The Alchemists

Rune's Dilemma

Rune's Dilemma

Meanwhile, Rune walked towards the kitchen to get a bottle of cold wine from the fridge. He then went to the balcony and sat next to Rose, who occupied the small sofa in the corner.     

Rune poured wine into a glass for Rose and then poured himself a drink. He then put the bottle of wine on the table before briefly telling her what happened during his family vacation.     

The two of them enjoyed the wine while talking.     

"Our vacation on the family island was great. JM and her boyfriend announced their engagement," said Rune.     

"Oh, really? Wow… that's wonderful," said Rose.     

She could just send a congratulation note to JM's social media account.     

Rune nodded. "They have been in a relationship for more than 10 years since they were both 16 years old. Finally, they announced that they would marry next year."     

"Wow... I have to congratulate them," said Rose enthusiastically.     

"Well, we can congratulate them when they get back to New York. Their parents live here, you know. We can have dinner with them sometime."     

Rune just smiled, seeing Rose's reaction. Ahh.. he remembered that when he went on vacation with his family, he was in despair because he kept thinking about Rose when Altair and JM announced their engagement. He was heartbroken but had to look happy for his nephew's luck in romance.     

Now Rune didn't have to feel left out. Since Rose had accepted his love, later, he could also propose to Rose and plan their wedding.     

"What about your mother?" Rose asked again. "If I remember correctly, at that time you said she was pregnant?"     

"Oh, yeah… you remember that." Rune chuckled. "My mother's pregnancy is fine. My brother, London, and his wife are also expecting their new baby. In a few months, I will have a new nephew or niece, and at the same time... a younger sibling… ahahaha."     

Rose also laughed at Rune's words. She understood Rune's dilemma. At his age, it would be difficult to accept the fact that his mother was about to give birth to a new baby, and he would soon become a big brother.     

After being the youngest child for four decades, it's time for Rune to pass the torch to a new kid. Ha. He was not sure how he would handle being a big brother at this age. Perhaps, he just needed to get used to it, just like his mother needed to get used to the fact that she would be having a baby at 70.     

"That must be a lot of fun to have siblings," said Rose. "I'm an only child, so I always feel lonely."     

Rose suddenly fell silent. When she remembered her lonely childhood, she thought of Leon. In the past, Leon was her best friend, when she felt lonely because her parents had no other children. They grew up together. Her relationship with Leon became so close that they both fell in love.     

Ah, she better get rid of Leon from her mind as much as possible. Leon was now a part of her past. If she brought up the man, maybe Rune would feel offended or jealous.     

Rose then decided to change the subject. "You and your older siblings are quite far apart, aren't you? But you all have such a great relationship. It's so admirable."     

"Huh? Why do you say that?" asked Rune.     

A moment later he immediately realized what Rose meant. He pinched himself. Of course, Rose thought he was much younger than his two older siblings because Alexis already had adult children. This year, Vega and Altair turned 26 years old.     

Rose must have guessed that Rune was the same age as her nephew and niece since he looked so young. So, she concluded that Rune and Alexis were very far apart in age.     

Uff... if Rose found out that Rune was actually 42 years old now... would that girl feel turned off? Rune had never felt so insecure with his age until he fell in love with a regular human.     

"Well, our family is really close. We stay connected even though we are separated by distance and time.. hehehe," said Rune with a chuckle. He scratched his head even though it wasn't itchy. He instantly felt awkward at the mention of age.     

He gripped his wine glass and looked at Rose deeply. Would he be able to reveal all his secrets now? Was this even a good time?     

Wasn't his relationship with Rose still relatively new? Well, if he shared his secrets with her now and it turned out Rose couldn't accept his situation... was Rune ready to say goodbye?     

Ahh... it was so hard. Rune just got her back. He couldn't bear to have his heart broken again in such a short time.     

"Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Rose with furrowed brows.     

Rune smiled and shook his head weakly. "Nothing. You're so beautiful, and I feel very lucky to have you."     

Rose looked down with blushed cheeks. "Is this a pickup line?"     

"No, it's not... I'm just being honest," Rune insisted.     

"Hmm... okay," said Rose. She put down her wine glass on the table beside the sofa and moved to sit on Rune's lap.     

The young man felt his chest pounding violently as Rose's soft body pressed against his. The girl's distinct scent filled his nostrils. He really liked the scent of roses that Rose always wore, it suited her perfectly.     

He put his glass on the table as well and wrapped his arms around Rose's waist. They then hugged warmly for a while.     

Right at that moment, Rune realized that he still didn't have the courage to reveal his family's secret to Rose. Now was not a good time. This relationship was very new. He didn't want to fuck it up so soon.     

Rune realized he still needed more time to judge whether Rose could really accept him or not. He looked at the girl with a smile. "Thank you for having me back into your life. I am very happy."     




From Missrealitybites:     

I delayed writing this book because I thought I had to write a snusnu chapter for Rose and Rune. I just couldn't do it, and I was not sure why. I finally found the answer. It's in the next chapter.     

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