The Alchemists

Terry Wants To Pay, But Can't

Terry Wants To Pay, But Can't

There was no sound from the phone. It looked like George was too dumbfounded to even say anything. JM had to wave several times and called his name before, finally, George responded.     

"J-JM? Is that you?" He finally asked in a stutter. JM laughed out loud when she saw his reaction.     

"Yeah.. it's me. How are you, George? I am here with Auntie Rose. She said you are a fan. So, I figure I should give you a call," the beautiful girl said with a big smile on her face.     

"I-I.. am a fan. You are amazing in every show!" George furrowed his brows. "Why auntie?"     

Rose quickly chirped, "No.. it's just an inside joke. Don't worry about it. Hehehe.. How are you? Sorry for calling you this early. I just don't want to miss the opportunity to have you talk to JM."     

George was still in a daze, but he managed to reply with a broad smile. His eyes still looked dumbfounded though. "No, it's fine. You can call me at any hour if it's for JM. You know how much I am her big fan."     

"Oh, George, you make me feel flattered. Thank you!" JM was really happy to hear George's obvious admiration toward her. "Where are you now?"     

"I live in New York," George replied.      

"Ah.. that's lovely! When I come to town, I mean if I have a show in New York, I'll invite you to come and we can have a drink," JM smiled broadly. Her words made George's expression seemed like he just saw stars.     

However, a moment later, her next words crushed his dreams. JM chuckled and said, "My boyfriend lives in New York too. I come to visit him every now and then. We should hang out next time I'm in town."     

There was a moment of silence around them. Rose bit her lip, worried about George's reaction, while Rune suddenly lit a candle in his heart for George. He had met the man and knew he was a kind guy who was just unlucky enough to have a crush on a taken girl.     

It was impossible for anyone else to get JM's heart as she had been harboring a crush on Altair for almost 15 years. They met when they were ten and had had a good relationship that soon turned into love as they became teenagers.     

And Altair was a good young man who had never even noticed any other girls in his life. From the beginning, it had always been JM for Altair and Altair for JM.     

Rune really couldn't imagine anyone could enter between the two. So, for this, he could only have sympathy for George and hoped the man would find another girl to anchor his heart.     

"Oh.. hahaha... your boyfriend is American? I didn't know that." George laughed awkwardly. "Yes, please.. let me know the next time you are in town. I would love to take you both to dinner."     

"Ah, you are so sweet. Will do. I will ask your contact from Auntie Rose and hit you up when I am in New York," JM smiled sweetly before ending their call. She waved like an angel and managed to melt the awkwardness on George's expression.     

"Thank you so much! I look forward to seeing you in New York. Bye, JM," George finally could smile again. He waved and then the connection was turned off.     

"Thank you for talking to my best friend," Rose smiled with a grateful expression to JM, and then she kept her phone back in her pocket. "George is a really sweet guy. He let me stay in his flat in East Village for free. His family is well-off and they gave him the apartment building to do however he pleases."     

Rune coughed when he realized Rose was still trying to put on a good word about George to JM. Maybe Rose thought if JM knew how rich George was, she could be tempted? Haha.. no way!     

Her boyfriend came from the wealthiest family in the world. Whatever it was that George had was pale in comparison to what Altair had.     

However, Rune didn't have the heart to say anything. He only nodded to confirm Rose's words. No matter what he must support Rose. "Yes, she is right. I am now staying in that flat with Rose for free."     

"Oh.. he sounds like a really nice guy," JM commented. "I will definitely contact him when I go to New York."     

Meanwhile, Terry squinted his slanted eyes, as he observed Rose. From what she said earlier, she was staying for free in an apartment owned by her friend. Did this mean Rose was poor?     

Now, Terry could totally understand why Rune was wearing those cheap outfits. He must be dressing down all the time to keep up with Rose's lifestyle.     

Terry could only shake his head. He had nothing against poor people or regular humans, but he really thought dating them was a lot of hassle.     

Now, Rune couldn't even be himself. How tiring would it be? And how long did he need to keep this up?     

Gosh... inwardly, he praised himself for not getting him in such trouble. Terry was an easy person. He didn't like hassles and conflicts.     

"Well... I think JM and I must continue our work. We were checking the area and deciding on where we should get the footage and et cetera. I will also meet my camera people tomorrow. I want to have a clearer plan before they arrive." Terry waved and called the waiter to come.     

Terry decided to pay for their meals since he thought Rune must be claiming to be poor and he didn't want to let Rose pay that much money for their lunch, just because she was local.     

"Let me get this one," he said with a smile.     

"Ah.. there's no need, really. This is my regular place. I will pay," Rose declined politely.     

"No, it's okay," Terry insisted. When the waiter came, he asked for the bill.     

The waiter chuckled and glanced at Rose. She then replied calmly. "Her Grace's family is the owner of this place. We don't charge her for eating here."     

Her words made Terry confused. He asked the waiter again. "Come again? I don't get it the first time."     

The waiter cleared her throat and pointed at Rose politely. "This restaurant is owned by Duke Fournier's family. Her Grace here is their only daughter."     

Terry batted his eyes for a good one minute as he looked at Rose, the waiter, Rune, and Rose again. Rune also didn't know that the restaurant where they were having lunch was owned by Rose' family. She didn't say anything to him.     

He shook his head and smiled faintly. "I also didn't know it."     

Terry finally nodded in understanding. "Aha. Okay. That was awkward... hahhaha. It's okay, then. Thank you. I will just say thank you to.... Lady Rose Fournier?"     

The waiter smiled and then took her leave. Rose did this several times in the past. She would take her friends here and they didn't know her family owned the establishment. When they wanted to pay, finally they found out the truth.     

It always ended up with a good laugh.     

"I'm sorry, I didn't think I need to tell you that my family owns this place," Rose said in an apologetic manner. "But, yes, the lunch is on me. You don't have to pay.. hehehe."     

"Ah..  thank you so much. This place is amazing and the food is great," Terry finally laughed. Usually, it was them who surprised people with their identity and their wealth.     

Today, he got to experience how it was like to be at the receiving end. It felt good. Now, he could see Rose from a different perspective.     

The girl was no longer a regular human from the lower class to him. She was actually a lady from high nobility! Whoaa...     

However, this didn't explain why Rune hide his identity as a wealthy man from the Schneider family. What did he gain from pretending to be poor?     

Terry didn't understand it. He could see why London pretended to be poor to get L's heart. L was a poor artist with low self-esteem. London needed to lower himself in status so L could feel confident in being with him.     

However, Terry didn't see such issues with Rose. The girl was beautiful, obviously very wealthy, and she was also a noble. A Duke's daughter nonetheless.     

So, why the need to cover up Rune's identity and pretending to be poor? Wouldn't it actually turn off Rose and her parents? Usually, people from the upper classes only wanted to see their daughter be with a man from the upper class too.     

Ah.. Terry decided to probe into Rune's love life and found out what was actually going on. Hehehe.. He always loved a good story because he was a film-maker. It would be interesting to get as many ideas as possible.     

"All right, Lady Fournier, thank you so much for the nice lunch. Next time, I'll pay. I will invite you both to a wonderful dinner," finally Terry rose from his seat and took his leave.     

"I would love that," Rose replied with a smile. She also rose from her seat, followed by Rune and JM.     

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