The CEO Who Hates Me

Be His Woman

Be His Woman

Ayra sensed the gazing looks of Ryu's eyes and blushed on realizing how uncontrolled her desires and demands of her body were.     

Ryu was burning with the desire of possessing Arya completely. He unzipped his pants and just when he was about to remove his pants.     


A loud sound was heard. The bus jolted and suddenly came to a stop.     

Ryu cursed under his breath and called Chen to ask what had happened. Chen told that they have to stop for a while.     

Ryu was upset and tried to calm down his desires. He looked at Arya who lay there panting. He kissed her hard again and told her to wait and then quickly put on his shirt and went out.     

Arya who was left alone, felt uncomfortable so she also put on her clothes and followed Ryu outside.     

"What happened?" Arya asked when she saw Ryu standing outside the bus.     

Chen was talking to someone on the phone while the driver was scratching his head.     

"Go back inside. We bumped into an animal. Go." Ryu said gently to Arya.     

Arya obeyed and came inside and lied down on the bed. Her lips curled up when she recalled all that happened awhile ago.     

As the feeling of happiness lingered in the air surrounding her tiredness took over her, she drifted to the serene world of sweet dreams.     

When he took a note of all that has happened and Chen handled everything, Ryu went back inside. He stopped in his tracks when he saw the beautiful face of Arya who was in deep sleep.     

Her hair sprawled on the pillow and a sweet smile pasted on her lips. Ryu was mesmerized and slowly he moved towards the bed and sat down on the side of the bed near Arya.     

He stared at her gently and stroked her soft hair then let out a deep long sigh.     

Though he hated her for running away, but he couldn't hide the fact that he still loved her.     

He struggled so much because he was also blaming himself for being weak and for not being able to protect her and her family.     

He fully understood her situation, he really did but still her running away and leaving him unconscious broke his heart. It was really painful even though he knew things might end up that way.     

But Ryu was determined that he will be stronger and wiser this time around. He will make sure that everything will be under his control, Arya's safety and the security of her family.     

He will not let anything or anyone take Arya away from him.     

Ryu suddenly remembered Chen reported him how his grandfather was helping him silently.     

He laughed silently when his grandfather and his silent but strong presence and help crossed his mind.     

"That old man loves making moves in the shadow," he murmured. And his each move is fierce even today. The invincible Old master Ken always has best moves up his sleeve.     

Though going slow is his plan, he thought. Ryu had different way of dealing with the culprits.     

It was his intention to move slowly and observe the culprit's moves. Catching them was second on his list.     

His main priority is to make sure that Arya or her family is not used in any kind of schemes against him.     

Whereas, his grandfather preferred to attack immediately that's why he couldn't wait and started taking silent movements on his own. That old man hates waiting.     

Ryu shook his head as he thought all this.     

However, he was touched when he realized how his grandfather loved him deeply even though he did not say it and criticized him most of the time.     

Ryu knew it's all because his grandfather wanted him to be a stronger person and wanted him to shoulder the responsibility of the big and mighty empire the Ken family held.     

Ryu slowly lay down beside Arya and kissed her forehead gently.     

"Let me bully you a little more, just bear all these punishments for a while longer…wife." Ryu whispered slowly before he cuddled Arya, enclosed her in his embrace and closed his eyes.     


Arya woke up and saw Ryu sleeping peacefully while his arms were wrapped around her tightly.     

She felt extremely happy and unknowingly touched his face. She started with his full eyebrows, expressive eyes, prominent nose and kissable lips.     

'Why didn't he wake me up?' She thought while staring at his handsome sleeping face.     

She thought they are going to do it a while ago. Even she was ready to surrender to him anytime though, not just because she owed him but because she wanted to be his woman.     

Arya smiled and whispered lovingly, "I can be your slave and will be willing to receive punishments forever."     

Then she kissed him, a gentle smack on the lips and hugged him back tightly before closing her eyes once more.     

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