The Alchemists

I'm Having Fun, You Don't Have To Worry About Me

I'm Having Fun, You Don't Have To Worry About Me

"Are- are you sure?" Rune asked haltingly. He stared at Rose and realized that her eyes were gleaming with tears. The incident today must have shaken her because Rose was not ready.      

She came to Bacilia because she needed to keep up an appearance in front of the media, the Bacilian upper-classes, and of course, Leon.     

Rose would show everyone that she and Leon were on good terms, and she had a boyfriend that she loved. Her life was good. Then, she would say goodbye to her old life and started somewhere new.     

Rune came with her because he was in love with Rose and would do anything to help her. However, no matter how much he wanted to kiss Rose, he didn't want to take advantage of the poor girl.     

"Yes, I am sure. We have to look natural," Rose insisted. "This is a very critical period for our family, and the royal family too. I can't let any scandal destroy my family or Leon's reputation."     

Rune looked at Rose deeply and sighed. He was grateful that his family kept a really low profile and didn't have to care about what other people thought of them.     

The Schneiders were a very respected family in the world, both among regular humans and the Alchemist clan.     

They never had any problems with their reputation and could even go out freely without having to worry about their privacy. Not many people knew how they actually looked.     

Rune was a good example. Nobody among the regular people even knew who he was. Aleksis was under the spotlight once when her husband introduced her to the public more than a dozen years ago.      

He did it to extinguish gossips about him and many other women who wanted to take advantage of his fame and wealth. Also, to show the world that he was a changed man.     

London Schneider was known as the patriarch of the Schneider family and he led the family business in Europe. He led a public life but still managed to keep a low profile since people didn't even know he was married to L, a really famous singer, and have a daughter with her.     

Now, he had retired and disappeared from the public eye, together with L and their children, the teenager, Lily and one new baby on the way.     

The Schneiders never announced their children or grandchildren to the public, until the day they needed to take over the business, just like Caspar Schneider, his father, who was announced as London Schneider's successor in the Schneider Group.     

Caspar took a new name, Sebastian Schneider, and was now leading the business in Germany.     

On the other hand, Rune might never be announced since he was not interested in the family business and would probably never took over.     

That's why, Rune could have such an easy life and do whatever he wanted, go wherever, and be with whoever. No need to think about the news, gossips, or other people's talks about his personal life.     

However, such luxury was not part of Rose's life. From when she was young, she was already under the spotlight as the daughter of a wealthy and powerful Duke.     

Now, when her 'half-brother' was appointed as the crown prince and soon to be king, the pressure became multiplied.     

Whatever she did and whoever she was with would always be under scrutiny. Rune could only sympathize with Rose and tried his best not to make her life harder.     

"I will not kiss you," Rune said with a firm voice. "We don't have to kiss in front of strangers and reporters just to show people that we are in love and in a committed relationship."     

Rose batted her eyes when she heard the man. "What do you mean? I am really okay if you kissed me. We need to show people that we are real lovers..."     

Rune shook his head. "We can show people that we are lovers, but we don't have to go with the cheap way to show it."     

"If you think you are taking advantage of me... " Rose smiled faintly as she touched Rune's cheek. " don't. I am asking you to kiss me. I want you to kiss me."     

Rune chuckled and he took Rose to his embrace. "No, I don't feel like kissing you just for the sake of kissing. Like I said, if you are worried that I won't act in my role properly, don't worry. I will not disappoint you."     

Rune knew better than Rose that love didn't need a public display of affection to make it look real and sincere.     

He was surrounded by men who loved their wives and women who loved their husbands deeply.     

However, out of so many role models he had around him, only his father Caspar was used to displaying his love publicly.     

It was understandable because Caspar was a womanizer in the past and he enjoyed showing affection to his wife. The others were more reclusive and it was okay.     

Alaric never showed affection publicly. His family never saw him kissed his wife in front of them, except for very, very rare occasions, but who could say that he didn't love Aleksis?     

His gesture, his eyes, and everything he did show how devoted he was to her.     

London was slightly more open with his affection for L, but since his wife was a reclusive person, London didn't force his affection on her in front of many people.     

Altair, Nicolae, and Lauriel were the same. The most they would display was holding their partner's hands and that was it.     

So, no... Rune was not going to force the public display of affection just to make people believe he loved Rose.     

He loved her, and he didn't need to pressure himself and her to act excessively just to make people think he loved her.     

"Trust me... we don't need to kiss," he whispered and rubbed her hair.     

Rune wanted their kiss to be sincere and filled with love. Not just some meeting of lips in front of strangers to please the people he didn't even know or care about.     

Finally, Rose relented. Somehow, Rune's confidence rubbed off on her too.     

That's right. They could do it well in front of Rose's friends.  Surely they could do it in front of those nobles and reporters too, right?     

"Thank you," Rose let out a sigh. She closed her eyes and let her head rested on the man's chest as he kept embracing her.     

There was silence for five minutes. Only the cool breeze and the sounds of leaves rustle could be heard, and each other's heartbeats.     

It was very peaceful.     

Rune and Rose spend a good one hour in Reverand Hill and talked about the country's history, and more details about the royal family. Rune tried to remember everything he needed to know so he could play his part well.     

"I think we should go back now," Rose decided. She took out her phone to check the news. The royal gala should start in two hours. There must be many news articles about it now, she thought.     

She had postponed checking the news after they arrived in Reverand Hill because she didn't want to feel upset. She needed to calm down and feel better before she could face another blow.     

Those reporters must have written some stuff based on Sarah Miller's statements today. Rose must know what it was, so she could counter it.     

"Gosh..." Rose's eyes turned round when she opened the internet and checked some news sites on her phone.     

"What is it?" Rune came to her side and saw her phone screen. "Did they slander you again?"     

"No... but..." Rose looked up at Rune and bit her lip, looking obviously annoyed. "They went to my house and harassed my mother to give a statement."     

"Oh.. what did they want?" Rune asked.     

"They all wanted to know from my mother's own lips that Leon and I were dating in the past."     

"Did your mother say anything?"     

"Of course not. She sent securities to kick those reporters out of our gate, but now people become suspicious... ugh!" Rose massaged her temple and tried so hard to hold back her tears. "Sarah Miller! I hate you!"     

"What do you want to do? People already heard about the rumors. You must set things straight," Rune advised her.     

"Yeah, you are right. I have no choice but come to the royal gala and introduce you. If I didn't come, like what I planned initially, they will think that the rumor is true," Rose clenched her jaws and gripped her swing hard.     

"Okay. What time is the gala?" Rune asked her.     

"It's in one or two hours. I think we should go home now and get ready. It's okay to be late a little bit. It's better than trying to avoid it altogether," Rose finally made a decision. She held Rune's hand. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess."     

"Haha.. no, it's okay. I feel like going on a new adventure," Rune chuckled. "I am having fun. You don't have to worry about me."     

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