The CEO Who Hates Me

Look Like A Prune

Look Like A Prune

"What do you want?" Arya asked as soon as she reached in Ryu's room. She was still gasping for air because of running.     

Ryu was so close to her, she looked at his darkened face and asked, "What?"     

"The conditions of the contract will start now. Read it here." He said with his annoyed tone.     

"Give it to me and I will read it in my room." Arya answered with an arched brow.     

'What did I do this time? Why does he look so annoyed anyway?' Arya complained inside.     

"Why are you in such a hurry to leave?" Ryu asked in a hefty tone.     

"Oh I have a guest and…" Arya murmured but was interrupted by Ryu's sharp voice.     

"No! You sit right here and read the contract now. It's better if you have well understood everything."     

"Okay, alright. Easy, why are so worked up? I am going to read that now okay?" Arya said petulantly and stomped towards the couch as she fetched the contract papers and sat down to read.     

Then she remembered about Shawn waiting so she used Ryu's telephone to dial her room.     

"Hello it's me. Don't wait for me there. Let's talk some other time." She said on the other line then hung up the phone. She noticed Ryu was glaring at her.     

"What? What's your problem, you look like a prune right now? Can't you see I am reading it now?" she hissed while looking at the contract.     

Arya frowned and blinked several times while reading the contract.     

'What is this? Am I demoted to a nanny now?' Arya complained in her heart. It was definitely a slave contract.     

"Hah! You surely are bitter huh. Why don't we add a few more duties like helping you to bath like a caregiver?" Arya murmured unintentionally with sarcasm.     

Ryu's face suddenly lit up as laughter dwelled in. "Yeah you are right, that's not a bad idea to add up and I will be anticipating for it the most."     

Then he suddenly went back to his serious face and said, "That contract begins right away, so right now I am hungry. Come for lunch with me in the restaurant below."     

Arya sighed and stood up. "Alright, let's go," she said and walked past Ryu when she suddenly felt a hand grabbing hers.     

"Didn't you read well the first clause? You have to stick like a glue with me right? So don't forget that." Ryu said simply while holding Arya's hand and walking out.     

'That's the consequence of running away in the first place. From now on, you must follow me like a foot accessory always.' Ryu silently added.     

Arya although slightly confused decided to go with the flow and let Ryu do whatever he wanted. She owed him a huge debt anyway so she was not reluctant to whatever he will ask.     

Besides, deep in her heart, she loved the feeling of being close to Ryu once more.     

Arya blushed at the thought while staring at their hands that were clasped together then she looked at Ryu. His face was so unreadable.     

All her employees looked at Arya with their mischievous eyes. Most of the girls were giggling, "They look so good together. So our Mam's boyfriend is the new owner?" one of her staff commented and Arya heard it. She looked at them sternly and signaled to zip their mouth and work.     

Before nearing the restaurant Arya's face paled as she prayed that Ryu would not notice the name of the dining area.     

However, Ryu suddenly stopped and said, "RK Dining Area? Huh? Is that a Ryu Ken Dining Area?"     

Arya bit her lip as Ryu looked at her with his wrinkled forehead waiting for her to answer.     

"Oh that? Uhmm it's actually the abbreviation for Real Knockdown dining area ahm because you'll be knocked down by the delicious foods we serve there." Arya said slightly stuttering.     

Ryu raised his eyebrow while he looked at Arya as if to determine whether she was telling the truth.     

"What? Why would you even think that I will use your initials to name my restaurant?" Arya asked innocently.     

Ryu chuckled inside remembering his pet in the flat which he named after Arya to ease the loneliness he felt during those six months.     

They entered the restaurant and the expected gazes of the staff inside were all the same so Arya once again gestured them to go focus at work instead.     

Ryu gave her the menu and said, "You order the food since you know the best dishes in here."     

Arya ordered shrimp and other seafoods. When the foods were served, she creased her forehead seeing Ryu just stared at her like he was waiting for something.     

"I thought you were hungry, so why aren't you eating yet?" she asked while she started to get her food.     

Ryu smirked and said mischievously, "Do you suffer from memory lost at this tender age? Should I always remind you about the terms of the contract? You're my slave and I'm the Master so you have to feed me."     

Arya's eyes widened with shock and said, "Are you for real?" However, Ryu looked so serious without even moving a muscle on his jaw while waiting.     

Arya's jaw dropped and looked around. She can tell that most of the staffs were still stealing glances at them from time to time. 'This is so embarrassing.' She whimpered silently as she began to peel the prawns for Ryu who just observed her with amusement and impish grin.     


"Block it all! Don't leave any traces or you will be the one answerable for it! That meddler Old Ken!" shouted Rita's Boss from the other side.     

She massaged her ears that almost blew up because of the shouting she received.     

Two of their underground companies were shut down mercilessly and had been discovered by the authorities.     

Rita sighed. And now they need to lay low a bit to avoid further problems and that included Arya.     

At most, Ryu Ken already knew about their whereabouts.     

Her only focus now was her Boss' profile. She needed to make sure that her Boss' identity must not be discovered and jeopardized.     

The Boss had put up so much just to reach where he is right now. He experienced all the hardships and tolerated almost everything just to be at this point.     

Rita moved quickly and called out for an emergency meeting.     

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