The CEO Who Hates Me

Be Good Friends Along The Way

Be Good Friends Along The Way

Rita's face was darkened when she saw Dean so close to a young and beautiful girl and she could not say a single word nor show her displeasure because she was the one who asked for their relationship to be kept secret.     

Dean saw how Rita reacted when he was hugged by Laila. He was happy and amused at the same time.     

And an idea suddenly crossed his mind.     

'Wife, here I got a trap to make you realize and disclose you like me.'     

He hugged Laila back and said, "Of course I missed you beautiful. It's been a while since we last saw each other. How's your vacation? You look more stunning…"     

The girl pulled back from Dean's arms and lightly hit his shoulder.     

"You and your flowery words, you will never stop flattering me. But to tell you the truth I like it. You will never change…" The girl said laughing.     

"Why don't we go out and talk about your vacation and places that you visited. I'll treat you to coffee. Tell me everything about you trip, your adventures and everything..." Dean said smiling lovingly and looked at Rita whose face was crumpled that moment.     

'Now you will taste your own attitude of neglecting me…'     

"I am going out for a while and will be back later… Call me if there's anything urgent." He said casually before he shifted his gaze back to Laila.     

The girl who had just noticed Rita reacted and said, "Oh you got a new PA? She looks good. Hello there, I'm Laila Go. From now on you'll see me regularly."     

The woman named Laila giggled and extended her hand to Rita which the latter accepted out of courtesy. However, she did not know why but she felt so irritated at that moment that she was forced to smile back at Laila though she did not want to do so.     

The two left already and Rita stared at the door. Laila Go, the name sounded familiar to her ears. Then she recalled the woman was the one who tried to commit suicide when the marriage offer of hers was refused by Ryu Ken.     

So she was the childhood friend of the two boys. Then she creased her forehead because Ryu definitely did not see Laila as a partner but more of a sister.     

Her eyebrows arched once more with the thought, "Could it be that Laila likes Ryu while Dean likes Laila?"     

She suddenly felt ignored. Today she was supposed to go for a dress fitting with Dean for the coming birthday party of the Field Marshall's daughter. They should go after an hour but she did not remind him since he looked so happy to see his childhood sweetheart.     

Rita could not concentrate on her work then and all she could think about was Dean.     

'How could he forget the appointment for fitting? How irresponsible of him. Fine. Even I will not remind you about it Dean.'     

She felt restless whenever she thought about the intimacy of Dean with Laila. Completely distracted she couldn't do anything and after struggling for almost thirty minutes she decided to go early and head out to the dress shop alone.     


Today, Arya and Ryu were flying back to home.     

The couple headed directly to the dress shop from the airport for their fitting since the most awaited party will be held tomorrow.     

They were surprised to see Rita alone sitting on the couch and looking at the magazines.     

"Why are you here alone? Where's Dean?" Ryu asked with a creased forehead. Laila shrugged her shoulders.     

Arya smiled at her and sat beside her.     

"How are you?" she asked in a friendly manner.     

"I'm good…" Rita answered timidly. She couldn't look into her eyes. She felt embarrassed in front of Arya.     

A lot has happened earlier and Rita as an involved party felt really ashamed about all those things. She liked Arya even then and wished all that Arya had to go through because of her could be avoided.     

And today Arya was standing in front of her as her sister-in-law. Then she sighed deeply and turned her head to Arya.     

"About what happened before… uhmm. I'm really sorry… I did not mean to…" She couldn't drop the exact word to say.     

Arya smiled at her kept her hand on her shoulder and said, "You don't have to… you know that saying… all is well that ends well. Everything has ended well for me till now and I am with Ryu and very happy as well. Its fine now and I also understand your situation. I know if you had a choice you would have preferred to not let all these things happen in the first place. Somewhere in my heart I always knew that you don't want me to be hurt I any way. You are a nice person with a good heart Rita. So don't think about it anymore. We're good now and I do hope we could be good friends along the way…"     

Rita let out a sigh of relief then she smiled at Arya. "Thank you so much," she said.     

"Where is Dean anyway?" Arya asked.     

"He's out with Laila Go," Rita answered and looked at Ryu to see his expression.     

Ryu was expressionless. Then she looked at Arya who she presumed knew nothing yet about Laila Go.     

They saw Ryu on his phone and based on the conversation it must be Dean.     

"He said he will catch us on lunch instead and do his fitting later..." Ryu said simply.     


At KEN Mansion…     

Elder Master Ken was sitting on his chair with a rare to deduct expression. He kept staring blankly at one direction in deep thought.     

He looked at his son Karl who was staring at him blankly.     

"Dad, you've been looking this disturbed and staring in one direction blankly since I came here. I thought you have something important to tell me?" Karl said with a creased forehead.     

They were inside Elder Ken's room. He wanted to tell about his past to everyone together but his daughter Sarah was currently out of the country for a vacation with her husband while his current relationship with his elder son Alex was not good right now.     

He let out a long deep sigh before he spoke, "Son, I think it's about time that you know about your father's past. The truth is I wanted to bury this until forever and take the truth with me to the grave, but the circumstances have changed and I should not conceal the truth from you all even if I wanted to. You need to know the truth because someone from my past is now trying to bring down our family."     

Karl suddenly felt an eerie tone from his father.     

"Dad don't tell me you did wrong to someone before and now in the last years of your life someone wants to get revenge on you… What? Really? I thought that happens in drama only don't tell me we will experience something like that in real life?" Karl jested.     

He has never seen his father like this. The aura he exuded was so much different at the moment so he tried to joke around and lighten the atmosphere.     

However, his dad looked expressionless and still blank.     

"Dad? Is it something really big? I mean your past? Was it that bad?" he asked and his curiosity was now growing.     

Elder Master Ken looked straight at Karl and said, "Yes my son, my past was something I couldn't be proud of that's why I wanted to bury even the memories of myself with me until eternity…"     

Karl blinked and pinched his arm just to make sure that he was not dreaming. He couldn't believe what he just heard. His father the Great KEN who built up a big conglomerate and who was widely known in the business world for rising from the dust, had a dark past?     

Then he heard another deep sigh from his father before he spoke heavily, "I was called The Demon Don then… demon… was I in those days, simply because I tormented the living… killed without mercy, like a Demon I did all evil acts perfectly…" the tone of the elder changed while he was telling all that gritting his teeth.     

Karl poked his eardrum and slapped his face thrice…     

Then he laughed out loud…     

"Oh crap dad, why are you doing this to me? Are you that bored too much that you're trying to make fun of me right now? Wait Dean will be back soon. You should try him, I'm sure he'll get your joke…" Karl said still laughing.     

However he paused when he heard no response from his dad. He looked at him and he suddenly felt the goose bumps all over his body with his Dad's sharp eyes.     

"This is not the time for joke Karl. SO you listen well and don't fool around," Elder Master Ken said in a very serious tone.     

Karl froze and stiffened with his father's glare…     

"God, you're really serious…" he muttered helplessly as he remained quiet when his dad began his narration.     

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