The CEO Who Hates Me

Power Of Love

Power Of Love

Arya spent the whole day either watching the television or talking to Ar-Ar now and then in the Garden. She felt bad to see Ar-Ar chained and in the head collar.     

'How thoughtful of my husband considering I am afraid of dogs.'     

She gently put food in its bowl and said, "I'm really sorry about that. I'll try to overcome my fear of dogs, okay so you can roam wherever you want in the house. Here, eat your meal."     

Ar-Ar just woofed at her as she got back inside. Her phone rang a familiar looking number flashed on the screen, she answered the call and it was Kay on the other side.     

She had managed to contact him through social media and left him her number.     

She quickly fixed herself up as she was very excited to see Kay after such a long time, he was her good friend once who had helped her whenever she was in need.     

They decided to meet at their usual meeting place in a café.     


"Alright just make sure that you will never lose her from your sight! Not even for a single second!" Ryu instructed authoritatively when he received the information from the security team that he has assigned for Arya's protection.     

They followed Arya disguised as normal citizens. He made sure he put the best lot of bodyguards for protecting both Arya and her family, nothing should go wrong this time round.     

He was in a meeting a while ago and failed to answer Arya's call. He just checked his phone for Arya's messages also just now.     

[You're probably in an important meeting. I enjoyed what you cooked and ate a lot. I will go out for a while to meet my friend Kay. If you have time someday I will take you also to meet him. Hmm actually you probably might remember him as you have seen him at the rehearsal in Japan. Anyway, let's talk later.]     


At the café, Arya was having a great time laughing hard on all the stories and jokes of Kay. How she missed him so much.     

"Oh my God Arya! I still can't believe that you and have become a real couple and even are legally married. You have one hell of a story in that." Kay said still in shock about what had happened with Arya in a mere six months of not seeing her.     

"Anyway, what are your plans now? Like working? Since you're back for good, if you like you can start with the entertainment industry. I will help you out. You know I've been courting to manage you and give you a career ever since we've met and that doesn't change. You will be a masterpiece for me Arya." Kay said humorously.     

"I actually haven't thought about it yet. Right now I am supposed to be Ryu's personal assistant. Hmm maybe I will discuss it with him later." Arya answered.     

She was not quite sure for now about what she wanted to do first because she was still so clouded with the thought of being Ryu's wife.     

Their happy and funny conversations were interrupted by the ringing of Arya's phone.     

"I received your text messages. But there's something missing in it," Ryu said in a serious voice. Arya's heart skipped a beat and tried to recall her text messages.     

"Huh? What's that?" she asked ignorantly and heard Ryu's long deep sigh on the other side.     

"Alright, don't take too long outside and come home early. I have another important meeting lined up so let's talk again later. I LOVE YOU Arya." Ryu said giving heavy tone on the last words.     

Arya suddenly covered her mouth, 'Oh it's the word I love you.' She did not include that on her text message to him.     

She blushed like a teenage girl talking to her lover on the phone while Kay rolled his eyes witnessing Arya's giddiness.     

Arya responded timidly, "Yes I will. I love you too."     

After the call, Arya's smile was as bright as the sun.     

"You are really pretty Arya. Talk to your husband and tell her I want to make you a star. Oh wait, you're already married but that's okay since it's a secret. Or do you plan to hold a grand wedding soon?" Kay suddenly asked in excitement.     

Arya looked at him and said, "I don't know Kay. Things happened so fast, so right now it's like we are starting anew so I don't know what to expect. Anyway, I will keep you informed about my next plans. By the way, did you hear anything Rita's Boss? Or at least got the chance to know him or any useful information you got there?"     

Kay shrugged and replied exaggeratedly, "A Big NONE – and NO IDEA! After they paid me I received no news at all. She was like an Alien who takes off, out of this world!"     

"Alright, I have to go back soon. You know I need to cook dinner for my husband. Oh right, accompany me first to the Market. I want to prepare a special dinner for him later." Arya announced enthusiastically while her mind was starting to think of the best dishes she can prepare for dinner and how she can make it a romantic one.     


Meanwhile, at KEN'S Mansion everyone was surprised by the sudden arrival of Ryu.     

"Omni, see whose back? My prodigal grandchild has visited us. I wonder what this brat needs now but I guess it's you Omni that he wants." Elder Master Ken said with an arched eyebrow.     

Ryu just laughed and winked at both men. Then he shifted his gaze to Omni and said, "I will talk to you later. Where's mom? I'll go check her first." Ryu said still smiling.     

"I saw Madam Cecile in the kitchen awhile ago. Go and look there. And show yourself to your dad too you know." Butler Omni reminded Ryu. The latter just smiled once more as he looked towards Elder Master Ken.     

"Oh grandpa! Thank you very much. I know how you have been helping behind the curtains in dealing with those people; I just want to thank you for your resourceful aid. But I can handle everything well now so you can be rest assured. But if you have other reasons for bringing them down then continue as you please." He said before leaving the two men dumbstruck.     

Elder Master Ken and Butler Omni looked at each other with creased forehead.     

"What was that?" Elder Master Ken asked as he arched a brow.     

Butler Omni just shrugged his shoulder and said, "That's the power of Love Elder Master Ken. You've experienced that also and you were much worse, don't you remember?"     

He teased the Elder Master Ken because Butler Omni himself had witnessed how the Elder Master changed because of late Madam Livy.     

Who would have thought that an underworld Don will become a businessman this big and will manage a worldwide conglomerate legally bringing it to top eventually?     

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