The CEO Who Hates Me

Transformed Into Sweet Dreams

Transformed Into Sweet Dreams

Dean sighed, another night of backache…     

He was shirtless while he was moving and trying to relax the muscles of his back. He was trying to put patches to relieve the pain when Rita entered.     

"Oh, I'm sorry… I did not know that you're… Let me go out first and you finish with what you are doing…" Rita said and quickly turned around to hide her blushing face.     

She was feeling embarrassed seeing Dean's toned and well built chest.     

'Wait? What's going on with me? What am I thinking? Why do I think his chest looks so cool and pleasing?' she thought silently as she shook her head to brush off the ideas.     

Her hand was about to grab the knob of the door when she heard Dean's deep voice, "Stop…"     

Rita paused and turned around with a creased forehead. She gulped seeing Dean's smiling and inviting face focused at her. It's very charming...     

"Can you please help me put these patches on my back? I'm having a hard time reaching and putting it to the right area by myself." Dean requested with his sweetest voice.     

Rita stared for quite some time at Dean's face unconsciously. His bright and clear eyes always trapped her and tried to capture her but today his each facial contour was attracting her attention. She was captivated by his charm really. It was like she was hypnotized so she walked towards him.     

"Give me that and turn around," she instructed with an irritated tone. She couldn't believe that she was getting affected by a simple smile from the brat.     

'What the hell is really wrong with me!' she scolded herself for being too easy.     

Dean followed and turned around so Rita failed to notice how his sweet smile turned into a mischievous one.     

Dean could feel that he was succeeding in breaking Rita's wall and he felt revitalized at the thought of moving forward positively.     

"Yes a little more left… Yeah there stick it there… Please be gentle it really hurts…" Dean murmured with a helpless voice.     

Rita felt guilty at that moment because she knew Dean was not comfortable at all sleeping on the couch and they can't even order a bigger couch because it will not be appropriate for Dean's reputation in the family, and she didn't want Dean to lose face in front of anyone.     

"Ouucchh… Ahh ahhh…" Dean muttered once in a while every time she'll stick the patches.     

"Aren't you a little bit exaggerating? It's not like I am beating you or something." Rita hissed because she felt that Dean was doing it intentionally.     

Dean's shoulders moved and she heard him inhale and exhale loudly then he spoke, "You know I'm a fragile man if not do you think you would succeed in pulling me inside the hotel room that night? I easily get hurt and my pain tolerance is really weak…"     

Then he countered it quickly with, "Never mind you are already aware of these things. Well anyway… Thanks for helping me. You go and prepare to sleep now."     

She saw Dean got his shirt and put it on. She turned around to walk towards the bed. She felt a little bit weird. The bed was Dean's initially and it was very big for her alone, it can accomodate four persons easily she thought.     

She looked at Dean who positioned himself to the couch. 'It must be hard for him to move around…' she thought inside and sighed.     

"Uhm… you can sleep in here… let's just put a pillow in between and make sure that you won't cross it! You know I can easily break your bones with one wrong move from you right?" Dean heard Rita speak suddenly with a threat.     

"YES!" he blurted out. It was too late to realize that he reacted louder. He looked at Rita and saw her deadly aura once more so he added, "Oh don't get me wrong. I'm just happy not to sleep in this small couch because it's really uncomfortable for me. Yeah I know my wife is a mafia so you don't need to remind me."     

Rita did not say anything and arranged the hotdog pillow in between before she lay down sideways turning her back to Dean's side.     

Dean walked towards the bed with excitement. He could almost feel his success sooner. He lay down sideways also to face Rita's back.     

After several minutes of silence, Dean heard Rita's heavy breathings. She was already in deep slumber while he was still wide awake staring at her back.     

It must be tough for her… All those years he knew she had a very hard time… He could still remember her dilemmas when she cried that night when they first met.     

After doing it with him, she made him her shock absorber. She let out all her frustrations with him while crying on his chest that night…     

'The sweet feeling of her soft body still lingered in his mind. Her gentle touches that aroused him that night were still so fresh in his memory and he just couldn't wait for the ice to melt between them.     

Dean let out a long sigh and whispered, "Turn around… turn around…"     

It was like he was casting a spell on Rita who probably heard him because she moved to shift her position at the other side facing Dean.     

He smiled when he finally saw Rita's meek and angelic face. He was about to remove the pillow but Rita suddenly cursed, "You punk! I will slash you whole body to half if I find you lying! I can easily kill you here so you better tell us the real deal!!!"     

Then she hugged the hotdog pillow tightly.     

Dean was dumbfounded and froze in his position.     

'What the heck? Dreaming about her gang matters at this moment?'     

He exhaled and stared once more at Rita's face and said, "goodnight my wife. I'll replace all your ugly memories with good ones… Soon all your nightmares will be transformed into sweet dreams…"     

He kissed her by gesture of his lips pointing at her only and he laughed silently with upon what he did before he closed his eyes to sleep.     

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