The CEO Who Hates Me

Become His Light

Become His Light

"I'm really sorry to ask this favor..." Dean said apologetically after he explained to Denise the situation. The two met in a restaurant near Dean's office as Denise requested.     

Denise smiled, followed by a winked.     

"Nah, it's nothing. That favour is too easy for me. Give me until today and that sample will be yours. I must not keep big bro to wait long. He deserves to know the truth as soon as possible. I mean confirmed that. Besides, I'm curious to know too and actually dying to find out..." she said, but paused as if something had crossed her mind.     

She had noticed that before, Shawn and Ryu, something about their physical appearance were very much alike.     

'What a tangled situation these two families have.' She thought silently referring to the Kens and Lees.     

Then she murmured unconsciously, "So they were half brothers..."     

Dean sighed and uttered while he massaged his chin, "Nothing is confirmed yet until we get that test done. There's a possibility that they were half brothers, there's also a possibility that they are pure brothers and there's also a possibility that it's just a trap prepared by that Old Man Skull. Geez too many complications right now and everything will be cleared with that one test."     

He looked closely at Denise said, "I'm afraid everything is in your hands right now."     

Dean scratched his head. He will be reprimanded for sure if Ryu and Arya found out that he asked Denise for this favour but this was the fastest and easiest way to get that sample from Shawn.     

They couldn't base everything just by the data they gathered. Knowing how cunning Old Man Skull was, they should be more careful and secured all data gathered to be true.     

So they needed solid evidence like DNA Testing and its result. With that simple test, everything will be revealed.     

Denise couldn't help but laughed at Dean's bothered face. His look was a combination of hesitation and conflict...     

"Hey don't worry. It's really an easy task for me so trust me. Besides, my lips are sealed. I told you, I'm willing to help out especially if this is for my big bro and sis so stop that look. I'm happy that you've thought of me first for this favor. And you chose right because I'm the best shot for this. I'm the only person who could get closer to Shawn without being suspicious." She declared with full of assurance.     

She was actually glad that Dean also trusted her for this kind of favor. Now she knew the reasons behind those pains in Shawn's eyes.     

"Are you sure? I mean, that man, Shawn, he grew up in a different environment. He was raised to bring our family down. I'm sure Old Man Skull had brainwashed him well or made him believe a lie for him to hate our family. Do you think you'll be safe with him? Because I could guarantee you how dark that man's past was. I'm even confused right now, what to feel for him if he is truly a part of our family." Dean opened up with a disturbed voice.     

Denise placed her hand to his shoulder and looked at him with narrowed eyes, "You know what? You should practice calling that Shawn big bro soon because my gut feeling is always right. I'm sure he's your big bro too. And don't worry about me, he won't do any harm. I'm sure there's just pure misunderstanding like in dramas. Wait till we confirm that he's really one of your blood then we must save him. It's never too late."     

"I'm not sure if you're serious or joking but I like your humor. Too bad my heart is already taken because if not I might try to steal you from Shawn." Dean said in a jest and laughed.     

Denise was an amazing woman, he could say and he was comfortable with her like a sister.     

"Hmp, you're not my type, you're too jolly for me." Denise answered, laughing also.     

Then she suddenly became serious as she speaks, "Shawn might had a dark past or most probably still in the dark right now but I will try my best to help him get the light he needs in the future."     

*Cough... *Cough...     

Dean almost choked to his drink when he heard Denise's last sentence. It was like she was a lover who was making a vow...     

"Ahm... You like that guy? Because it sounded like you do and you wanted to help him." Dean asked with slight uncertainty in his tone.     

Denise just laughed and winked at him...     

"Before you meddle with my love life brother, I think you need to fix yours first. Because your woman, has been throwing daggers to me and you for fifteen minutes now." She said grinning as she pointed her lips to his right side.     

"What?!" Dean blurted out and turned his head to look at where Denise's lips were pointed.     

His eyes widened when he saw Rita's dark eyes that was glaring at him. Her face was so gloomy.     

"I think you need to pacify that jealousy and clear things with her. She's been there for some time and I'm sure she saw me touching your shoulder and how you smiled adorably to me." Denise added with a teasing voice.     

"You think she's jealous? I mean are you sure?" Dean asked her and looked at Rita's area once more but she was not there anymore. She left her colleague who was still eating.     

"Well, yeah 100%... See how she walked out on her friend after you noticed her? She wanted to hide her irritation and embarrassment. Anyway, what are you still doing here? Geez go run after her or she'll hate you..." Denise advised as she sipped on her drink.     

She smiled and nodded when Dean quickly bid his farewell and ran to go after Rita.     

Denise got her phone and called Shawn's number. The last time they went out, she was brought to various places, not so good places to be précised.     

He was trying his best to shoo her away from him. He was trying to show her how ugly his world in reality to turn her off.     

She chuckled alone as she shook her head. "What a stupid man! I can't be discouraged by those things easily." She murmured as she tried to call him once more.     

Her curiosity was even growing because of what he was doing. She did not know why but she wanted to help him. She's not sure too if it's pity or what.     

But whatsoever, she wanted to pull him out of that darkness. If she could, she wanted to become his light.     

"Hmm, he's trying to ignore me now?" she muttered with an arched eyebrow.     

Then she smiled mischievously and sent him a text messages instead.     

[Meet me in one hour at my bar near your office because if you don't, I will drink alone and go out with the first man who will approach me... It will be your fault if I'll be dragged to a scandal. I'll tell the media that my fiancée was ignoring me.]     

[P.S. I go crazy when drunk. Who knows? I might end up sleeping with other guy who might take an advantage of my drunkenness. And it will be your fault entirely. You're not taking care of your fiancée remember?]     

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