The CEO Who Hates Me

Know Each Other

Know Each Other

After spending a while with the family after dinner, everybody headed to their respective rooms to sleep.     

Denise was to stay in the room that was prepared for Shawn. That night, when Denise came in her room to sleep, flashes of her intimate moments spent with Shawn hovered around in her mind challenging her sanity.     

Denise threw herself on the bed and closed her eyes. Being in a new place with new people, she did feel like home with all their love, but the night felt like a long, never ending wait for someone.     

Right now his distance was like a sharp blade cutting her heart away. She could feel him with her closed eyes, feel his touches on her body, his deep magnetic voice filled her ears…     

She remembered how he caressed and kissed each part of her body the day he was to join the show… His each touch felt like an electrical current that passed through her nerves and jolted her entire being.     

Though they were married already but it hadn't been many days since they started their relationship and hence the distance between them was a torture for her right now.     

His each touch, his each kiss and their lovemaking all those moments spent with him played like a movie in front of her eyes and the feeling of loneliness started making her tear up...     

She really was missing that husband of hers…     

While she was engrossed deeply in her thoughts tears flowing from her eyes, she heard the knocking on her doors so she wiped her tears quickly and got up to open the door.     

She was shocked to see Arya and Rita standing outside wearing their sleep wears, each one of them was hugging their own pillows.     

Arya smiled sweetly and spoke first, "Hmm… Our beds are quite big for both of us to sleep alone so if you won't mind, can we sleep in here?"     

Denise laughed and said, "Are we going to be bedmates now like going to have a Ken's room just for the girls?"     

She opened the door wide and gestured the two to come in.     

"See, I bet you must be feeling lonely since it's your first night in a new house. So we decided to come over here and sleep with you to keep you company sis." Arya added as she excitedly jumped on the bed.     

While, Rita was kind of timid, because it was the first time for her to sleep with other people, other than Dean, even girlfriends because she never had any friends in her life before.     

Earlier, Arya had gone to her room and insisted that they go and sleep with Denise instead. Well, Arya was right because she too felt lonely sleeping alone in their big room.     

"Oh we will all fit well here… Come here Rita.. Don't be shy. Denise, pull Rita in here." Arya instructed and the latter followed.     

Denise gently pulled Rita. "Haha we are sisters now so don't be shy. Be crazy like us." Denise said smiling.     

Rita also started to feel normal and felt happy to be together rather than sleeping in the cold bed alone missing Dean.     

"Girls, it seems all of us are in the same situation right now. Our husbands are there in the house of Zeus, and we can't even chat with them. All we can do is watch them for just an hour at the television." Arya said.     

"Yes, You are right Arya." Rita nodded and even Denise agreed with this.     

Denise looked at Rita an said, "Rita please tell me how did you meet Dean? Tell me something about your first meeting with him. I practically know nothing about you two."     

Rita: "…"     

She was so embarrassed about her first meeting with Dean that she dare not say a word about it in front of these girls, lest she wanted to be trolled by them for years to come.     

"Ah, there is actually nothing that I can tell… I don't even know why he chased me and how we even got married." she murmured instead.     

"Alright girls, I think we must take this opportunity to know each other a little more. After all we are family now. So lets sleep in the same room the whole month and also let's watch the show tomorrow night in the bedroom here together with some wine." Arya suddenly suggested and the two agreed.     

Then Denise sighed and turned her head to Rita, she said, "By the way, I actually wanted to ask you a lot of questions and it's all about Shawn. I know you two grew up together so I'm sure you know him well. We had limited time together and it would take a while in knowing each other so I would like to know him more through you sis Rita… if you won't mind?"     

She held Rita's hand and smiled. "I hope you think of me as a sister too like Arya. I know you and Shawn had encountered a lot or hardship… All I want is to be beside Shawn in every phase and moment of his life, and help him to get back home, where he really belongs…" Denise stated.     

Rita could see in Denise eyes that she was genuine and sincere towards her bro Shawn.     

She smiled back at her and pressed Denise hand. She winked and said, "of course you are now my sister and I'm so grateful that you are with bro Shawn. Don't worry I will tell you everything from the moment I've met him. It's better you know his story from the beginning. But… you must prepare yourself…"     

Arya who was listening interrupted, "Oh don't worry about Denise. She's so prepared, she's a strong woman…"     

Rita let out a deep sigh, "Alright but I think she'll need a lot of tissues beside her once I begin."     


The next day, Arya had to shoot so she went to work first. The drama would be aired after a month according to Kay.     

Meanwhile, Rita continued with her training at cooking while Denise started with her lesson from Shawn's mom.     

Denise stared at her mother in law. She insisted to know everything from Rita last night and the latter obliged.     

She was informed that Cecile only knew a few things about Shawn's whereabouts based on the report Ryu gathered and it was not everything at all.     

Her thoughts were interrupted when her phone rang. She paled when she saw who was calling but she knew that she should answer it so she did and excused herself from her mother in law.     

"Child, your dad told me you're with your friend Arya and will stay there while that Ryu Ken is away. I wanted to have lunch with my daughter in law today. Do you think you can grant me this request dear?" Mr. Lee said from the other line.     

Denise cleared her throat and answered with her sweet voice, "Of course uncle. How can I not come when you are calling me with so much love. I know you must also be missing your dear son.Tell me where you want to have lunch and I'll be there."     

After the call, Denise immediately informed Elder Ken about the lunch appointment she had with Mr. Lee.     

"I know him well. He wants to check if you already know something since you are staying here, so you must act perfectly like there's nothing going on at all and that you're clueless about all that is going on between him and us. Even the feud between us is not public and so if he tries to ask anything about Rita or any of us just be restricted in your answers." Elder Ken advised.     

As soon as Denise left, he called his security team to follow her and make sure she will be safe.     

That cunning Old Skull sure could sense something.     

Butler Omni entered with his requested tea.     

"Master, I have a suggestion…" Butler Omni muttered while he poured him tea.     

"What old maid?" Elder Ken said with an arched eyebrow.     

"Well… why don't we go on an outing? It's time that we visit Ryu's island. It's well developed now you know and it's a good place for a vacation? Besides, the girls deserve that for working hard." Butler Omni said excitedly.     

Elder Ken did not answer but crumpled his forehead instead.     

"It's a good idea old maid. Let's do that once the show ends. But you will not go with us unless you bring a partner. You have one month old maid to get a better half for yourself or no vacation for you at all…"     

Butler Omni scratched his head, with a crumpled face he said, "But Master that was all my idea how come you'll think that you can leave me behind?"     

"Get a partner or no vacation for you." Elder Ken said as he shrugged his shoulders.     

Vacation… Family Vacation… How nice would it be if they were a complete family already.     


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