The CEO Who Hates Me

Magic Words

Magic Words

Arya woke up and found that she was in Ryu's arms, held tightly in his gentle embrace...     

'How did I reach here?'     

'Ohh! I'm such a sleepyhead. I slept like I was dead… I did not even know when Ryu carried me and brought me in the room?'     

She took a deep breath and got that sweet scent fragrance. She then realized that she is closely held by Ryu and she smelled his body scent that is so alluring and seductive.     

It was almost 4:00 AM and she had slept peacefully in his arms all the night.     

She smiled blissfully and touched Ryu's face. 'I can never get tired of looking at him like this.'     

The closeness with him and the fragrant scent coming from him drove the morning hormones in her body to rush hard. She felt herself blushing and seduced by even the sleeping face of Ryu.     

She gazed at his inviting lips and gently ran her warm fingers on those seductive lips.     

'No one is allowed to touch you except me. You said you wanted to punish me….uhmm….I should punish you instead you dimwit!' She hissed inwardly as she recalled the closeness, the touches and flirting of his date.     

"Stop that, or you'll regret it later." Ryu suddenly spoke in a hoarse voice and then opened his eyes.     

"You're awake?" Arya asked as she creased her forehead.     

Ryu chuckled and said, "Do you think I will be able to sleep soundly without punishing you first for what you did?"     

"Nah, punish me? You should punish yourself! Why did you let some other woman touch you and be close to you? I just copied your date you know." Arya countered suddenly feeling annoyed.     

"Why? Were you jealous?" Ryu asked in a low tone.     

'Of course I am jealous' Arya looked askance at him.     

"I told you already. Just give me enough reason for you not to witness something like that again. It's not like I enjoyed being harassed by other woman too you know." Ryu answered impatiently.     

'Damn, just say it Arya. I just want to hear those magic words from you.' He cried silently. He did not know why but he was obsessed about hearing the word LOVE from Arya maybe because deep inside he was still insecure about their relationship.     

Because all this time, he did all the chasing just to keep her by his side by all means. Even when they were together in Japan, Arya never told him what she truly felt for him, except for saying that she LIKES him.     

He heard Arya sighed and moved to look at him properly, eye to eye.     

"Is loving you as a reason enough? If I said I love you, will you disregard all blind dates that will be arranged by your family?" Arya asked without batting an eye.     

"If I say I want you to be mine, will you just remain mine forever and ever?" she added with a serious look.     

Ryu just stared her in disbelief for a few seconds, trying to absorb each and every word she said…     

'She is confessing to me. She said she loves me and want to be with me forever…'     

His heart was beating so fast that he could hear his heartbeats in his own ears. He bent his neck towards her and asked, "Do you love me Arya?"     

He felt like he was in a court room, waiting for his final verdict. His heart was drumming hard while waiting for her response.     

"Ryu…", Arya whispered and looked deep into his eyes and said, "Of course I LOVE YOU! Do you think I would last a …" Arya's words were cut off already with the abrupt landing of Ryu's lips on hers.     

On hearing those desired words from Arya, Ryu could not control himself and just crashed on her lips and pounced on her like a lion.     

It was like Ryu was transformed into a wolf that suddenly attacked his prey. He was fast and was already on top of Arya.     

He kissed her deeply and passionately, taking her sweet lips in his own and sucking on them, then he stopped in his tracks and stared in her eyes.     

"What took you so long to say that! Do you know how much you have tortured me by holding back on those words of yours? " he scolded and then started again with his kisses and this time he went down to her neck, leaving his marks there while he sucked and nimbled her skin.     

He had lost all control on himself. After hearing the magic words from Arya, he felt like he was a ticking bomb that could blow any moment.     

Arya was biting her lips and said stammering, "Uhm why didn't you say so? I thought my actions are already enough for you to feel my love."     

'Ahhh. What is with this feeling in my body? I seem to lose my sanity to this.'     

She was lost once more. Lost with the sensations she was feeling as Ryu's hands moved on every part of her body.     

He rubbed his hands gently on her back and then brought one hand in front and started to caress her breasts, he explored all the curves of her body.     

He slid his hands in her clothes and started to unzip her dress. He wanted to see her and feel her bare body.     

His hands were fast and they started to throw all her clothes one by one off her body, to feel Arya's soft and smooth bare skin under the gentle touch of his rough hands.     

He stopped after he undressed her and raised his body up to look at Arya's naked body before his eyes.     

She was just too perfect. His eyes were burning with passion and desires and his look made Arya blush hard and feel shy. She tried to cover her top with her hands.     

Ryu held her wrists and took them away, "Please let me, my love, let me look at you."     

His eyes were full of love as he met Arya's eyes. Those eyes owned her fully saying, 'You are mine, all mine…'     

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