The CEO Who Hates Me

You Are Free

You Are Free

"You're telling me this now?" Ryu exclaimed after hearing the report from Chen after Arya left.     

"I'm sorry Sir. I thought you were already asleep and I didn't want to disturb you so I planned to tell you in the morning." Chen apologized.     

"Their group suddenly lay low. But they are still under our radar. We are waiting for your instructions to move Sir." Chen said.     

Ryu leered and said, "No don't make any move yet. I want to watch that bastard playing his game."     

Chen sighed.     

'Why can't they just finish it' He thought this battle will take long for sure.     


Arya went home and explained the situation to her parents. She only mentioned the fraud thing and skipped the part about Ryu.     

Good thing her parents were both supportive and had faith in whatever she does.     

They can live a simple life as long as they are all together. Her dad was enjoying being a professor in Business Course at a university while her mom took care of Reese and managed the house and household works. Even she can get a nice job in the province.     

Her phone rang and interrupted the trail of her thoughts.     

It was an unknown number so it must be Rita.     

"Disregard the three more months left. You and your family are free from now on. I will have someone send you the revised documents."     

Before she could even ask a question Rita hung up the phone.     

'She was free? What is this? What is going on?' She asked to herself. She felt that something is weird about this whole episode.     


Arya went back to the hotel immediately so she could brief her employees about the current situation.     

She maintained her composure and said, "So keep doing great work. The new Owner is a good person and he'll take good care of you all."     

She was touched by their love and sympathy towards her and noticing tears in some eyes she said, "Hey stop crying, I will not go to a faraway place. My home is just 10 minutes away guys."     

After the briefing Arya walked towards the elevator to go up and saw Shawn on the way so she asked, "Going up?"     

Shawn smiled and stepped inside the opened elevator. It was about to close, when the doors opened again. It was Ryu with his dark face as his eyes fixed at Shawn.     

Arya froze at his sight. Shawn spoke, "What's your plan now? If you want you can work at my company and stay in the city for a while? I'll take care of you there. Let's talk about it in your room. I missed your tea."     

Arya gulped and gestured Shawn to stop talking. Shawn frowned and raised an eyebrow.     

Ryu was standing in front of them. The elevator opened but Ryu kept standing at his place blocking Arya.     

So she pushed Shawn forward to go out from his side and said, "Excuse us please."     

Shawn and Arya walked towards her room and did not notice the piercing and deadly gaze of Ryu behind them.     

"What's wrong? Why did you stop me from talking? Do you know that guy" Shawn asked.     

Arya rolled her eyes and said, "Yeah I do and I owe him a lot."     

Inside her room, Arya prepared the tea and asked, "So you own a company? I thought you're just a rich kid who loves to spend money and roam around."     

Shawn laughed loudly, "Of course I am a rich man and not a kid. I own a very big company."     

"And what do you deal with? I hope it's not some underworld kind," Arya said jokingly as she walked towards Shawn.     

She failed to notice the sudden darkened face of Shawn which lasted for a second only before he laughed loud once more.     

"So tell me, what's the name of your company and the business you're dealing with," Arya asked as she handed Shawn his favorite Jasmine tea and sat on the couch.     

Shawn pouted his lips and said, "You know me for five months already and this is the first time you have asked a question about me."     

Arya laughed as she heard the complaining tone of Shawn.     

She was about to make another banter when her telephone in the room rang. It was Chen.     

"Miss Arya, you must hurry-up now at our CEO's room to discuss some important matter. He said that if you're not there in one minute, he will start with reorganization immediately." Explained Chen.     

Arya quickly stood up and said, "Sorry Shawn, I have to go right now. Let's talk later."     

Then she ran through the door towards Ryu's room.     

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