The Alchemists



It is not something to be taken lightly. Rose was very worried about Rune's mother's safety. It would be better if they visited after Finland gave birth to make sure that she was healthy and ready to meet guests.     

Rose couldn't imagine herself in Alexis and Rune's shoes, it must have been worrying to see their aging mother being pregnant like this.     

Meanwhile, Rune just smiled at Rose because he understood that this girl didn't know that their family members were immortal. Finland was not young for regular human standards, but she being pregnant was really not a problem. It's just that their parents would certainly have to make some efforts to prepare for childbirth and take care of the baby.     

The last time they had a baby was over forty years ago, when Rune was born. So, whatever skills they had back then must be rusty and needed sharpening.     

"It seems I was too excited to take you to meet my parents." Rune chuckled. "Maybe after receiving the news that my mother give birth, then we can prepare for a joint visit to Germany."     

"Besides that, you can also directly meet our new sibling," added Alexis. She was happy to see the interaction between Rose and Rune seem very friendly and warm. She thought that Rose and Rune really got along so well. Her heart felt warm at the thought of her brother finally getting his happily ever after.     

"Ohh... that's a great idea, our vacation could be more fun than originally planned!" Rose nodded her head with a smile.     

"Right, finally I'm not the youngest anymore. Hahahaha..." Rune added. "I don't complain though. It's great being the youngest. Everyone adores me. But, I am ready to pass the torch."     

To those of the Alchemist clan, age was just a number. Their youngest siblings would only be a child for a short time. In the blink of an eye, s/he would grow into an adult. Twenty years would pass in a flash. And when that time came, they would all be friends as adults.     

Dinner was closed with crisp laughter and jokes.     


After returning from dinner at the Linden's mansion, Rose and Rune arrived in front of their apartment building in the East Village.     

Rune got out of the private car the Linden family had prepared to drop them off and he waited for Rose by the door.      

The young man then reached out his hand to help the girl out of the car.      

"Rose, since we're still in front of the apartment lobby door, how about doing some shopping before going home?" he asked Rose.     

"Oh, we're going to buy ingredients for tomorrow?" Rose asked Rune with a faint smile. The man nodded. Rose shrugged. "Sure, why not?"     

Rose then got out of the car and held Rune's hand. They fastened their coats, then walked left toward the block next door to the organic supermarket where Rune used to shop in the past.     

The man had already decided to cook something simple for their breakfast tomorrow morning. He could search for simple recipes on his cell phone and cook something simple but delicious to impress Rose.     

Oh.. or maybe they could make breakfast together? It would be really fun and romantic. Rune smiled warmly at the thought of it. In addition, this was the right time to spend more quality time with Rose.     


The next morning, Rose woke up just as the sun had just appeared. She had a good night's sleep last night in Rune's embrace.      

However, knowing that Rune was not on the bed, Rose immediately freshened up and went down to the kitchen for breakfast.     

When Rose went to the kitchen counter, she saw Rune preparing some ingredients. She hugged the man's waist and whispered, "Good morning."     

"Oh, good morning, Rose." Rune smiled broadly when he saw his girlfriend's presence. "You woke up on time. I was just about to prepare some ingredients."     

"Let me help you, Rune." Rose then walked over and stood beside Rune and kissed his cheek.     

Rune and Rose then spend a romantic time together making a simple but delicious breakfast.      


This morning passed with a warm and pleasant feeling. Time flew by just like that. None of them felt the clock was ticking. They really took things slowly and in a relaxed manner.     

In the afternoon, after they had breakfast, Rose and Rune occupied themselves with the things they enjoyed. Rune read some scientific journals, while Rose went back to painting.     

As spring entered, the two decided to spend a lot of time outside because the air was not too cold and the flowers were blooming beautifully.     

"Rose, I'm going to my uncle's lab today. I need to enter some data that's been gathered from the Amazon and do some research that I've been out for a long time."     

"Oh, that sounds like fun," said Rose.     

"Well.. I've been away from my job for a while," Rune added. "I might as well go back to spending a lot of time in my uncle Aldebar's lab in New York."     

"It's okay," Rose replied with a smile. "I'll also be going to Central Park often to paint. Spring is a great time to paint outdoors with a new atmosphere and lots of flowers blooming. I can get a lot of objects for painting."     

Rune was happy to hear Rose's enthusiasm. "Okay. Later in my spare time or if my work finishes early, I'll visit you in Central Park."     

"That's fine, I'd be very happy to have you with me," said Rose. She accepted Rune's offer well. "If you want to come, better come at lunchtime. We can eat outside. I'll bring some picnic gear."     

"Ah, you're right. That sounds lovely," said Rune who immediately imagined a picnic with Rose. Of course, it was going to be fun. The weather was cool, and they could also talk about their plans while eating on the grass. That would be great!     


Rose walked to the nearest subway station and took the train to Central Park. The air was very cool, but not too cold. So she didn't need to wear a thick coat.     

The atmosphere in Central Park that morning was very pleasant, the sun was also shining very brightly. Many people took their dogs for walks. Others pushed strollers and took their children to see the outside world.     

The trees in the park have begun to show their leaves, as well as the flowers that decorate the park. It's a sight that made the heart feel at peace. Rose chose to find a place where there weren't too many visitors.      

She then prepared her painting equipment and found a place under the shade of a large and lush tree. Rose began to observe her surroundings, trying to find an interesting object to draw.     

Rose found a mother and daughter sitting and enjoying the view of the swans swimming in a lake. The sight warmed her heart and Rose decided to paint them. However, they left the place before Rose could make their sketch.     

She then looked for a new object. It was quite time-consuming to find suitable objects because there were so many people spending time in Central Park. Some came and some went. Finally, Rose found an interesting object that reminded her of Rune, namely a couple who looked intimate.      

After finding a couple sitting by the lake with their backs to her, Rose worked swiftly. Her hands were nimble as they danced on the canvas to make sketches in preparation for the couple's painting.     

Seeing their harmony after she finished capturing them in the painting, Rose couldn't stop thinking about Rune and what he was busy doing. Time flew by so quickly when she was having fun. Suddenly, was already lunchtime and Rune came to visit Rose.     

Rune's arrival was warmly welcomed by Rose. They then spread the picnic blanket on the grass. Rune also brought food for them. The two of them finally enjoyed a quiet and peaceful lunch with a sandwich.      

After they were full and had enough of the view, Rune packed their picnic blanket and Rose took her painting equipment. The two of them decided to go back to the apartment.     


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