The CEO Who Hates Me

Be Ready To Disappear

Be Ready To Disappear

Chen's sweat was all over his face, he was extremely nervous to face the CEO at that moment.      

There's still no progress on finding who was the mastermind behind everything.      

Whoever that person was, he was sharp like an iguana, well-blended and was hard to detect.     

The CEO was expecting good results to that day.     

A loud bang was heard from the table after Chen's report.     

Ryu's face was dark while his clenched fists were on the table. He couldn't believe that his men were having a hard time finding the person responsible for this absurd scheme against him.     

"Sir, I think we need to seek help from Old Master Ken," Chen suggested in a very low tone.      

If the Old Master was the one to investigate the matter, everything would be cleared out in a day. The Old Master had more power than the CEO, his connections were vast in all aspects.     

Ryu's face couldn't be described. He was not pleased to hear that option. If he asked his grandfather's help, it would be as good as admitting that he was accepting his throne.      

His grandfather was the King and he was considered the Crown Prince. He didn't want that complicated and messed up crown that everyone was fighting and struggling to get.     

He massaged his temples and tried to think harder about who could possibly plan something like this against him.     

Even Rita, whom Arya mentioned, was someone who couldn't be found.     

"What the hell is going on here? How long have they been preparing this plan to be executed this perfectly?!" he hissed at Chen who didn't know how to react to his CEO's statement.     


Meanwhile, Arya was humming happily while strolling around the mansion's garden when her phone rang.      

It was an unknown number, she presumed it was Rita and so answered it quickly.     

"Your dad will be released tomorrow. Be ready to disappear by that time. If you are not, you will never reunite with your family again. Don't test our limits, Arya, or you will regret that. If I were you, I would just stick to the plan!" Arya's face paled and her mobile phone fell on the grass.      

She clearly heard her sister's voice, although it sounded a little distant, she was sure it was Reese's laugh; the loud laugh that she loved to hear so much.     

She quickly dialed her mother's number.     

"Mom, where are you?" she hurriedly asked with a shaking voice. She could hear Reese still laughing on the other end of the line.     

"Oh, dear, we are here in our new home. Reese loves it so much. Rita brought us here and said that you will follow with your father soon." Her mom answered in a cheerful tone.     

"Wait, dear, I will give the phone to your little sister, she wants to talk to you and keeps on trying to snatch the phone from me." Her mom said, still laughing.     

"Big Sis, what's taking you so long? Please, hurry and come home with dad. I love this new house. There are so many trees, and the house is also big. Also, thank you for the new pet. Hehe, I named her Twilight like my Twilight Sparkle-my favorite pony character. It's so cute. I know you are not fond of animals, but thank you for buying it for me. Promise I will take care of her like you take care of me, Big Sis. I love you so much, so hurry up, okay?" Reese spoke in one go.     

Unknown to her, Arya's tears started flowing out from her eyes. Then she heard Reese spoke, "Hello? Hello? Big Sis, are you still there? Hello?"     

Arya wiped off her tears and cleared her throat before she answered, "Yes, my love, Big Sis is still here. I'm just happy you love it there. Can you give mom a hug and kiss instead of me, because I have to hang up the phone now?"     

"Why only mom? How about me? Where are my hug and kiss? I can't do it on my own, Big Sis." Reese said complaining.      

Arya laughed hearing her little sister's tantrums once more. She also loved that voice of hers whenever Reese was having a tantrum.     

"Okay, you tell mom to give you a kiss and hug on my behalf. Will it be okay? Here's my kiss on the phone. Mwah." She said lovingly.     

"Okay. I love you, Big Sis. Bye-bye." Reese answered happily.     

"I love you more, little Sis. Mwah" Arya said lovingly before she hung up the phone.     

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