The Alchemists

Rose's Reaction

Rose's Reaction

"When I saw you in that cafe... I felt something that I have never felt before. I knew immediately that I have fallen in love at first sight, for the first time in my life," Rune added.     

"...." Rose was really out of words when she heard him. Her eyes went round and her lips parted, trying to say something, but she couldn't.     

"I always thought it was stupid and people make things up when they said they fall in love at first sight," Rune chuckled. "I guess, I got my karma. I suddenly met the girl who makes me want to do anything to be near her, right at the moment I saw her for the first time."     

"Rune..." Finally, Rose could let out a word. It was his name.     

"Yes?" Rune asked Rose with a playful glint in his eyes.     

He thought things went better than he expected. So far, Rose didn't show any bad reaction. She was mostly just shocked.. but her gestures didn't indicate that she felt betrayed or wronged.     

"I... don't know what to say," Rose said with a low voice. "Are you saying that... you are really Rune Schneider from the Schneider family? THE Schneider family? The one who owns the biggest conglomerate group in the world?"     

Rune shook his head. "No, we don't own the biggest conglomerate group in the world."     

"Wait.. what?"     

"It's my brother-in-law," Rune said with a smile. "He owns the biggest conglomerate group in the world. You've met his kids in Central Park."     

Rose furrowed her brows, trying to remember the meeting in Central Park. Was it.... the meeting with the twins?     

"Do you mean the twin boys?" she asked him. "Ireland and Scotland?"     

"Yes. They are Scotland and Ireland Linden. Their father is Elios Linden. My older sister is married to him." Rune wanted to pinch Rose's nose because the girl looked so cute with the expression of shock plastered on her face.     

Rose looked baffled and her face was filled with disbelief. She stared at him with rounded eyes.     

"B-but.. I thought your sister is married to a head of mafia..." she blurted.     

"What makes you say that?" Rune couldn't believe what he heard. How could Rose think Elios was a mafia? Did she have a sixth sense?     

Yes, Elios Linden or Alaric Rhionen was now a respectable businessman, but in the past, he was an assassin, a king of the underworld. So, thinking that he was a mafia was not too far from the truth.     

"The numerous bodyguards," Rose replied. "I figured the twins' father must have a lot of enemies, that's why he always makes sure that his sons are protected by over a dozen bodyguards."     

"Aha... got it!" Rune nodded. He admired Rose's intelligence. This girl was truly the perfect woman. Not only she was beautiful, had a great personality, she was also very smart.     

Rune could imagine that when they had kids together, the kids would definitely be smart and beautiful like Rose.      

"Hey..." Rose had to wave in front of Rune's face because the man didn't seem to hear her words. "Are you daydreaming?"     

She noticed that Rune often had that silly smile on his face when they were having a conversation like this. The man smiled sheepishly and shook his head.     

Of course, he wouldn't tell her that he was daydreaming about their life and kids together in the future.     

It would be embarrassing.     

"Did you say something?" Rune asked Rose with a smile.     

"I was asking you.. so your sister is really married to the owner of RMI? She is not married to a mafia boss?" Rose repeated her question that she had uttered while Rune was daydreaming.     

"Yes. She is Aleksis Schneider, Elios Linden's wife. I think you might have heard of her," Rune replied.      

Rose was deep in thoughts. She remembered Elios Linden was very famous and everyone knew he married the only daughter of the Schneider family.      

So.. if Rune said Aleksis Schneider was his sister, then it meant...     

It meant...     

He was really Rune Schneider from the Schneider Group!     

This was so unbelievable!     

Rose didn't feel wronged or lied to, because she understood the reason why Rune didn't reveal his wealthy family background.      

Of course, the man must have done it to protect himself from gold-diggers and people who only wanted him for his money. Even though actually without his money Rune was already a package deal.     

He was really handsome, he was really smart, and he also had a nice personality. Rose felt clicked with him and had no trouble living together with him.     

He was not fussy, fun, and nice to be around. His wealth was just an added bonus.     

Not that Rose needed it.     

She came from a really wealthy family herself.     

Well.. it's true that her family's wealth was nothing compared to the Schneider's, but why would she need more money? What she had now was enough to last her several lifetimes.     

"Yes, I do have heard of Aleksis Schneider..." Rose bit her lip. "I know she is Elios Linden's wife."     

"Right...?" Rune rested his back on the sofa and his body became relaxed. "So, do you believe me now?"     

He loved this moment, so much. He could finally be honest to her. It was tiring to keep pretending to be someone he was not.     

If he could go back to being himself and still stay by Rose's side, it would be best. Somehow, it looked like Rose would accept him for who he was.     

"Please don't play a prank on me..." Rose begged the man. "To you, this might be funny... but I don't appreciate it if you lie to me now just to make me feel better."     

"I am not playing a prank on you,"  Rune said. "Uhm... what can I do to make you believe me that I am really Rune Schneider?"     

"I.. I just never heard of you before. I don't know The Schneiders have a son like you," Rose admitted. "I don't know.. this all seems so crazy!"     

"Ohkay..." Rune massaged his temple. Apparently Rose didn't trust him?     

What should he do to prove his identity to her?     

"What can I do to prove to you that I'm a Schneider?" Rune asked.      

Rose crossed her arms on her chest and thought about something. "Hmm... I know Elios Linden's face. He is very well known. If you can show me your picture with Elios and the twins from Central Park, I will believe you."     

"Eh...?" Rune batted his eyes when he heard her. It was not easy to do since Elios hated being photographed.     

So, Rune didn't keep any pictures of them being together.     

Uff... what should he do?     

"Tell you what. What if we talk to Aleksis and Elios later today through Virconnet, and you can see Elios and the twins too. Will you believe me then?" He asked Rose.     

The girl pursed her lips. "Why not now?"     

"Well.. it's 4 am in New York now. They are still sleeping," Rune explained. "If I called them now, Elios might kill me."     

"You're joking! How could he kill you??"     

"Hahahha.. yeah, I was joking. But I really don't want to disturb their sleep. If you insist that I am lying and pranking you, without giving me the chance to prove to you that I am honest, then I have no choice but to leave. I cannot stay here if you think I am a liar." Rune stared at Rose intently. Somehow, this time, Rose felt her heart skipped a beat.     

She didn't know why, but today her view of Rune changed drastically.     

She felt flattered that this man, an heir to one of the wealthiest families in the world (if his words were true) was willing to disguise himself as a poor man just to be with her?     

Who would do something like that?     

Rune Schneider was crazy!     

"No... don't leave," said Rose with a hoarse voice. She gripped Rune's arm. "I will wait."     

Rune checked his watch and said, "Four hours. Will that be okay?"     

Rose nodded. "Yeah... that's fine."     

"Okay, then. You can come here in four hours and I will take you to meet my sister and her family." Rune said.     

"Thank you," Rose let out a long sigh. She didn't see any signs that Rune was lying. So... maybe he was really telling the truth?     

This was really shocking!     

"Btw, you haven't answered my question," Rune said when he saw her sighing.      

"Hmm? Which question?" Rose looked dumbfounded. She really thought her brain didn't work properly this morning that she couldn't remember Rune asking her anything.     

"Do you need a wealthy boyfriend or a poor boyfriend?" Rune repeated his question.     

"Oh.. that." Rose closed her eyes and thought about the question carefully. "Hmmm... I think, I need..."     


Rose opened her eyes and stared straight at Rune. "I need you... to be yourself."     

"Oh..." Rune was so happy to hear that, his smile curved up so wide. "That means you need a wealthy boyfriend? I am wealthy. That's who I really am."     

"Let's wait until you can prove to me that you are really Rune from the Schneider family," Rose said quickly. "If you are really him.. then, I will feel a bit relieved."     

"You'll see, in four hours." Rune smiled broadly as he took out his phone and texted Aleksis. When his sister woke up, she would know what happened and she would definitely help him.     

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