for her. How long do you plan to keep her in the dark that your marriage was just an arrange one? Why can't you be honest with her that you deliberately chose her to be your wife because you fell in love with her?"     

Karl's face reddened of embarrassment and before his father could say any more words he said, "Oh please I will go now to my wife and spare me with this bullying dad."     

Elder Master Ken buzzed and shook his head as he followed his son's back who walked out on him.     

"Well, you can't blame your son Master. He took those qualities from you when you were at the same age don't you remember? I could say that you were worst than Karl when it came to Madam Livy…" Butler Omni chuckled on his Master's face as he recalled the funny moments of Elder Master Ken whenever he was with Madam Livy.     

Then he continued, "Oh my favourite memory is when you fainted when she agreed to go out with you for the first time. Ohhh … my stomach now is aching with too much laughter. Haha… whenever I recall your face that day before fainting. Hahaha. It was really so funny! Hahaha" Butler Omni stuttered because of laughter,     

Elder Master Ken picked up a pillow from the couch and threw it hard to Butler Omni's face.     

"Go and find a wife you old rotten mule! Out!" Elder Master Ken growled and was about to throw another pillow but Butler Omni hurriedly ran out towards the door.     


Karl paused as he reached at the door of their room. He entered and walked towards their bed.     

He stared at the beautiful face of his wife who was peacefully sleeping already.     

Karl let out a deep long sigh as he stared intently at Cecile with his eyes full of love.     

His father was right... He's a total snail and a turtle... not only because he moved too slow like them when it comes to admit his feelings to Cecile but because he often hid in his shell to not show his true self to Cecile and also to protect himself from being hurt.     

Yes he was a coward who was always afraid... afraid only of one thing and that is to lose his wife.     

He was selfish and he had stolen someone because of that selfishness...     

If he confessed his true feelings he was afraid to hear Cecile's truthful answer...     

Afraid that she would be honest to tell him her true feelings, and maybe... maybe would not have strength enough to take that answer...     

After all these years that they've been together, he was still not confident.     

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