The Alchemists

This Is So Tiring

This Is So Tiring

Leon looked at Rune without blinking. Dammit. He hated his position tonight. After doing so much to get approval from his father that he so craved, that he sacrificed his own happiness by leaving Rose... he was still a nobody.     

Leon hated himself for not being able to talk back to the man in front of him. As a man, shouldn't he defend his wife and kicked Rune and the Schneider family from his OWN wedding reception?     

Unfortunately, Leon could only say, "Understood, Mr. Schneider."     

Then he bowed his head slightly and excused himself. He didn't even look at Rose when he left them. His treatment made Rose's heart feel hurt. Why did Leon suddenly act like Rose was not there?     

After they broke up two years ago, they could at least maintain a civil attitude toward each other whenever they met, but tonight... he was so cold and distant.     

Rose was hurt and deep inside she wondered what did she do wrong?     

Rose didn't understand that it was not her fault. Leon's  pride was hurt and he was too embarrassed to even look at Rose. The woman he loved whom he ditched for power and wealth, now found another man who had more than him.     

It was true that the Schneider was not royalty, but in this modern era, money held more importance than a title. Besides, rumors had it that this family was actually related to an aristocratic family in old Prussia or now modern Germany.     

While Leon.... he might be the crown prince of this small kingdom, but everyone knew him as Duke Fournier's bastard who was conceived during an affair with a maid.     

No, even if they knew his real father was actually the king himself, it still did not change the fact that he was a bastard.     

No matter what, that's who he was. He could pretend to be royalty by getting the acknowledgment, and now he even married a real-life princess from the neighboring kingdom, but the fact remained.     

This knowledge always made Leon feel bitter. However, he never let it bother him... until today.     

Only now did he realize how much it pained him to see Rose moved on and be happy with another man. While he...     

He glanced at his wife and swallowed his own disappointment. Anne was not even his type. He only agreed to the betrothal for political reasons. He thought too highly of himself, thinking he could do this and think of it as his duty.     

He was a dutiful man after all. Ever since he knew his biological father was King Henry Camille, Leon just wanted to be accepted and he vowed to serve this kingdom with all his heart. Even if he had to marry a woman he didn't love, he would do it.     

He was inspired by the king himself. He knew King Henry loved his mother, the maid, but he upheld his duty as the heir to the crown more than himself, that he left the girl, his first love, to marry the noblewoman who was now his wife.      

Leon saw his father had learned to accept and loved his wife. They had been married for 25 years and became each other's better halves. Surely the same thing could happen to him, right?     

Anne was well educated, she was a princess and raised in a good family. She just had several flaws. Well, who didn't? Nobody was perfect.     

Leon kept telling himself those words over and over again. Anne was just jealous. That's why she did what she did. If she didn't feel threatened by Rose, she must have treated Rose better, just like how she treated Sarah and Lisa. Right?     

"Honey... what did they say?" Anne came and clung to his arm. "You seem to have a serious conversation with them."     

She glanced toward Rose and Rune. She could tell something happened because Rose now looked upset and Rune Schneider's face looked grim. She leaned her body to her husband and whispered to his ear. "Is he really from the Schneider family? How could Rose seduce someone like him?"     

Leon narrowed his eyes when he heard Anne's words. "Seduce? What do you mean? Rose is not that kind of woman."     

"Tch... Of course, she is. For someone who could harbor indecent feelings toward her own half-brother, nothing is beneath her," Anne snorted in displeasure.     

She added, "Now I am actually wondering if she intentionally got the wealthiest guy she could find to bring to our wedding so she could parade the man in front of you and show you that she has moved on."     

Leon became annoyed when he heard Anne's words.     

"Why would she do that? She doesn't need to parade anyone to me. She is my..." Leon wanted to lie and said Rose was his half-sister. However, he couldn't bring himself to say it.      

"I know she is your ex-girlfriend and you two were dating when you didn't know that you are actually half-siblings," Anne bit her lip. She was jealous and bothered by the fact, but she pretended to act cool about it. "I think she hasn't got over you and wants to make you feel jealous by taking another man to our wedding."     

"Anne, we broke up TWO YEARS AGO," said Leon impatiently. "She is allowed to date anyone she fancies, whether they are rich or poor. How long will you treat her as a love rival? Look, we are already married, and she doesn't even live in Bacilia anymore. She is my family. Why can't you treat her as such?"     

Anne let go of Leon's arm and she looked at the man with anger in her eyes. "Why are you shouting at me? Do you still have feelings for her? Do you still love her?"     

"I am not shouting at you."     

Suddenly, Leon felt exhausted. From the corner of his eyes, he could see the only woman he had ever loved, and suddenly he felt a pang of pain in his heart.     

Rose had never given him any attitude. She was sweet, caring, and thoughtful.     

Anne, on the other hand, was jealous, insecure, and petty.     

It was true that Anne was so young, She just turned 20 this year, so it might contribute to her being childish.      

Gosh... this was so tiring.     

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