The CEO Who Hates Me

Marry Her

Marry Her

"Cecile,what are you doing?" Karl asked when he saw his wife fixing herself and hurriedly picking up her bag.     

He accompanied Cecile the whole day since she was still confounded by Ryu's news last night. She was still in shock so she was not herself most of the time.     

"You need to rest and sleep. Are you going out?" he said and he quickly put down the tea he had brought for her.     

"I have to see him. I need to see our son Karl. Please let me see him…" Cecile murmured with a garble voice. She couldn't contain her emotions as tears kept welling up in her eyes and falling.     

Karl walked towards his wife and hugged her tight.     

"Please hon, let's endure it a little more. Ryu is right. We can't just approach him that easily. I told you already, there's a history between our father and the man who raised him. We must plan everything first and not act rashly. We will see him soon and that's for sure." Karl said on a down tone as he tried to calm Cecile down.     

"Karl what do you want me to do!? I know now that my son is alive but I can't get near him!? I mourned him for years! Talking to his grave! Dreaming how he would look like if he was alive and grew up! My heart ached so much that I wanted to hug him tight. Tell him I am his mother. Ask him how he was doing. I want to know how his life has been while I was not by his side…" Cecile was stammering as she said the words.     

She was crying out loud.     

Karl couldn't bear to see Cecile like this. He felt her pain. Ryu decided to tell him only what Shawn had been through all those years and he couldn't tell it to his wife while she was still in this kind of state.     

"Cecile, please just wait for a while and we will both meet our son. It's just that we can't act rashly right now because you don't know what kind of man Old Man Skull is. He has our son in his hands. Everything is not that simple. So for the safety of everybody, please hon, bear with it a little more." Karl murmured.     

His heart was in hurting too. If not for his stupidity, nothing like this would have happened.     

"Shhh… Everything will soon be alright hon… Be strong we will surpass this trial together and with Ryu helping us." He whispered as he calmed his wife.     

Ryu talked to them and advised them not to make any movements yet until they had solid evidence to prove that Shawn was taken away and that someone had plotted everything to make it look like that he died after he was born.     


Shawn's face couldn't be painted when it came to him the news of what had Old Man Skull wanted to do. He rushed to his office.     

The Old Man was having his coffee when he arrived.     

"Halt your plan… If you continue to do drastic movement right now, I'm telling you, you will be the one to go down and not the Kens. Can't you think straight? Make it look like an accident? Hah! For goodness sake! The Ken's been operating several terminals for decades and there was no such thing as an accident that you are planning!" His face was gloomy as he said the words.     

Old Man Skull glared at him and said, "Precisely, so now that accident happens after decades… Many people will get hurt. This will be a good way to cause trouble and give that arrogant family a scandal."     

Shawn exhaled loudly to release his frustration with the narrow-minded ways of the old man.     

"Scandal you say? Didn't it occur to you that your name can be dragged along with that scandal? We are in completion with them! It's all known to everyone that we are trying to compete all their businesses! You will be the prime suspect even though you make it look like an accident; do you think the Kens will buy that? NO! They will tell everyone that they will look into the investigation closely and clearly that tragedy is planned and someone was behind it!" he hissed.     

The plan was moving smoothly and this blood thirsty Old Man was ruining everything because of his impatience.     

"Alright! You do what you want and I won't help you if it backfires on you. I warned you already," Shawn added as he saw the old man creasing his forehead.     

He was quiet as if he was having a second thought as he heard Shawn's words.     

After a minute he heard Old Man Skull say, "I will postpone that plan and will think more about it but you have to marry Denise by the end of this month! Do you know how stingy Mr. Ming is? He won't give his full trust unless you two are married already!"     

"So you choose, marry immediately or if not I will have those terminals blasted! I don't care if it backfires to me. You know how I play dirty! Marry her or your plan for getting the Ken's wealth will all go to ashes." Old Man Skull bargained.     

Shawn gritted his teeth, he hated being cornered like this but he had no choice. Old Man Skull was right.     

His plan was to get the entire Ken's wealth, leaving them without nothing, not a single penny so they will all experience how it feels to have nothing… without that wealth and power… they were all nothing!     

"Make sure you stop that plan. You win! I will marry Denise at the end of the month! You arrange everything and I will just follow whatever you say on the wedding!" he said furiously before he turned around to walk and leave the Old Man behind.     

He had another problem with that woman who boldly told him that she probably likes him.     

Shawn shook his head; woman was really a big problem in a man's life.     

He would clearly tell Denise that it will be a marriage for convenience only and he would straighten things with her not to give her any false hope.     

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