The CEO Who Hates Me

Very Fragile Glass (K&C)

Very Fragile Glass (K&C)

The basketball and cheerleading clubs had a very loud party at one of the private resort of Diana's family.     

Karl brought his sister Sarah to the party to assist him in protecting Cecile so he wouldn't look too obvious doing that.     

"Big Bro, I really admire your martyrdom you know… Gosh you're one of a kind, protecting the girl you like while hiding in the shadows. Oh wait… based on what you're doing right now, it's not you just like her but you already L-O-V-E her. Had I been that girl, I would have married you quickly. I would never let such a caring and loving man leave my side ever. She's so damn lucky and the worst part is she's not even aware how lucky she is. I'm really curious to meet her, the girl who made you hopelessly in fall in love with her." Sarah whispered as they entered the house.     

"Shhh… keep your mouth shut and watch your words! Don't curse; it sounds awful hearing it from your mouth and don't you dare tease me. You should find a man for yourself who is as good as your brother instead." Karl scolded.     

Sarah twitched her mouth as she muttered, "Yeah right… You're good but a wimp most of the time."     

"What? What are you blabbering now?" Karl said with an arched brow.     

Sarah just shrugged her shoulders.     

"Remember, all you need to do is stay beside Cecile whenever there's an opportunity. Talk to her and be friends with her. I'm sure she'll feel lonely in this party and out of place because all that's invited in here are Diana's minions so stay close with Cecile." Karl reminded his sister with an intense look.     

"Okay, big brother, consider it done with no sweat at all. But remember your promise also. Okay? You must help me too so I can go out this weekend." Sarah said with narrowing eyes.     

Karl grinned and said, "Yes that's so easy. So now complete your mission without fail. Be alert…"     

As soon as they entered the resort Karl's eyes automatically searched Cecile and then he gestured Sarah right away.     

The latter gave him sign of an okay with her hand before she walked towards Cecile who as Karl expected was alone that time since Aldrin was having a chat with his boys and he was sure Diana had briefed the others to not talk to Cecile for her to be out of place.     

Sarah gracefully got two cups of drinks and walked towards Cecile smiling. "Oh hello there… Here, this one's for you. Let's drink together since I saw you also sitting alone and looks like a loner like me…" she said with humor as she gave the other cup in her hand to Cecile.     

Cecile accepted the cup and smiled at her in return. "Thank you."     

"Oh I'm Sarah by the way. I'm with my brother Karl… Wait do you know Karl Ken?" Sarah said to strike a conversation.     

Cecile nodded and replied demurely, "Yeah I do know him. He's a very nice guy. I'm here with my boyfriend Aldrin. Uhm, so you are Karl's sister so who's your boyfriend? Karl mentioned your boyfriend is also in the basketball club that's why he's invited in here."     

"Oh so my boyfriend is here? Ah right my boyfriend, hmm wait…" Sarah said as she made a fake look at the boys and she spotted one of his brother's friends.     

"That's the guy… that handsome man, his name is Mark by the way." Sara giggled at the thought since Mark was not her boyfriend yet but she did have a crush on him secretly.     

"Anyway, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who seems to be an outcast in here. Yeah my brother is nice and actually he's very great and intelligent guy but a very fool one when it comes to love, I mean he is very shy in confessing his love… Hmm, I bet your boyfriend is busy with boys talk right now just like my brother and boyfriend so I'm so lucky to see you alone." Sara added happily and winked at Cecile.     

Then she leaned on to whisper in Cecile's ear, "Do you mind? Let's keep each other's company until your boyfriend or my brother or boyfriend returns and get us? I don't want to look like an outcast."     

Cecile nodded and smiled sweetly… She was actually feeling down because no one was talking to her and she was too shy to approach girls in group. She was the introvert type, the very opposite of Aldrin, her boyfriend. They may have a lot of differences but they loved each other and that was all that mattered to her.     

So she was willing to adjust for him. So even though she was not comfortable to attend this party she still managed to say Yes on Aldrin's invitation because she was his girlfriend and she wanted to show her support to him.     

'Oh crap… no wonder he fell to this woman.' Sarah thought as she looked at Cecile's beautiful face. She looked so delicate like a very fragile glass that you would want to handle properly to not break it.     

She seemed to be the prim and proper type. Karl likes those kinds of woman. She knew because his big bro always compared her with these type of woman. Always saying that she should act like this and that as a proper woman would be instead of being too loud and act like one of the boys most of the time.     

Meanwhile, Karl observed Diana's movements every now and then. He made sure that he wouldn't miss any single suspicious moves at all.     

He looked around to observe and was startled when someone pat his shoulder from the back.     

It was Mark who chuckled when he saw his sudden reaction. "Geez man? What's with you? You look too occupied that a simple pat startled you and you look like that? It's a funny face. Haha"     

"Yes I'm too occupied right now because I'm on the hunting mode." Karl said plainly.     

"Hunting? You mean girls? Why do you need to hunt? They will just come to you on their own accord. You're a KEN man…" Mark said grinning.     

"Yeah I guess my name does sound good. Man, I'll leave you now because I'm hunting a very evil person so I'll take my leave now. I need to focus so don't dare disturb me again." Karl uttered to his friend.     

Mark arched an eyebrow and said, "Weirdo… Okay go shoo away and hunt Miss Evil. Do tell me the whole story later!"     

Karl knew that tonight something bad was planned for Cecile so at most they intended to frame her up to make her look like a slut in front of Aldrin.     

"Bring it on whoever you are! I'll make sure you won't succeed!" he muttered angrily as he walked away from Mark.     

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