The CEO Who Hates Me

Foolish Girl

Foolish Girl

"Yes marriage… and what else do you expect after making such a huge scene with him? You practically announced your relationship with him by yourself to all!" Mr. Ming jeered to his daughter.     

Then he added without batting an eye, "You acted stupidly and aggressively so bear the consequences of your deeds now!"     

"But dad… that was just a kiss? It's a common thing to happen without the need to be responsible… How could you even agree for my marriage with him just because I kissed that man? It's not like we… Ahmm… did it… you know… all the way! Dad… NO… I will not marry Mr. Villain!" Denise hissed irritably.     

She did not care whether Mr. Lee or Shawn were there and heard her words.     

"Denise! Watch your language! Is this how you should speak after all that act of yours?" Mr. Ming scolded her. He was really embarrassed at that moment because of how his daughter was behaving.     

So he quickly looked at both Shawn and Mr. Lee to apologize for his daughter's harsh words.     

"It's alright Mr. Ming, give your daughter some time. You know how the youngsters these days are. Let them date first to come to know each other better and be engaged for now… The wedding could wait for a while to happen." Mr. Lee said kindly.     

Hearing that, Denise released a sigh of relief.     

'It was really early to discuss marriage with this handsome man. Though it seems he is a good match with me but other than that what do I know about him? Why are his relations strained with my dear sis and big bro? There is a lot to find out before I take a step ahead in this relationship with the handsome villain. Though he is handsome and a god kisser… marriage is still not to be taken so lightly… it is for a lifetime… I have to be careful aboutthis serious matter of my life.' She mused.     

She was actually grateful that she found confidence due to Arya and Ryu to take a stand and be strong willed about her own choices against her parents.     

And moreover, she had not turned down Greg just to be randomly forced to agree into something like this once more.     

"Mr. Lee, I need to talk to my daughter first and I'll call you to discuss further about this matter." Mr. Ming said apologetically as he bid his farewell and signaled Denise to follow him.     

Denise pouted her lips and looked once more at Shawn and said, "Bye Mr. Villain… Don't you worry I am not going to marry you anyhow so stop frowning and making faces you're the unluckiest man on earth… hmfff… It should be the other way around though… I am the one who is wronged. "     

Then she laughed as she walked to follow her father. But she slightly bowed to Mr. Lee as respect and bid her farewell.     

Shawn shook his head as he looked at the back of Denise.     

'You thought you are helping your sis but the problems arising now will be difficult to handle for both you and Arya... I will have to be doubly cautious now... Huh! Such a foolish girl you are... Now it will be my responsibility to not let you be taken advantage of by this old man of mine.' He thought exhaustedly.     

Then he heard Old Man Skull commented, "This girl is not bad at all child. Why don't you try and date her. She's gorgeous, smart and a good match with you. Well maybe a little difficult to handle but there is nothing that you can't handle."     

"About the marriage, I had already told you my answer and it still remains as NO…" Shawn answered annoyingly.     

"Do you really think you could still refuse for the marriage after both of you have blown up such a huge scandal tonight? Well, let's see how well you are able manage such a kind of a scandal given that it's your first time to get involved with one. But let me remind you that you will not get any help from me or my connections because you are well aware that I want this marriage of yours with Miss Ming to happen. This marriage will be a weapon for me against the Kens, and as for you it will just be on papers anyway… unless… hahahaa." warned the Old Man.     

Then he added, "Somehow I'm sure you'll forget about that Arya soon enough once you marry this girl."     

Shawn frowned at the Old Man.     

"Could you please stop mentioning her? Just focus on your target and let me do my job alone."     

He was agitated; he himself couldn't put a exact finger on what his true feelings are about Arya. Yes, he liked Arya a lot and he cared a lot for her he cannot even dream of hurting her…but is this love??. . .     

Then he thought of Ryu and his family… They all looked so happy together like a complete, happy and contented family.     

Things seem to be too much complicated right now and he was quite confused with the mix of emotions he was feeling lately especially at the scene that he had witnessed at the graveyard when he visited a few days ago.     

The scene of that woman crying left him confused…     

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